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Children with Cancer
Cancer kills more children than any other disease in Australia
Watch our video to know more...

The Children’s Cancer Foundation has worked, for the past 30 years, to try understand childhood cancer through research and to make sense of the lives lost, and to prevent future incidents.

We need to know more about this disease, how it effects our children and how we can create better treatments, so that they can have a better quality of life, to be able to just be kids.

This is why your help is so important.

With your help we can fund the critical research and clinical trials that will change the course of childhood cancer forever. Donate today and join us in our vision.

Incase you missed it...

We turned Melbourne Yellow on the 1st of September to support the launch of Children’s Cancer Awareness Month.


Iconic landmarks like the MCG, AAMI Park, Rod Laver Arena, Crown Towers and 101 Collins lit up yellow for the evening, to show their support for our cause.

Let’s keep the love going through September. Together we can see the day children’s cancer is gone...

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