The latest news & perspectives.
Evangelism Rally Ignites Excitement for Pentecost 2025
Over 100 gather at Lansing church for Evangelism Rally.
Workshop Enhances Sabbath School Ministry
Sixty people gather at conference office for Sabbath School workshop.
Midland Church Hosts Free Medical Clinic
Midland & AMEN host free medical clinic & serve over 130 patients.
Digital ministry resources.
Pastors Mark Howard & Kameron DeVasher share tips for studying & teaching this Sabbath's lesson.
The Nature Guy tells a story about a baby sloth.
Do you have questions about camp meeting? Check out this playlist for answers to all your questions!
Weekly Scripture songs to accompany Beginner, Kindergarten & Primary memory verses.
MISDA Kids has a fun 13th Sabbath quiz.
Attend a gathering that will enhance your life & ministry.
Hispanic Men's & Women's Retreat
Register for Hispanic Men's & Women's Retreat. April 4-6 at Camp Au Sable.
MiTribe U Conference, April 12 at GLAA, featuring power-packed breakout sessions & Jordan Reichart as the main speaker.
Soil Sister Women's Ministry Retreats
Women's Ministry retreats will be held April 11-13 & April 18-20. Registration opens Feb. 9.
Ignite your passion for evangelism at a transformative retreat, April 25-27 at Camp Au Sable.
Register your club for Adventurer Fun Day, held on April 27 at Camp Au Sable.
Soulmates Marriage Retreat
Register for Soulmates: Happily Rooted marriage retreat. May 2-4 at Camp Au Sable.
"Ye Oldies" Class Reunion
Cedar Lake Academy Alumni are invited to "Ye Oldies" Class Reunion, June 6-8 at GLAA.
Help Wanted at Camp Meeting
Janitors & children's division workers are needed at camp meeting, June 13-21.
Register for the Fun Run, June 16 at Camp Meeting. Register by May 27 for a t-shirt.
The Michigan Conference Education department is looking for dedicated educators.
Master Guides from across the NAD are invited to this historic camporee, Aug. 6-9 in West Virginia.
Click the banner to see this month's book & food sales.
Your go-to place for resources and information.
The latest news & perspectives.
Lake Union Governance Meeting Highlights Evangelism
Lake Union Executive Committee convenes for first of three annual governance meetings.
Revival Series Kindles Spiritual Renewal
Hundreds gather for MORE+ revival at PMC.
Andrews U Music & Worship Conference Unites Several Praise Styles
The conference provides discussion of meaningful worship styles.
Student's Perspective of Recent School Shooting
Freshmen reflects on her recent life experience.
The latest news & perspectives.
New Podcast Recognizes Adventist Women
They Also Served podcast features Adventist women pioneers.
New NAD Sabbath School & Personal Ministries Director
Bill Payne steps into new role after being elected by NAD executive committee in November 2024.
The latest news & perspectives from the General Conference.
Andrews U Nursing School Launches Free Blood Pressure Screenings
Local residents benefit from health screenings & education to help combat high blood pressure.
Youth Provide Assistance to Fire Victims in Peru
More than 100 youth partner with ADRA to provide assistance for victims.