FIGHTING STIGMA AND DISCRIMINATIONEach year, March 1 marks Zero Discrimination Day, which aims to promote equality and eliminate all forms of discrimination worldwide. Globally, we are witnessing a surge of conflicts along with hate speech, intolerance and discrimination that not only affects people on a personal level, but also undermines inclusion, diversity and human rights in our societies [I; II]. People living with diabetes (PwD) often experience this phenomenon when they encounter stigma and/or discrimination associated with their condition [III]. Diabetes stigma and discrimination are usually associated with a “blame and shame” culture for which diabetes is seen as a person’s fault and the direct consequence of unhealthy lifestyle choices such as being inactive or eating too much sugar. These misconceptions often result from a lack of knowledge and understanding of a condition as complex as diabetes and the lack of awareness of some of its key risk factors such as genetics and the social determinants of health. At a personal level, diabetes already places a huge burden on PwD as it requires them to self-manage the condition seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Experiencing diabetes stigma and discrimination can further exacerbate this burden not only by taking a toll on their mental health, but also influencing their physical health outcomes when the sense of blame and shame and the fear of judgment prevent PwD from seeking the care they need to optimally manage their condition. At the structural level, diabetes stigma and misconceptions can also lead to unfair treatment and discrimination in areas such as education, employment, public support and funding for research in diabetes prevention, management and care. Education plays a crucial role in counteracting diabetes stigma and the impact it has on PwD and society by increasing understanding, reshaping language and fostering empathy.
IDF EUROPE YOUTH PLATFORMThe Diabetes Association of Serbia will Host the IDF Europe Youth Leadership Camp 2024! ![]() In 2011, IDF Europe launched the Youth Leadership Camp (YLC), an initiative aimed at nurturing a new generation of advocates and creating a strong pan-European network. Each year since, a group of around 24 advocates aged 18-30 from IDF Europe’s member associations have been invited to participate in the Youth Leadership Camp. Combining sports activities and interactive workshops, the YLC is an opportunity for young advocates to learn about different advocacy, policy and communications techniques, find out about the differences in diabetes care and daily-life realities across Europe, share their strategies on coping with diabetes, and learn from their day-to-day triumphs and challenges. This year, the Youth Leadership Lab will take place in Ub, Serbia, during the week of July 7-13. We thank the Diabetes Association of Serbia for hosting it! The call for applications to participate in the YLC 2024 will open on March 7. Stay tuned! Follow our youth accounts on Instagram and Facebook to stay up to date with the latest news on the YLL and our Youth Projects! MEMBER NEWSIDF Europe Webinar for Member Associations on the Upcoming EU Elections On February 9, IDF Europe, in collaboration with its public affairs partner, held a webinar for Member Associations on how to effectively engage in policy and advocacy initiatives at the national and European levels. We invite all our Members operating in the EU who were not able to join the webinar to contact if they would like to be informed about the content of the webinar and explore strategies to work together to make diabetes a priority for European action. ![]() IDF Europe Communications Toolkit for Member Associations IDF Europe released a Toolkit for its Member Associations which aims to provide background information on the Resolution on Diabetes adopted in 2022 by the European Parliament, the Declaration co-signed by IDF Europe and WHO Europe at the High-Level Technical Summit on Diabetes last November, and the Pledge on Diabetes developed with other EUDF Forum Members. The Toolkit suggests ways of leveraging these documents for policy action at national level. It includes: ![]()
National diabetes associations play a key role in driving change by raising awareness of diabetes and holding national, regional and local governments to account for their commitments on diabetes. The Resolution, Declaration and Pledge can only be impactful if governments are aware of their recommendations and calls to action. Achieving real impact requires the diabetes community to work together across all political levels. We trust that the Toolkit will help coordinate our efforts and those of our members to achieve positive change across the entire Europe Region. To request the Toolkit, please contact and Diabetes and Lipodystrophy - Call for Information to Develop Educational Resources The Italian Association of Athletes Living with Diabetes (ANIAD) and the Italian Association of Diabetologists (AMD) have been working for several years and publishing research on lipohypertrophy (LH) induced by insulin injections, a condition affecting almost half of PwD on insulin therapy. ![]() Lack of education on how to properly inject insulin is often the cause of high LH prevalence among PwD. Both the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the IDF Educator Curriculum stress the importance of acquiring skills for proper insulin injections techniques, yet several studies indicate that around 50% of physicians and nurses know little about LH, its clinical significance, metabolic consequences and how to prevent and treat it. Members are invited to kindly share