Next steps
In the short term, Waka Kotahi, AT and Auckland Council will progress the following planning work:
1. A Detailed Business Case for ongoing busway enhancements (already underway by AT): This will develop a programme of busway enhancements to roll out as soon as possible. More information on these improvements will be available in early-mid 2021 once the Detailed Business Case is completed.
2. Strategic Transport Networks planning work for:
Phase 1: An additional rail-based rapid transit connection across the Waitematā Harbour. This phase will investigate the form (including mode) and alignment (route) of the new cross harbour rapid transit connection, including an understanding of timing.
Phase 2: Road and rapid transit. This phase will combine investigations of the wider rapid transit network on the North Shore with what roading system improvements should look like, when it is required, and how the new road crossing would interact with Phase 1. This will include assessment of seperated or combined crossing options.
Phase 3: Future proofing and route protection. This phase will seek to route protect the land identified as required from Phases 1 & 2.