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Zac Acott has been appointed as the new CEO for EWA. He has a Bachelor of Commerce (Sports Management and Marketing) degree from Curtin University. He is a positive, energetic and driven individual.
Zac’s first role after university, in 2012, was as Development Officer for Canoeing WA. The organisation had around 3,000 members, with funding coming predominantly from government grants as well as membership.
In 2014, Zac was offered the opportunity to join the Fremantle Dockers. Over the next four years he gained broad experience in a variety of areas that included membership, marketing communications as well as operations. In his final role, he reported to the Membership Manager, leading a team of seven staff.
Seeking career progression as well as more hands-on challenges, Zac joined Swimming WA in 2018 as a Competition and Pathways Manager. This role had a particular focus on high-performance and also events management. Reporting the General Manager, Zac led a small team in this role.
Zac joined Subiaco Football Club in 2019 as Corporate Partnerships & Business Development Manager.
Zac is excited by this potential opportunity to step up into a CEO role.
Zac has had a career-long passion for sports management. He is keen to utilise this experience in a new sporting discipline, and a role in which he feels he can make a significant difference for the benefit of the members

CEO Dwight Pedlow Farewell
Dwight Pedlow and the EWA journey.
I started at EWA as temporary CEO for 6 weeks in mid-July 2016 and was appointed as full time CEO 1 October 2016.
When I started the indoor arena was closed due to lack of maintenance and repairs, 40 plus light globes required changing, the taps for the wash basins in the bathrooms were mostly seized and the SEC looked tired. I did joke that there must have been a plan to issue candles.
We started to repair all that we could, lights, taps, cleaning , gutters, stopping the stables being flooded and worked on the septic blockages and then set about filling all possible weekends with bookings and if needed running our own events, before long all weekends had multiple bookings.
Many management functions had not been addressed, Fringe Benefit tax was not being paid, a review of HR policies identified that both EWA and SEC awards were incorrectly identified and more timely payments of invoices was established.
EWA had become an island and isolated from our stakeholders. I set about building relationships especially with Department of Sport and the City of Swan. I have on three occasions addressed the full Council on SEC matters and successfully obtained $403,183 in grants from the City, a first for EWA. I would like to thank councillors Rod Henderson and Charlie Zannino for their support.
Our relationship with DSR is now very strong and their support for both EWA and the SEC has been fantastic over the past couple of years.
There were several grants from DLGSC that had not been used when I first arrived so in the first 8 months we:
1. Replaced the front fence 50/50 grant and sponsorship with Horse Rails and Southern Cross Wire
2. Renovated the office with a solid ceiling, painting and new AC
3. Repaired all window seals
4. Reinforced the glass in the board room and office to meet standards
5. Installed over head fans in the indoor and fixed the indoor arena exhaust fans
6. Replaced the stable dividers in the original stables
7. Renovated the Caretaker’s house
We also applied for more grants
1. WA community grant for the new PA van, from Jessica Shaw state government. We partnered with Neil Zammit of All-Ways Caravan Hire who built the new PA van for $78,000 and donated the renovation of the old PA van.
2. We received a federal grant for 2 new sheds, one for the PA vans and the other for the storage of eventing jumps $40,000 with $20,000 EWA contribution towards the Eventing WA shed.
3. We have upgraded the GP field retic and new water pump with a CoS grant and re grassed the GP field.
4. City of Swan, dust suppression for arenas, grounds maintenance support and insurance.
5. DSR has approved a grant for Arena surface upgrades of $485,000 that will hopefully see the Indoor arena and Indoor warmup surfaces replaced.
The 2017 floods cause damage to the Indoor, loss of business, cross country course washed away and yards damaged, we successfully made a $230,631.52 ($29,000 EWA) that was mostly split between EWAP and WAYER, to rebuild the course with transportable fences and repair the water jump.
An opportunity was also made to include one of the RDA paddocks into the XC course giving it more room to hold long course events.
The National Polocrosse championship also provided the opportunity to clean up the cross country/Swan field’s area and remove years of stored junk and open up the crossing area.
In 2018 the City of Swan approached us to fence off the Waugal Lagoon that is now managed by the World Wildlife Fund as a significant wetland of the Swan River flood plain.
The SEC viability due to its age is an ongoing concern. In 2017/18 I drafted the SEC Redevelopment proposal. This required the review and compiling of a report for the next 10 years needs of the SEC, including capital works needs and asset management requirements. With this the fight for the SEC started.
To assist with time to make progress with SEC funding in mid-2019 DSR approved the repurposing of a $420,000 DSR grant for SEC operational support. Then Covid hit and fortunately we were successful in DSR Lotterywest funding of $300,000, Federal JobKeeper and Cash Boost. Without these grants I doubt the SEC would be open today.
The tragedy of the Wooroloo fire lead to the EWA fire fund raising $44,000 that was quickly distributed to applicants. EWA received a grant of $49,000 from Minderoo Foundation, Fire and Flood Resilience for camping facility upgrades with powered sites, lights and water. These improvements enabled BlazeAid to be home based at the SEC for 6 months to assist in the post fire rebuild.
We have continued the focus on repairs and cleaning up the SEC and grounds as best we can installing better services when possible: IT services, electrical services, roof repairs, arena improvements and a new electric indoor Rolla-Door, to name just a few.
The SEC consumes many resources of EWA in time and money and it is always a balance of resources.
EWA membership has grown from 2,314 in 2016 to 2,543 in 2021 a growth of 229 with the biggest growth area being 513 Adult and Recreational members. The number of Affiliated Clubs has also grown from 81 to 93 clubs, mostly adult riding clubs. This shows the importance of the new membership categories. Without these our membership might have fallen.
The development of the new membership categories of Adult rider and recreational was, I believe, my best legacy for EWA. This has provided growth and involvement of both Clubs and new members. The effect that Clubs have embraced the new members by providing Adult riding classes has resulted in a big win for all.
Over the past years the Show Horse committee has been re-established, Coaching committee and Welfare committee established a first in EA.
A large number of new policies and better governance when combined with member services has resulted in our DSR funding increasing from $120,000 in 2016 to $180,000 in 2021 with a possible increase in 2022.
The support I have received from the EWA Board, EWA/SEC team, Sport committees, members and my family over the past 5 years has made all the above possible. I wish EWA well for the future.

