Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

Ōtaki to north of Levin update

9 September 2024


NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi, Muaūpoko Tribal Authority, local hapū of Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga and council partner Horowhenua District Council are working together to create a positive legacy for the region while we build a new, safer, efficient, and more reliable State Highway 1 (SH1) from Ōtaki to north of Levin.



Consultation opens on tolling proposal for new highway

Have your say on a proposal to toll the new Ōtaki to north of Levin (Ō2NL) highway.

The new Ō2NL highway will be a more resilient, safer and more efficient route as well as increasing transport choices for the area’s growing population.  In line with the Government Policy Statement for land transport 2024 (GPS 2024) we consider tolling for all new roads.

NZTA is seeking feedback on tolling the southern 15km of Ō2NL, from the on/off ramps at Taylors Road (southern half interchange) to the Tararua Road interchange. The northern 9km of the new highway would not be tolled.

Consultation closes at 5pm on Monday 7 October.


Map:  Tolling proposed between southern on/off ramps and Tararua Road interchange

Prices being consulted on are $2.70 for light vehicles and $5.40 for heavy vehicles


These prices would be the same rate 24-hours a day, and are in 2024 dollars.

Find out more about the proposal and provide your feedback  online by visiting:

Brochures with freepost submission forms are also available at your local library or council office.

Share your feedback with us by 5pm, Monday 7 October 2024.

All submissions and feedback collected via the public consultation will be summarised to the Minister of Transport. This will provide insights into the level of community support for the tolling scheme in the region. The final decision on whether or not to toll each road rests with Cabinet on the recommendation of the Minister of Transport.



More information


Visit our website www.nzta.govt.nz/o2nl to find out about the new highway and other projects happening in this corridor.

For more information on the Ōtaki to north of Levin programme, contact us at O2NL@nzta.govt.nz or call 0508 625 4636.