Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

SH1 Brynderwyn Hills recovery and enabling works

10 June 2024


Work on clearing the late April slip is now complete

What's been happening this week

Now that the slip has been completely removed at Kauri Tree Corner (zone F), the corridor is looking very different to a week ago. It is testament to the commitment of our crews working 7 days a week to get the closure work completed, ready for the road to open at the end of June.  

There has been an additional 60,000 cubic metres of earth removed from Kauri Tree corner which is equivalent to more than 3,500 dump truck loads taken to the fill site. In the photos below you can see the difference in the before and after, along with another taken from road level where the slip was completely covering the road only a week ago. 

Although we are finished with the earthworks at Kauri Tree Corner there is still a lot of work to do on the road itself. In the newly created shoulder, the pavement will be built, and asphalt applied, followed by line marking and guardrail installation. 

Pavement works are done in layers, with each layer needing to be tested and approved before we can move onto the next one. This pavement work was programmed to happen before the May reopening but was delayed by the slips in late April. We needed to wait until the slip was fully cleared and dump trucks are no longer driving up and down the road.



The images below are of zone E and Kauri Tree Corner looking south. The top image is taken in early May after the slip and the bottom image taken last week. Approximately 60,000 cubic metres has been moved and the hillside benched. 



The images below were taken less than a week apart. In the left image the slip is still covering the road and in the right image (taken last week) the slip has been cleared down to road level. 



Your questions answered

We’ve seen a number of people asking similar questions on social media and we wanted to provide you with a response to some of these commonly asked questions.


Will you reopen the road now that all the excavation is finished, and the slip removed at Kauri Tree Corner?

With the excavation at Kauri Tree Corner now complete, crews are moving forward on finishing the pavement and asphalt works on the newly created shoulder. Originally scheduled for late April/early May, this work was delayed due to the slips which covered the shoulder area at Kauri Tree Corner. Additionally, pavement and asphalt work in other areas was postponed until the dump trucks transporting dirt from the slip to the fill site were finished. This delay was necessary for safety and logistical reasons as the truck needed unobstructed access. We are on track to reopen the road by the end of June, provided there are no unforeseen issues.  


What can road users expect to see when the road reopens?

Prior to the slips in late April, work was always planned to take place in the newly created shoulder for a period of 8-12 months. Making the most of the extended full closure this has now been reduced to a period of 4-6 months. 

When the Brynderwyn Hills reopen at the end of June, road users will see crews continuing to work in the newly created shoulder to complete soil nailing and anchor installation, along with work on the downslope at zone E. 

A temporary speed limit will be in place for approximately 2km, until the final asphalt layer is laid across the entire width of the road. This must be done in the next pavement season when the weather is warmer and drier, so will be completed between October and December 2024. 


What’s happening with the long-term alternative for the Brynderwyn Hills?

The purpose of this recovery work project is to ensure this vital connection for Northland, for the short to medium term. Following the weather events of early 2023, SH1 Brynderwyn Hills would have been unlikely to survive the next severe weather event in its previous state. The long-term option is also being progressed. 

Earlier this year Minister of Transport Hon Simeon Brown announced an alternative to SH1 Brynderwyn Hills in the draft Government Policy Statement (GPS) on Land Transport. It was one of 15 roads identified as Roads of National Significance (RoNS). NZTA has now released our proposed delivery approach for the government’s 15 RoNS, including the Northland corridor as a priority, in the State Highway Investment Proposal (SHIP). You can read this document here

Minister Brown has confirmed that boosting economic growth and productivity is a key part of the government’s plan to rebuild the economy and it’s critical that we move at pace on the Roads of National Significance, getting people and freight where they need to go quickly and safely. The GPS will be confirmed by the Minister later in the year.  

NZTA are moving at pace to position ourselves for successful delivery of the Roads of National Significance.


Are trucks able to use the Cove Road and Paparoa Oakleigh detour routes?

During the closure we have three official detour routes. Trucks and trucks with trailers can use the Paparoa Oakleigh route but HMPV (High Productivity Motor Vehicles) must use SH12/SH14. Trucks with trailers cannot use the Cove Road detour between Mangawhai Heads Road and McLean Road but are able to use the route outside of this restricted area. 

We want to say a huge thank you to the truck drivers out on these routes who are continuing to deliver the goods and freight we need each day and share the road with care. We’ve received positive feedback from other detour drivers who have appreciated when truck drivers have pulled over, when it has been possible and safe to do so. Thank you also to all drivers for your patience and understanding when sharing the road, the truck drivers appreciate your friendly waves and toots, when they have pulled over to let you go past.



Key information at a glance

SH1 Brynderwyn Hills closed: planned reopening end of June 2024

Three scenic detour routes available:

  • Cove Road route: Turn off at Kaiwaka, use Kaiwaka Mangawhai Road, Garbolino Road, Tara Road, Cove Road, Nova Scotia Drive and connect back to State Highway 1. (Restrictions are in place for trucks with trailers on Cove Road between Mangawhai Heads Road and McLean Road).
  • Paparoa Oakleigh Road route: Trucks and trucks with trailers up to 50 tonnes can use this route.
  • SH12/SH14 route: HPMV (high productivity motor vehicles) must use this route.

Local routes contact

Whangarei District Council 0800 932 463

Kaipara District Council 0800 727 059

State Highway route contact

NZTA 0800 444 449



More information


For more information on the SH1 Brynderwyn Hills project, contact us at northlandproject@nzta.govt.nz

Visit our website www.nzta.govt.nz/brynderwyn-hills