AND THE WINNER IS..............
The raffle has been drawn and the winner is....
1st Prize - Charity Magill
2nd Prize - Claire Ransom
3rd Prize - Melinda Atkins
A huge thank you to Bates Saddles for your support and the donations!
Total funds raised for High Performance Squads is $18,950.00 what an effort thankyou to everyone who bought a ticket!
The saddle brand of champions, Bates Saddles offer highly specialised saddles for every discipline
Underneath the finest quality European leather, you will feel the power of innovation. The instantaneous comfort, optimal balance and seamless contact with your horse enables full concentration on aids. Born out of total dedication to deliver saddles for sheer performance, Bates Saddles will raise your expectations forever.
Winners will be able to choose from any model in the Bates Saddles range, including the latest high-performance models, the Bates Artiste, Bates Victrix and Bates Advanta. View the full range of Bates saddles at

EWA Sport Fund ROUND 2
The EWA Sport Fund has been established to support EWA Clubs and EWA Organising Committees in funding State events/activities from Grass roots to Competitive level.
Funds are collected by way of a levy imposed on all EWA Senior and Junior Competitive members, Officials, Senior and Junior Participant and Adult Riding members.
The Fund supports events that promote high level events and/or grass root participation.
Funds raised in 2021 through Sport fund levies paid as part of EWA membership was $21,820. The funds raised in 2021willbe distributed in 2022.
Funds that were not allocated in 2021 have been carried forward to 2022.
Round 2 applications are being called to enable clubs to apply for grants for funds that were not allocated in the initial request for applications in 2022.
Total funds initially available, Competitive levies (2021) of $11,335for the Competitive Competition criteria with Dressage, Eventing, Jumping and Show Horse committees; each receiving $2,834for grants in this category. Participant levies (2021) of $10,485initially available for the Participant& Grass roots criteria with Dressage, Eventing, Jumping and Show Horse committees; each receiving $2,621for grants in this category.
Funds available for grants in ROUND 2
For more information click here

Meet the Community Engagement team.
The Community Engagement team is made up of five dedicated, diverse and passionate individuals who collectively bring a wealth of knowledge and experience from various sectors including education, health, and sport.
The role of the team is to increase awareness and understanding of the WWC Check; providing individuals and organisations with the knowledge required to better protect and support the children of Western Australia (WA), through workshops, webinars and consultations. One of the ways we get the message out about the WWC Check is our website and it's a good place to start if you are wanting more information.
We look forward to meeting you soon.



