A round-up of the work SR is doing on your behalf Dear member, Scottish Renewables’ Offshore Wind Conference, sponsored by SSE Renewables, returned to the SEC Glasgow on January 25 & 26. The sell-out event welcomed more than 800 delegates from across the UK and beyond for a fascinating two days of discussions focused on exploring the big challenges facing the industry and how it can deliver successful projects with positive impacts for the economy, the environment and local communities. ![]() First Minister Nicola Sturgeon opened the event and told the conference that The Scottish Government will do all it can to support the success of offshore wind and its priority must be to intensify the work it is doing together with industry to achieve our shared ambitions of a "greener, fairer, more resilient energy system". The annual Offshore Wind Conference Dinner, sponsored by Crown Estate Scotland, saw more than 450 renewable energy professionals come together at Glasgow’s iconic Kelvingrove Art Gallery & Museum for a traditional three course Burns Supper and relaxed evening of networking. ![]() Thank you to our sponsors, supporters, speakers, exhibitors and delegates for joining us for this fantastic event. Amy Keast ![]() HM Treasury meeting Claire and Nick met with Treasury this month to discuss the implementation of the Electricity Generators Levy and changes which could be made to soften its effect on the UK’s attractiveness to international investors. The meeting followed a letter sent by Scottish Renewables and other industry bodies which called for an investment allowance to be included in the Electricity Generator Levy that is as generous as that of the Energy Profits Levy and capital allowances to match packages being implemented in the US and EU. It was made clear that the appetite for changes to EGL and its intention (to specifically target excess profit) is low, it is understood that there remains a possibility of a shift on capital allowances if we as an industry can offer workable models, and SR and other bodies will now be working to support this input. Economy and Fair Work Committee appearance Our CEO Claire Mack gave evidence to The Scottish Parliament Economy and Fair Work Committee on January 11 on how our industry is working to ensure the workforce of the future is in place when we'll need it. Holyrood engagement This month we continued our engagement at Holyrood and met with Stuart McMillan MSP and Martin Whitfield MSP. Media reaction: Draft Energy Strategy is ‘bold, ambitious and potentially transformative’ On January 10 The Scottish Government published its draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan which sets out government policy on the domestic production of energy, alongside a plan to reduce demand and build a resilient and secure future net-zero energy system. Responding, Scottish Renewables' Director of Policy Morag Watson said: “The Scottish Government’s draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan are bold, ambitious and potentially transformative pieces of work, and are to be welcomed as another important piece of the net-zero puzzle. “We are particularly encouraged by the government’s commitment to consult on increasing our ambition for offshore wind power and setting targets for solar and tidal and wave energy generation.” SNP Aberdeen politicians visit Fugro This month we organised a visit for SNP politicians in Aberdeen to visit our member Fugro which provides a broad range of survey, geoconsulting, geotechnical, environmental and subsea services both within the UK and overseas. At this visit we were joined by Kevin Stewart MSP, Audrey Nicoll MSP, Jackie Dunbar MSP, Richard Thomson MP and Kirsty Blackman MP. Net-Zero Energy Conference & Dinner Scottish Renewables’ Net-Zero Energy Conference, headline sponsored by EDF Renewables, will return to Edinburgh on March 21 & 22 and bring together leading experts and decision makers from across our energy system. Join us as we map out the policy changes required, examine the business opportunities - as well as the obstacles - which lie ahead and consider the system changes needed to enable deployment at the pace and scale required to achieve a secure, affordable and low-carbon energy system. Briefing: NPF4 and Renewable Energy in Scotland On January 11, the Scottish Parliament voted to approve the National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4). Minister for Public Finance, Planning and Community Wealth, Tom Arthur and Chief Planner Dr Fiona Simpson have written to stakeholders to update on the process for the final steps of implementation, which include the commencement of provisions under the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019, expected to happen on February 12. After this, NPF3 will automatically be superseded by the new framework at the