ALERT LEVEL: Advice - A fire has started in the area. Monitor the situation for changes. FIRE TYPE: Bushfire. INFORMATION CURRENT AS AT: 11/08/2023 17:30:00 STATUS: GOING - A fire which is s No images? Click here ![]() BUSHFIRES NT MESSAGE - ADVICE 11 / 8 / 2023 BUSHFIRES NT MESSAGE: ADVICE LOCATION: Tjoritja, SIMPSONS NORTH ALERT LEVEL: Advice - A fire has started in the area. Monitor the situation for changes. FIRE TYPE: Bushfire. INFORMATION CURRENT AS AT: 11/08/2023 17:30:00 STATUS: GOING - A fire which is spreading on one or more fronts. Effective containment strategies are not in place for the entire perimeter. RISKS FACED BY PEOPLE IN THE AREA: Smoke from this fire may affect visibility, Active fire may occur close to the roadside. WHAT TO DO: Conditions may change, monitor conditions in your area. Stay informed until threat is reduced. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: An uncontrolled fire in Tjoritja West MacDonnell National Park is currently burning to the North and East of Simpsons Gap extending East towards Alice Springs and to the
North West towards the Hamilton Downs Youth Camp access. IT IS EXPECTED THIS SITUATION MAY CONTINUE UNTIL: 12/08/2023 10:00:00 INFORMATION AUTHORISED BY: Incident Controller RESPONSIBLE AGENCY: Bushfires NT, Northern Territory Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security For all Bushfires NT bushfires information, visit RESPONSIBLE AGENCY: |