their experience with lipodystrophy, any educational material they may have developed and activities undertaken, so as to contribute to the development of educational videos and booklets on various aspects of insulin injections. Adam Gyurcsik,, will be happy to receive your information by the end of March. IDF EUROPE NEWS, ACTIVITIES AND EVENTSIDF Europe Board Meeting in Brussels On February 2-3, IDF Europe’s Board Members met in Brussels to discuss the work plan for 2024, with a particular focus on the IDF Europe’s advocacy strategy ahead of the upcoming European Union parliamentary elections in June and the appointment of a new European Commission which will frame the opportunities for action on diabetes at EU level for the next five years. During the meeting, Board Members also officially nominated two new Special Advisors to the Board: Chris Delicata, President of the Maltese Diabetes Association and Cajsa Lindberg, Diabetes Advocate and Global Health Consultant. IDF Europe is extremely grateful for their commitment and support to the diabetes community and is looking forward to working with them as we develop new projects and partnerships to improve the European health system landscape. IDF Europe Country Profiles: Bosnia and Herzegovina and Sweden As part of our Centenary of Insulin campaign, we are releasing national factsheets presenting key facts about diabetes care, with the purpose of raising awareness and enabling policymakers to make better decisions when it comes to diabetes care. IDF Europe Twinning Programme As part of our Centenary of Insulin campaign, IDF Europe has been facilitating a dedicated knowledge exchange programme for all our member associations. ![]() The objective of the Twinning Programme is to build on national expertise and foster strategic collaboration between member associations to grow their capacity. By doing so, one’s strengths are used to support someone else’s needs. The Twinning Programme consists of one-on-one collaborations between member associations and a webinar series on key topics of interest for our members. If your association should like to be considered for the Twinning Programme, please contact IDF Europe at the ATTD Session on AI-Driven Clinical Decision Support Systems On March 8, IDF Europe Project Coordinator and Diabetes Advocate, Mia Bajramagic, and IDF Europe Chair Elect, Prof. Tadej Battelino, will participate in a session on AI-Driven Clinical Decision Support Systems organised by the European Diabetes Forum (EUDF) at the International Conference on Advanced Technologies and Treatments of Diabetes (ATTD), in Florence. During the session, Mia Bajramagic will provide the perspective of PwD on the potential of, and concerns surrounding, the use of AI, while Prof. Battelino will share insights and expertise on AI implementation, its roadmap and guidelines. The session will take place at 9:30-10:30 CET on March 8. Don’t miss it! ![]() The IDF Europe Type 2 Diabetes Platform Summit In 2022, IDF Europe launched a platform of people living with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) interested in representing the voice of PwD in advocacy initiatives as well as through participation in other projects, e.g., EU-funded research projects. On March 16-17, IDF Europe will hold a Summit in Brussels with the current members of the platform and other people living with T2D who are interested in joining the community. During the event, participants will discuss the barriers to T2D engagement in advocacy work, identify synergies at national and European levels, and develop a training programme to equip them with the skills necessary to become strong diabetes advocates. IDF EUROPE ADVOCACY AND COMMUNICATION WORKWorld Cancer Day On the occasion of World Cancer Day, on February 4, we highlighted the links between cancer and diabetes. One in five people with cancer also live with diabetes. People with some types of cancer, like pancreatic cancer, have a higher risk of developing diabetes, while PwD are at a higher risk of developing cervical, stomach and liver cancer. ![]() Managing both conditions at the same time can be challenging. Some cancer treatments can influence blood glucose and increase the need for closer monitoring during treatment cycles, while some tests require the removal of diabetes devices and prolonged fasting, putting a lot of stress on PwD. Closing the care gap for cancer and diabetes requires a holistic approach to healthcare, investments to strengthen primary care and a shift in focus from treatment to prevention. International Day of Women and Girls in Science On the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, on February 11, we celebrated gender equality and honoured the achievements of women in the field of diabetes research by sharing the story of Rosalyn Sussman Yalow, whose pioneering work on the radioimmunoassay revolutionised diabetes diagnosis and contributed to a better understanding of the disease. Today, we continue to draw inspiration from her dedication not only in her research but also her advocacy for women in science. ![]() World Day of Social On February 20, the International Day of Social Justice, we emphasised the huge disparities in equal access to care for PwD across Europe. Not only do these lead to an increased risk of complications, but they also create vast social injustice. Strengthening healthcare systems and addressing barriers hindering equal access to quality care are vital steps towards achieving health justice for all. Only by bridging this gap can we ensure a healthier, more equitable future for everyone. ![]() Making Diabetes a Priority in the Permacrisis Era Throughout February, members