deadline. The intention is that Scottish Ministers will adopt and publish NPF4 at 09:00am on February 13, at which point it will become part of the statutory Development Plan. Scottish Renewables, with thanks to Brodies, has prepared a Briefing: NPF4 and Renewable Energy in Scotland. Our analysis focuses on how the new policy will be implemented, positives and concerns rather than dwelling on genesis, evolution and changes SR successfully advocated for. Planning application fees Michael Matheson MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero, Energy and Transport has written to the Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee about the Electricity (Applications for Consent and Variation of Consent) (Fees) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2022. The letter provides detail on the impact of the move to full cost recovery under the Electricity Act 1989 and The Scottish Government’s approach to charges for public services. Get in touch with Mark if you would like to discuss this. Planning Conference 2023 Scottish Renewables' Planning Conference, headline-sponsored by ScottishPower Renewables, will map out the policy changes required, examine the business opportunities - as well as the obstacles - which lie ahead and consider the system changes needed to enable deployment at the pace and scale required to reach net-zero by 2045. Book your ticket at the member rate. We are encouraging delegates to book an additional event pass and to invite a local authority representative, council planner, council landscape architect, statutory consultee, reporter or planning student along to take the opportunity to engage with industry and hear some of the key discussions taking place on the day. Please contact Amy Lynch for more information. Onshore Wind Policy Statement There is now a fundamental sense of connection between the level of ambition in the NPF4 and the Onshore Wind Policy Statement (OnWPS), published December 21, 2022. Working in tandem with NPF4, the OnWPS sets out The Scottish Government's ambition to deploy 20GW of onshore wind in Scotland by 2030. Repowering Onshore Wind briefing Onshore wind is one of the cheapest and most scalable sources of energy, and is supported by around 8 in 10 of the UK public. In collaboration with RenewableUK and Energy UK, Scottish Renewables has released the Repowering Onshore Wind briefing. If you would like to discuss this, please contact Mark. Abnormal loads movement escorts and oversailing rights Scottish Renewables in collaboration with RenewableUK, facilitated the latest constructive Practitioners meeting between members, Police Scotland, The Scottish Government and hauliers on January 30, with the focus on situational project updates, actions and potential upcoming challenges such as the World Cycling Championships in Glasgow (August 3-13, 2023). The third Abnormal Loads Legislative Reform (ALLR) sub-group meeting also took place on January 30 to continue legislative reform, oversailing rights and long term solutions. In collaboration
with The Scottish Government, the ALLR led by SR, has developed Abnormal Loads guidance and a fact sheet available in the Onshore Wind Policy Statement (Chapter 7 and Annex 6). Media cutting: Onshore wind letter to The Herald During w/c January 16 a number of letters appeared in The Herald criticising the onshore wind industry and in many instances the letters were inaccurate. A response letter sent on behalf of our Senior Policy Manager, Mark Richardson, addressing these issues and the inaccuracies featured prominently in The Herald’s letters page on Monday January 23. You can read the letter on The Herald’s website. Sectoral Marine Plan and Iterative Plan ReviewFollowing the first Sectoral Marine Plan Iterative Plan Review and Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas decarbonisation joint steering group in December, The Scottish Government has now finalised the Compatibility Assessment. This is the first stage in the re-assessment of the Sectoral Marine Plan for Offshore Wind Energy and the Compatibility Assessment aims to determine which components of the Sectoral Marine Plan for Offshore Wind Energy and associated assessments should be updated. For more information, please get in touch with Amy. ScotMER Update The ScotMER Symposium took place from January 31 until February 2, showcasing recent, on-going and up-coming research into marine species and habitats. Scottish Renewables is awaiting announcements from the ScotMER team with the results from the November board meeting ranking the projects proposed through the seven receptor groups, and the publication of the evidence maps, formed through the receptor groups. Highly Protected Marine Areas consultation The Scottish Government published its consultation on Highly Protected Marine Areas: policy framework