State Equestrian Centre - Arena Surface Upgrade Project 2022 Tender's Open.
Equestrian Western Australia is seeking tenders from suitably qualified individuals or business to provide a quote for each of the State Equestrian Centre arena surface upgrades options.
For a copy of the tender Scope of Works Click Here
Tenders are to be lodged by 5pm, Friday 6 May 2022 and sent via electronic mail to EWA CEO
Please note:
The General Purpose field is CLOSED due to some grass renovation. Apologies, but this means surrounding arenas may also be closed as it is a safety concern with them using heavy machinery. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Keep an eye on the website and social media for updates.
Arena Bookings.
You MUST have a booking to be on any arena or space at the SEC. If you do not have a booking do not enter the arena! Each arena has it's own booking slot, you can not book the Indoor arena and then go for a walk on another arena.
ALL arena's require a booking! You can book here.
A NOT SO Friendly reminder!
Dogs must be on a leash and under control at all times! This is a safety issue.
Casual Stable cleaner required, flexible hours available, email your resume to

In response the popularity of the Off the Track WA (OTTWA) Clinics we are proud to open the registrations for the first New Combination Clinic. This clinic is exclusively for horse and rider partnerships that have not been to an OTTWA Clinic in the last six months, ensuring the wider off the community the chance to join us. We encourage those who are not familiar with a clinic or competition setting to join their fellow off the track community members for a great day of learning.
Groundwork, flatwork and jumping lessons will be delivered by EA accredited coaches, accommodating for various horse and rider levels.
Registrations are now closed.
Not sure what an OTTWA Clinic involves, click here to learn more.

May – OTTWA & EWA – Great Southern Region
Equestrian WA and Off The Track WA are excited to be returning to Albany Equestrian Centre to offer the Great Southern Region another weekend of their very popular educational clinics.
To be held on Saturday, May 14th and Sunday May 15th featuring groundwork, flatwork, poles, rails/jumps.
As these fantastic clinics continue to evolve each year, we have decided to open up Day 2 of this clinic to All horses, therefore the format for this clinic is:
• Day 1 – Exclusive for OTTWA horses (OTTWA passport holders only)
• Day 2 – EWA Clinic – Open to all horses and breeds
Your EA accredited coaches for this clinic are:
• Colin Chantler – Groundwork, Flatwork Green.
• Liz Tollarzo – Flatwork Intermediate & Advanced.
• Pollyann Huntington – Poles, Rails & Jumps.
Nominate entries OPEN NOW.. Be sure to book your place NOW as this clinic will fill up quickly. Registrations close midnight Wednesday, 8th May 2022

May – OTTWA & EWA – Great Southern Region
Equestrian WA and Off The Track WA are excited to be returning to Albany Equestrian Centre to offer the Great Southern Region another weekend of their very popular educational clinics.
To be held on Saturday, May 14th and Sunday May 15th featuring groundwork, flatwork, poles, rails/jumps.
As these fantastic clinics continue to evolve each year, we have decided to open up Day 2 of this clinic to All horses, therefore the format for this clinic is:
• Day 1 – Exclusive for OTTWA horses (OTTWA passport holders only)
• Day 2 – EWA Clinic – Open to all horses and breeds
Your EA accredited coaches for this clinic are:
• Colin Chantler – Groundwork, Flatwork Green.
• Liz Tollarzo – Flatwork Intermediate & Advanced.
• Pollyann Huntington – Poles, Rails & Jumps.
Nominate entries OPEN NOW.. Be sure to book your place NOW as this clinic will fill up quickly. Registrations close midnight Wednesday, 8th May 2022.



CE/SSTA Course for EA Coaches
Equestrian Victoria, on behalf of Equestrian Australia, is pleased to be conducting a Coach Educator (CE) and Skill Specific Trainer and Assessor (SSTA) Course for EA Coaches.
After a very long break between courses, there is now a chance for you to become a Coach Educator (CE) or Skill Specific Trainer and Assessor (SSTA).
If you are a currently registered EA coach and have been so for no less than 5 of the previous 7 years (Level 1 for at least 3 years) you are able to attend this EA endorsed SSTA training course and if assessed as competent, complete the subsequent requirements to become a SSTA.
If in addition, you have been a registered Level 2 or 3 Coach for at least the last two (2) years, and have been a registered SSTA for at least the last two (2) years you are able to attend this EA endorsed CE training course and if assessed as competent, complete the subsequent requirements to become a CE.
Bookings are now open at TryBooking

