No images? Click here ![]() He Pānui Kia ora koutou! Welcome to this edition of He Pānui - Te Māngai Pāho, keeping you up to date with the latest news in te reo Māori content and funding across Aotearoa! Registration of Interest This Registration of Interest (ROI) replaces what was "Stage One" in previous General Audience funding rounds. Successful applicants will be invited to participate in the next stage of the 2024/25 General Audience Round 1. At the ROI stage, we invite content producers to tell us about their capability and capacity to deliver content in the next 12 months, and to pitch content ideas that will contribute to the normalisation and wellbeing of te reo Māori. The content we are looking to support will be Aotearoa-centric and demonstrate a capacity to positively impact on New Zealanders’ attitudes towards te reo Māori by providing audiences an opportunity to engage with the language in a way that is inclusive and within their reach. Waiata Tuarea Closing: 22 March 2024 This contestable funding opportunity will support the creation of an album or EP of original waiata reo Māori (songs containing 50% or more te reo Māori) in a contemporary music genre for airplay and streaming audiences. Iwi Radio The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to communicate Te Māngai Pāho’s annual request for iwi radio information. An information hui will be held on Thursday 28 March at 11am. Sector Engagement Survey This year, we want to make sure that we are taking the opportunity to engage with the sector regularly and about topics that are of interest to you. Please complete this short survey so we can find out what you want to discuss and hear about, how frequently and whether your preference is a kanohi ki te kanohi hui or hui topa or something with a bit of both. Your participation will contribute significantly to help us understand the needs and preferences of the sector. The survey is designed to be quick and easy, and will only take 3 minutes of your time. Once we have the results of this survey we will schedule a number of hui and engagement opportunities. However, the team are always ready to answer your pātai and happy to chat anytime, please feel free to get in touch with them if you need their assistance. Mai i te KaihautūNgarue ana te whenua, ngaoko ana te moana i te hinganga o ngā tōtara o te wao, ā, mō wai ana tērā i te maunga o ngā kākā haetara. Ko whaea Lucy Ngaia, te kuia o tō tātou hoa mahi a Ruiha tērā. Nō reira e te taonga o Taranaki maunga, haere, haere, haere oti atu. Kāti rā, waiho rātou kia tiraha mai, ko tātou ki konei takatū ai ki ngā mahi. Me pēnei noa ake te kōrero, ko rātou ki a rātou ko tātou ki a tātou. Tēnā rā anō tātou te hunga pāpāho Māori. Congratulations to Whakaata Māori and WITBN on the very successful Hawaikirangi Conference. It was great to re-engage with our indigenous whānau from across the world after a COVID enforced break. I found the two days to be thought provoking and look forward to continuing some of the conversations and ideas raised there. As you are all aware, the government is imposing an austerity plan and looking to reduce the current government spend right across the landscape. The indications are that any cost cuts Te Māngai Pāho might be required to make will be manageable. Obviously, we will not have absolute certainty until the Budget is announced. However, we will soon be coming out to the sector to discuss and take feedback on the changes we might need to make. I do reiterate that we believe any changes we need to make will be manageable. We are also looking to re-engage on the News and Current Affairs project. We have received written feedback from most of those who undertook to provide it . We’d like to progress this work and will reach out to those of you involved with this project soon. Unique circumstances meant that the funding available in the joint NZ On Air/Te Māngai Pāho funding round was significantly more than the advertised $8 million. We are excited by the quality of applications in the round. Funding decisions for this round will be announced in April. Kaimahi updates: Many of you are aware that following the retirement of our Head of Corporate Services Tom Hood and the loss of our Head of Content, Blake Ihimaera, Te Māngai Pāho has been undergoing an organisational refresh. We are pleased to advise that this is nearly done and in the next week or two we will be able to confirm our new team. Our music intern, Tia Ward, has sadly left Te Māngai Pāho to pursue her own music career. If you have any music queries or updates, please direct them to our Acting Head of Content, Nadia Marsh ( We wish Tia all the best for her future. ![]() Larry Parr Kāinga Whenua Join Pio Terei where he discovers how whānau are reconnecting with their whenua, and the intricate pathways whānau need to navigate as they move a sustainable living & housing dream onto their tupuna whenua. Watch now on Whakaata Māori Ngāti Hine FM, Tautoko FM and Te Hiku Media join forces for news service![]() An innovative new Te Tai Tokerau collaboration is redefining the media landscape in the region. The joint venture, te kūkupa, is a collaboration between Whāngarei’s Ngāti Hine FM, Tautoko FM in Mangamuka and Te Hiku Media in Kaitaia, which aims to provide a news service promoting te reo o Te Tai Tokerau (Northland Māori language) across the three Northland Māori radio and online streaming networks- including iwi media partner social media platforms. Funding dates for 2024 General Audience Round 1 (2024/25) Waiata Reo Māori Tamariki & Rangatahi (2024/25) |