Ngapipi Road interim facility completed
In recent weeks you may have seen our crew installing the final road and path markings, which completes our work here.
With many more people travelling through the area, the interim facility on Ngapipi Road is much needed until the boardwalk in Hobson Bay is constructed, creating an alternative route. The 4.5m wide boardwalk will have smooth surfacing and low gradients making it a faster, more comfortable, and accessible route to take to and from Tāmaki Drive.
Ngapipi Road has been a challenging location due to its topography, high traffic volumes, importance as a freight and bus route and lack of available space for new facilities. Space allows for a one-way cycle facility only, and the footpath has been widened as much as possible within the available space and other constraints. If travelling north (toward Tāmaki Drive) people on a scooter or bike can use the uni-directional cycleway. If heading south, travelling on the outside edge of the shared path (further from vehicles exits) is encouraged. Please travel safely at appropriate speeds for a shared space while using the route, be prepared to stop at driveways and bus stops and if walking keep dogs on a short lead.
Our thanks to road users, people on foot and bike, locals and businesses for your patience over the last 18 months as we progressively completed work along Ōrākei Road, the connection to Ōrākei Basin Boardwalk, and Ngapipi Road.