Please be advised of the following that are now available on the EA website:
• Summary of EA Dressage Rule Amendments effective 1 July 2022 can be located on the EA website – HERE
• EOI’s are now open to host Major Australian Dressage Championships information & application form can be located on the EA website - HERE

Masters Of Dressage
Masters of Dressage Masterclass✨
Tickets for night two (Medium - Advanced) are selling fast!!
Tickets for regionals members to access the livestream are also available - postcode mandatory.
We hope to see you there, the bar will be open! 🥂🍾

High Performance / Next Gen Clinic
Phil Lever and Frida Lindgren are coming to WA to do a High Performance (Phil) and Next Gen (Frida) clinic on 27-29 May in the Swan Valley. We are very excited to have them over. Spectators are welcome and we will put more details on the Jumping WA Facebook page closer to the date.
Jumping Committee
A reminder to everyone that at all EA Affiliated Jumping events Helmet Tagging is now mandatory. There was a period of leniency in January and February and this period has now more

Autumn Pageant – 8 May
Riverside Advanced Feeds Gala Hack Day 15 May
Winter Gala – 12 June
HOY – 9-11 September
WAAHA – 8 October
Albany Horsemans 9 October
Perth Horse & Pony Club - 16 October
Workouts to the Stable Affairs EWA Newcomer are now available online here. The program is now on Cavaletti and Nominate
Autumn Pageant – program now on Cavaletti and Nominate
The Show Horse 2022 Handbook has now been updated and is now on the EWA website. Please read it carefully as some things have changed. Our three shows this year are:
Autumn Pageant (and Newcomer) on Sunday 8 May 2022
Winter Gala on Sunday 12 June 2022
Horse and Rider of the Year on Friday 9, Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 September 2022
Following on from the popularity of these two initiatives last year, the Show Horse Committee will again be conducting the Triple Cash Bonanza and Spot Prizes at its shows in 2022.
The Triple Cash Bonanza is a random draw for a prize pool of $1,000 for all eligible EWA members. To be eligible for the Triple Cash Bonanza you must attend and compete at the Autumn Pageant, the Winter Gala and Horse and Rider of the Year. Please note that competing in a Newcomer event does not qualify as not everyone has a Newcomer.
You are eligible if you own any horse or pony which has competed at all three shows. It does not have to be the same horse or pony. You are eligible if you ride and compete at all three shows even if you do not ride your own horse or pony. Your name will go into the random draw at the Show Horse Awards function to be held provisionally in November and you could win the top prize of $500, or one of four prizes of $125. Come along and support all our shows to be in with a chance for this great prize draw.
The random draw for Spot Prizes at the three shows last year was also a popular concept. One of our Committee members prepares these and they are drawn on the day of the show. Listen to the public announcements and you could be the lucky winner.

Brigadoon II - DATE CHANGE
EWAP would like to announce that Brigadoon II has moved from the 29th & 30th October 2022 to 15th & 16th October 2022 - Mark it in your calendar folks!

WAYER is the first event in the WA Farm Shop FEI Eventing Grand Slam for 2022. Horse and rider combinations in all * classes are eligible to earn points in this exciting Leaderboard designed to link the five FEI events held in Western Australia.
The Grand Slam has been designed to help raise the profile of FEI events for the benefit of riders and sponsors alike, to encourage WA’s national, international, and Olympic hopefuls with the kind of atmosphere they can expect at top level competition, and to help the five Organising Committees with additional funding needed to run an FEI event.
Results will be tallied after WAYER and the next competition will be Dryandra, followed by Wooroloo (Perth Horse Trials), Fairbridge (Southern Hills Eventing) and the final placings will be decided at Capel (Swan River Horse Trials).
WA Farm Shop is proud to be associated with the Eventing Grand Slam for the second year in a row and wishes all riders a safe, successful and healthy 2022.

