No images? Click here Santos NSWMonthly Activities UpdateMay 2024
Welcome to the May issue of the Santos NSW Monthly Activities Update. It has been a busy month for our community team. We have attended various community and business events in Narrabri, Scone, and Muswellbrook. We also continue to facilitate site tours of our Narrabri operations to give local groups and organisations an insight and greater understanding of what we do. Narrabri Gas Project ActivitiesOperations updateThis month we reached a new record high production value. All gas produced in our Narrabri field appraisal wells is delivered to the Wilga Park Power Station, where it is converted into electricity. Wilga Park Power Station has an electricity generation capacity of 22 megawatts, enough to power 32,000 households across northwest NSW. We also have had a new starter in the team from South Australia who has relocated to the region with their family. Drilling activitiesThere are no further drilling activities planned to be undertaken this year.Pilot wellsBibblewindi East, Bibblewindi West and Dewhurst South, Tintsfield and Kahlua wells are online. LeewoodSantos does not need to irrigate at this time and water is stored in the holding ponds at Leewood.
Wilga Park Power StationThe Wilga Park Power Station is online.Other activitiesGroundwater monitoring activities for Environmental Protection Licence compliance are ongoing.
PEL 1Kahlua pilot construction works were completed in accordance with the Review of Environmental Factors and the wells are now online. To view the approval, please click here. Community ConsultationCommunity Consultative CommitteeA condition of the IPC consent for the Narrabri Gas Project is the establishment and operation of a Community Consultative Committee in accordance with the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) (formally known as Department of Planning and Environment) Community Consultative Committee Guidelines: State Significant Projects. DPHI appointed Mr Garry West to the position of Independent Chair of the committee. The purpose of a Community Consultative Committee is to provide a forum for discussion between a proponent and representatives of the community, stakeholder groups and the local council on issues directly relating to a specific state significant project. The next meeting of the Narrabri Gas Project Community Consultative Committee will be held on Tuesday 18 June, 2024. NGP Advisory Groups A condition of consent for the Narrabri Gas Project is the establishment and operation of a number of advisory groups. The NSW DPHI has appointed Mr Garry West to the position of Independent Chair of these Advisory Groups. These groups provide a forum for open dialogue between Santos, independent experts, key stakeholder groups and the local community.
The most recent meetings of the advisory groups were held in March 2024. NGP in the Community Annual Narrabri Show For more than 10 years, Santos has supported the Narrabri Show. Our local team attends each year and enjoys the opportunity to set up a stand for community members to stop by for a chat or to gain information on our NSW projects. This year we were proud to participate again in the show. Each visitor to our stand was invited to participate in a Santos quiz about the Narrabri Gas Project, which also doubled as an entry to go into the draw to win a Weber Baby Q. Santos was pleased to sponsor the fireworks display on Saturday night, which was promoted throughout the Saturday announcements as being 'the best display the Narrabri Show has ever seen'. The fireworks certainly lived up to these expectations with the crowd giving three cheers at the conclusion of the display. Image: Santos community team at the 2024 Narrabri Show. Image: 2024 Narrabri Show Santos fireworks display. Narrabri Gas Project ApprovalsNSW Government On 30 September 2020, the NSW Independent Planning Commission (IPC) approved the Narrabri Gas Project with the Commission concluding that the Project is in the public interest and that any negative impacts can be effectively mitigated with strict conditions.Australian GovernmentOn 24 November 2020, the Federal Minister for the Environment approved the Narrabri Gas Project pursuant to Sections 130(1) and 133(1) of the EPBC Act, subject to conditions.Santos continues work on the preparation and approval of the management plans required as a condition of consent by IPC. Copies of approved plans are available from the Narrabri Gas Project website.Native Title Santos notes the decision by the Full Federal Court to allow the appeal against the determination by the National Native Title Tribunal that proposed future acts, being the grants of Petroleum Production Lease Application Numbers 13, 14, 15 and 16 for the Narrabri Gas Project, may be done. The Court has determined the National Native Title Tribunal erred at law by declining to have regard to evidence on climate impacts that was tendered on behalf of the Gomeroi applicant. The Court did not make any adverse findings in relation to Santos’ conduct. Santos has at all times negotiated with the Gomeroi people in good faith. The date for reconsideration is to be advised. Santos will continue to engage with the Gomeroi Native Title Applicant in relation to the Hunter Gas Pipeline and Narrabri Lateral Pipeline. Hunter Gas Pipeline and Narrabri Lateral Pipeline ActivitiesHunter Gas Pipeline The Hunter Gas Pipeline (HGP) is a critical piece of infrastructure that, once constructed, will deliver 100 per cent of Narrabri natural gas to the east coast domestic market. This will put downward pressure on gas and electricity prices for NSW households, manufacturers and businesses. Santos continues to progress the construction of the first laydown yard as part of approved stage one early works. Construction of the yard is expected to be completed in the coming months. Santos is currently updating Stage 1 management plans to allow for the commencement of work on additional early works sites along the alignment. Survey activities continue to be undertaken on both public and private lands to finalise the alignment within the approved 200m corridor. Our land access team has continued to liaise with landholders along the route to continue discussions regarding the alignment, survey and deed of easement agreements. Landholders can contact our land access team at any time on 1300 427 546 or via email at Approvals and approved management plans relating to the Hunter Gas Pipeline and Narrabri Lateral Pipeline are available on the HGP website here. HGP in the Community Business Chamber Networking The HGP team has been busy networking and building connections in Scone and Muswellbrook. In the first week of May, we attended the Scone Chamber of Commerce Women in Business networking evening and a Chamber coffee club event the next morning. The following week, we attended a breakfast networking event hosted by the Muswellbrook Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The event included updates from organisations undertaking projects in the local area. While in Muswellbrook, the HGP team also held a pop-up stall at the Muswellbrook Marketplace. The information stand provides an opportunity for Santos to engage with the community, provide information on the project and give the public the chance to ask questions. Image: Members of the Muswellbrook Chamber of Commerce and Industry receiving a presentation at the recent business breakfast. Image: Pop-up session held at Muswellbrook Marketplace. Community Engagement Santos is planning the sixth round of community information sessions. These sessions will be advertised in future editions of this monthly update, in regional newspapers and on the HGP website. Landholders do not have to wait for an engagement session to contact us. Our project team is always available by phone or email to discuss the project or arrange to meet landholders at a time that is convenient to them. The Narrabri shopfront is open to the public Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 5.00pm with staff available during these times to speak in person or over the phone. If you would like to speak to a member of the team or arrange a meeting, please call 1300 427 546. Narrabri Lateral Pipeline To connect the Narrabri Gas Project (NGP) to the Hunter Gas Pipeline (HGP), Santos is progressing plans for the Narrabri Lateral Pipeline (NLP). The proposed pipeline will provide the ‘missing link’ between the NGP and HGP, to allow for the transmission of natural gas to the existing NSW natural gas transmission network near Newcastle. Santos is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), which will be subject to extensive community consultation and a full environmental assessment. More information about the EIS assessment process is available on the HGP website here. More information about the NLP including factsheets can be viewed on the HGP website here. The NLP SEARs can be viewed on the NSW Planning portal website here. Engagement with Registered Aboriginal Parties Santos is continuing to liaise with the Registered Aboriginal Parties regarding the assessment of the Narrabri Lateral Pipeline project corridor. Santos is committed to consulting with Indigenous people about the Aboriginal cultural heritage values within the proposed project area to ensure their heritage is protected. Narrabri Lateral Pipeline Assessment Process |