on December 12. This policy document set out by The Scottish Government describes the pursuit of developing Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs) to further the protection and restoration of nature beyond that of Marine Protected Areas. The Scottish Government has committed to designate 10% of seas as HPMAs by 2026 as part of the Bute House Agreement, with the target of reaching 30% varying levels of protection of Scottish seas by 2030. Scottish Renewables is currently collating the initial responses from members and a first draft consultation will be available in due course. Please contact Hettie if you would like to provide any further comments. Review of the Good Practice Principles for Community Benefit from Offshore Renewable Energy Developments Scottish Renewables attended the second steering group meeting for the Review of the Good Practice Principles for Community Benefit from Offshore Renewables Energy Developments on January 31. Ahead of the meeting, The Scottish Government circulated Regen’s recently published paper ‘Delivering Local Benefits from Offshore Wind Renewables’. The meeting focussed on community benefits and equitable distribution and emerging findings from The Scottish Government’s early engagement sessions. SMEIG Energy Recommendations Scottish Renewables submitted the SMEIG Energy Recommendations suite of papers to The Scottish Government on January 14. This paper was produced by the Scottish Marine Energy Industry Group (SMEIG) to provide advice to The Scottish Government in relation to the future of marine energy in Scotland. Scottish Renewables has since met with officials from The Scottish Government to discuss the next steps for the industry. Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan - draft Marine Vision Scottish Renewables was encouraged to see marine renewables recognised in the draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan as a key player in The Scottish Government’s net-zero journey, especially through the draft Marine Vision (pages 173-175). We will be establishing a short-term Policy Advisory Group to ensure that both the ESJTP consultation response and the draft Marine Vision accurately reflect industry views. If you would like to discuss this, please contact Amy. Spring Budget Together with other leading trade associations, SR has written to the Chancellor to highlight member concerns ahead of the Spring Budget. In our letter we urge the Government to use the Spring Budget to introduce an investment allowance to the Electricity Generator Levy as well as wider reforms to the UK’s capital allowance regime to match actions being taken by the US and EU. For more information, please get in touch with Andrew. Capacity Market consultation 2023 BEIS is currently consulting on proposed changes to the Capacity Market to improve security of supply, better align the Capacity Market with net-zero, as well as other changes. If you have any initial comments on this consultation, please contact Andrew. Media cutting: Electricity and gas markets Our Policy Manager, Andrew MacNish Porter was interviewed by Peter Ranscombe of the Press & Journal in an article which explored the possibility of separating the electricity and gas markets. Andrew explained Scottish Reneables favours developing the existing market over more radical reform and highlighted the urgent need to reinforce the grid. You can read the full article on the P&J website. OTNR: Revised Minded-to Decision and further consultation on Pathway to 2030 In July 2022, Scottish Renewables responded to a consultation on the Pathway to 2030 workstream of the OTNR, and in December Ofgem published its Revised Minded-to Decision and further consultation on Pathway to 2030. You can read our consultation response on the SR website. Energy Code Governance Reform Ofgem published a call for input regarding the Energy Code Reform which closed on February 1. Ofgem sought initial views on potential code consolidation as part of the approach to implementing the reforms. It also sought views on the content of the code manager licence conditions and the role of stakeholders in the new governance framework. We welcomed views from members on this call for input and it is our intention to write to Ofgem on this in the coming weeks. TNUoS group meeting SR in conjunction with RUK set up a TNUoS Workshop for members on January 31 where EDF Renewables presented its proposal for ‘Improving the predictability of TNUoS charges'. If you are interested in this area of work, please contact Stephen. Central Design Group - Holistic Network Design Scottish Renewables attended a CDG meeting of the Holistic Network Design (HND) on January 23. The topics of discussion were confidential, but NGESO is keeping developers updated through different stakeholder engagement sessions. If you have any