Interschools is done!
Firstly, a big THANK YOU to all competitors, Team Managers, parents, helpers, volunteers, Judges and Officials and our valued Sponsors for making the 2022 Saddles Plus Interschool Equestrian State Championships a huge success.
Overall everything ran to plan and to time and for that, we commend the competitors for being on time to ensure classes did not run late. Our judges commented on the polite and respectful behaviour of all competitors which is a signature of our Western Australian equestrians. We have received some lovely feedback, thank you to those who took the time to do so.
We saw kids having fun. We saw smiling faces. We even saw parents laughing. We saw camaraderie and the love of horses. We saw the best.
The scores and results are currently being compiled to determine the Champion Riders, Schools and Teams.
The date of the Awards Night is yet to be decided but we will let you know as soon as possible.
If you have qualified to represent WA at the Australian Interschool Equestrian Championships to be held at the Sydney International Equestrian Centre from 26 September to 30 September 2022 and you would like to apply. Information regarding Interschool Nationals will be available shortly.
All Dressage Tests not collected during Interschools have been posted to you. We understand some people could not find their tests in the folders. We guarantee that all tests were placed in the folders and we have none floating around. Perhaps someone else, or a Team Manager, collected your test?
Any rosettes and prizes not collected have also been posted out.
Qualifying for Interschools in 2023.
If you obtained the minimum qualifying score in dressage or jumping at the 2022 Saddles Plus Interschool Equestrian State Championships, either as a Competitor or Participant rider, then you have most likely qualified for 2023 on the horse or pony that you rode. So keep a record of that and then you can easily submit it with your entry for next year.
Please note that the Qualifying period for the 2023 Interschool State Championships will be from 20 March 2022 to the close of entries for 2023 (likely to be mid-March 2023). Any events that you compete at between now and then that are conducted by EA officiated clubs or officials will allow you to obtain qualifying performances. Check the EWA website for the full list of events. This applies particularly if you start competing on a different horse or pony. So off you trot, support the clubs and events and good luck.

Equestrian Australia is calling for Expressions of Interest for athletes wishing to be considered for Australian team selection for the FEI Endurance World Championships for Seniors to be held 22 October 2022 in Verona, Isola della Scala (ITA).
The deadline has also been extended for Expressions of Interest for the Australian Endurance Team Chef d’Equipe role for the FEI Endurance World Championships, Seniors.
The deadline for both Rider and Chef positions is Friday 13th May 2022.
FULL details, including nomination forms and a position description, can be found at
Applicants must complete a nomination form for themselves and their intended horse/s and forward, along with proof of results, via email to Di Saunders, EA High Performance Sports Manager

Maleah Lang-McMahon Selected to Represent Australia at FEI Youth Equestrian Games
Four of Australia’s top young Jumping riders, Charlie Richardson (NSW), Chloe Versteegen (WA), Hayden Parker (VIC) and Maleah Lang-McMahon (QLD) came together last week for the final selection event to determine who would represent Australia at the FEI Youth Equestrian Games.
The four shortlisted riders, from the seven Australian athletes that qualified, were invited to the final selection event on 19th & 20th April hosted by EA High Performance and held at 'Bimbadeen Park' in NSW, owned by Eventing Olympic medallist Shane Rose and wife Niki Rose.
The Australian Selection Policy for the FEI Youth Equestrian Games can be found here.
About the FEI Youth Equestrian Games 2022
This historic event for the youth equestrian community will showcase 30 athletes, aged between 15 and 18 years, who will compete in both Individual and Continental Team Jumping competitions.
Following the postponement of the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) in Dakar (SEN), the FEI requested the IOC to organise an alternative event to be held in 2022. In agreement with the IOC, the FEI Youth Equestrian Games have been built around the same principles as YOG and will be organised to avoid young athletes being negatively impacted by the absence of the Youth Olympic Games. The event will also host a Culture and Education Programme established in cooperation with the IOC. Participants will compete under the same format used in previous editions of the YOG.
To view the full story please Click Here

May 8th SEC 7am-10am
May 15th Riverside 7am-10am
May 28th SEC SHC Classic 7am-10am
May 29th SEC SHC Classic 7am-10am


14 May - Avon Valley ARC - Hunter Trials Click Here
15 May - Peel Metropolitan ARC - Show Jump Training Day Click Here
22 May - Bakers Hill ARC - ShowJump Training Day
4/5 June - Gidgegannup EA - Working Equitation Click Here
18 June - Magenup ARG - Dressage & Show Jumping Series Event 2 Click Here
28 August - Wanneroo AEC - Dressage event - More Info soon.
17 September - Eastern Wheatbelt RC - Crystals in Kellerberrin Click Here

EWA gratefully acknowledges the support of the Department of Sport and LotteryWest.


Equestrian Western Australia's postal address is:
303 Cathedral Ave, BRIGADOON WA 6069
Tel: +61 8 9296 1200
Fax: +61 8 9296 1194
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email address.
Copyright 2014, Equestrian Western Australia. This material is protected by copyright. The owners of the copyright in this material reserve all rights. Users must not copy, reproduce, frame, transmit, link to or otherwise use any of the material, including audio and video excerpts, without the prior written permission of Equestrian Western Australia.
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