of the EU4Health Alliance, of which IDF Europe is part, expressed their strong concerns over the €1 billion cut to the EU4Health programme voted by the European Council. How to make diabetes a priority in the permacrisis era was a key focus of the IDF Europe-WHO Europe High-Level Technical Summit held last November. Throughout 2024, IDF Europe and WHO Europe will implement a work plan to ensure that all stakeholders continue working towards meeting global diabetes targets and commitments. Join our efforts by endorsing the Declaration co-signed by IDF Europe and WHO Europe at the Summit. NEWS FROM EUROPEWHO Operational Framework for Monitoring Social Determinants of Health Equity The World Health Organization (WHO) recently published an operational framework for monitoring social determinants of health equity, which provides countries with guidance on:
Social determinants such as low income, insecure employment, limited education, food insecurity and poor housing are intrinsically linked to the prevalence of diabetes and play a pivotal role in shaping health outcomes for PwD. The WHO Operational Framework is a critical resource for facilitating the adoption of an intersectoral and “health-in-all-policies” approach to effectively address the social determinants of health and reduce inequalities. WHO Global High-Level Technical Meeting on Noncommunicable Diseases in Humanitarian Settings During the Global high-level technical meeting on noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in humanitarian settings, held in Denmark on February 27-28-29, Prof. João Raposo, Medical Director at APDP, Diabetes Portugal and IDF Europe Board Member, participated as an expert in a side event on diabetes to highlight the importance of emergency preparedness plans in guaranteeing uninterrupted access to care for all people living with diabetes and other NCDs in humanitarian settings. PwD are particularly vulnerable to disruptions affecting access to the healthcare, medicines, devices and food supplies that they need to be able to optimally manage their condition. ![]() Developing and investing in emergency preparedness plans is essential to build stronger and resilient health systems that leave no-one behind. Insulin On Board 2024 Football Tournament ![]() The 6th edition of the Insulin on Board Cup (IOB Cup) 2024 will take place in Warsaw, Poland, on June 15-16. Every year, this sporting event sees the participation of football teams from all over Europe and nearly 500 players living with diabetes across four age categories. Since its first edition, the IOB Cup has represented a great opportunity for the international diabetes community to come together, have fun and promote the importance of physical activity for PwD. IDF Europe is honoured to be a patron of the event. EU-FUNDED PROJECTSISLET Annual Meeting ![]() IDF Europe is part of the EU Horizon 2020 project “ISLET – Advancing Innovative Stem Cell-based Therapy for Diabetes in Europe”. The project aims to build and implement a new and innovative programme for producing and marketing human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC)-derived advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) for the treatment of people living with T1D. The ISLET consortium members held the project’s annual meeting on February 5-6, in Munich, Germany. During this, partners shared updates on the development of the project and agreed on the next steps. The ASSESS-DHT Website Is Now Live! ![]() IDF Europe is part of the newly launched ASSESS-DHT project, which aims to boost the adoption of trustworthy and effective Digital Health Technologies (DHT) across Europe. As part of the project, an innovative assessment framework will be developed that goes beyond existing models, ensuring uniform Health Technology Assessment (HTA) adoption throughout Europe. This framework will address new assessment challenges in Digital Therapeutics, AI and telehealth. Would you like to learn more about the project? The Second Edition of the DigiCare4You Newsletter Is Now Out! ![]() IDF Europe is part of the DigiCare4You Horizon 2020 project which aims to improve the early prevention and management of T2D and hypertension (HTN). The second edition of the DigiCare4You newsletter was published in February 2024. The newsletter provides an overview of the project, the main milestones achieved over the past months and a description of what partners are now working on. Get involved in Trials@Home! Join the RADIAL study as a trial participant!
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UPCOMING EVENTS ACROSS EUROPEEuropean Observatory on Health Systems and Policies Webinar: Europe in the World – Viewing health challenges through a global lens International Conference on Advanced Technologies and Treatments of Diabetes (ATTD) DIA Europe 2024 – Collaborating for Healthcare Innovation 77th World Health Assembly 17th International Primary Care Diabetes Europe Conference (PCDE) – The Changing Paradigm in Primary Care Diabetes Management 2024 European Parliament Elections Football Tournament “Insulin on Board Cup” (IOB Cup) 2024 IDF Europe Youth Leadership Camp (YLC) 2024 European Network for the Promotion of Health-Enhancing Physical Activity (HEPA) 15th Conference European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) 60th Annual Meeting International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD) 50th Annual Conference IDF Europe is also on LinkedIn and Instagram! Make sure to follow us to stay up to date with our latest news and events: ![]() Do you want to know more about IDF Europe's news and events? Please confirm that you are still happy to hear from us! |