Project updates
Earthworks in the Wairoa Valley are on hold until the next earthworks season, starting in October this year. The weather has brought many challenges for the team over the last year, so we are focusing on areas that are less weather dependant and therefore more achievable.
Currently we have five of the eight bridges under construction. Due for completion in late 2023 will be Cambridge Road, Wairoa Road, and Minden Road Bridges. Once the bridges are completed, we will then tie them into the existing roads and utilities. This work requires coordination between the various structures, utilities, drainage, and earthworks teams.
Throughout construction, drainage is the unsung hero until the road is operational, meaning that planning and construction needs to be done well so that during weather events the road is still safe to drive on. The work to install drainage starts at this stage of the project. The team is currently working through the detailed design phase and work is underway installing catchpits and manholes for the Cambridge Road and Wairoa Road tie in works. Harrison Road is near completion, and the team are continuing to work on various areas around the bridge tie-in.
Culverts, a critical part of the drainage system are the large concrete structures that channel water away from the roads and into waterways. On the Takitimu North Link Project 19 culverts are being constructed and installed. The smallest is five meters long and 600mm wide, with the biggest being 99 meters long and two metres wide! Construction for the culverts will start in the next few months.