concerns about the HND that you would like us to raise at these meetings, please contact Stephen. Green Heat Finance Taskforce work SR is a core member of the Green Heat Finance Taskforce (GHTF). This is a key area of work for The Scottish Government as by their own estimates it will cost at least £33 billion to meet Scotland’s 2045 target of net-zero carbon emissions. As heat accounts for just over half of Scotland's energy demand, decarbonising heat is crucial to make progress to net-zero. The GHFT aims to publish an interim report in March 2023 and its final report in September 2023. We have a Financing Green Heat Policy Working Group of SR members meeting quarterly to discuss related issues and contributing industry recommendations to this process. The next meeting on February 22 will be joined by Kit England, Group Manager of Glasgow City Council’s Green Economy Unit, to discuss the Unit’s work and area-based net-zero neighbourhoods. Please get in touch with Helen if you would like to attend. Heat networks consultations Scottish Renewables will be responding to two heat networks consultations which are currently live. The first set of regulations from the Heat Networks (Scotland) Act 2021 are being consulted upon, these consider Heat Network Zoning and Building Assessment Reports. The closing date for this consultation is March 1. The second consultation is on setting an additional heat network target for 2035. This consultation closes on March 11. We have set up a Policy Advisory Group meeting for February 9, 10 - 11:30am to discuss both of these consultations. Please get in touch with Helen if you would like to attend. ![]() SR Solar Vision workshop with The Scottish Government We organised a workshop in early February with The Scottish Government and the recently-formed Solar Policy Working Group to feed in members’ thoughts about the draft Solar Vision. This is included in the draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan which is out for consultation currently. Members are pleased with the increased focus on solar by The Scottish Government and how responsive they are to members’ concerns. If other members have thoughts about the Solar Vision or concerns that have not been recognised so far, please get in touch with Helen. Green Hydrogen Policy Advisory Group meeting We will be holding a Green Hydrogen PAG on February 7 at 3:30pm to discuss the hydrogen questions in the draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan. We will also discuss the BEIS consultation on Improving Boiler Standards and Efficiency. If you would like to attend or send any comments for inclusion, please email Helen. SG’s Hydrogen Export Plan In their Hydrogen Action Plan The Scottish Government stated that they will publish a Hydrogen Export Plan this year. This will inform the work of the Green Hydrogen Policy Working Group going forward as we would like to influence what is included in this plan. Contact Helen if you would like to discuss this. SR Green Hydrogen Position Statement The most recent meeting of the Green Hydrogen Policy Working Group raised the issue of updating SR’s Green Hydrogen Policy Position Paper. This was developed in association with SR members and contained many recommendations which have now been superseded by The Scottish Government’s final Hydrogen Action Plan. The Plan has taken on board many of our recommendations. The time is now right to update our position as the hydrogen sector is moving quickly. We will be discussing this at the next PWG meeting in April. If members would like to suggest revisions to our paper, please get in touch with Helen. Media reaction: Green Freeports Inverness and Cromarty Firth Green Freeport and Forth Green Freeport have been jointly selected by the Scottish and UK governments to become Scotland’s first Green Freeports. Responding, Scottish Renewables' Head of Energy Transition and Supply Chain Emma Harrick, said: "Scotland’s ports are national assets which are essential for the expansion of the country’s renewable energy industry, and particularly offshore wind power. We are pleased to hear that the two Green Freeports announced today by the Scottish and UK Governments will have green energy as a focus.” Offshore Wind Forum and Supply Chain Forum Scottish Renewables is hosting a joint Offshore Wind and Supply Chain Forum meeting for members on Thursday, March 9. Our Forums aim to facilitate engagement and networking across the renewable energy sector. They provide an opportunity for our members to share experiences, raise questions and discuss issues affecting the sector and its supply chain. Our supply chain work spans the renewable energy sector and this Forum meeting is open to members from all technologies including marine, hydro, onshore wind, hydrogen and low-carbon heat. Register to attend the online Forum. |