Local Update, 20 June 2022
Welcome to our weekly newsletter about mental health services and support available in Barnet and beyond. Also bringing you updates on Inclusion Barnet mental health news. Produced by Ed Peston, Communications Assistant.
Inclusion Barnet Events and News
Mental Health and Universal CreditA Guest Blog from Dan Norris, Head of Advice and Rights at CPAG on Mental Health and Universal Credit. Read
Understanding the current energy market + top tips to reduce your energy costsWhether you are a resident, business, voluntary, community, faith or social enterprise (VCFSE) organisation the current rise in energy prices is a worry. This guest post by Norman Taylor from Barnet-based HENOC LTD offers an overview of why energy prices have risen, and give us some top tips to help keep costs down. Read
Events and News from the Web
Hub Connections Returns Face-to-Face: Relearning Healthy Habits (From Community Barnet)Hub Connections is back with its first face-to-face event in two and a half years - 'Relearning Healthy Habits; Looking After Yourself.' The pandemic and subsequent lockdowns profoundly affected our way of living - less exercise, more comfort eating and an increase in alcohol sales - it's unsurprising that we may have slipped from our usual healthy habits. This legacy persists for many, so Hub Connections have invited experts from a wide range of organisations who will guide us through the building blocks to returning to our healthier selves. It is a packed afternoon of presentations and activities, including a demonstration on cooking healthy meals on a budget, using leftovers creatively, yoga, Zumba and more. There will be a return to networking, community stalls, and of course, food and refreshments will be on offer. As usual, you will hear updates from the Barnet Wellbeing Service and partners. Thursday, July 14th, 1:00-3:30 PM, The Meritage Centre, Church End, London NW4 4JT Sign up here - https://member.communitybarnet.org.uk/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=386&noFullMsg=true
Health anxiety and medical conditions, including COVID-19 related anxiety (From Anxiety UK), Thursday 23 June, 7.00 - 8.00pmAn insight with Dr Jo Daniels into health anxiety and the link to other medical conditions including Covid-19 related anxiety. Book
Supporting Refugees' Mental and Emotional Well-Being in the UK (From Ethical Property), Wednesday 22 June, 2.00 - 3.00pmA focus on the mental and emotional impact of being forced to seek sanctuary in another country and how refugees can be supported Book
Desperate Remedies: Psychiatry and the mysteries of mental illness (From York Festival of Ideas), Thursday 23 June, 8.00 - 9.00pmAcclaimed sociologist Andrew Scull offers a definitive new account of psychiatry’s and society’s battle with mental illness. Book
Artist Peer Group: June 2022 (From Arts & Health Hub), Monday 20 June, 6.30 - 8.00pmAn opportunity to hear from two artists about their practice. These peer groups provide the space for artists to share active ideas, projects and challenges, with peer support from audience participants. Each artist has approximately 35 mins to share works and receive feedback. Book
C is for creativity and 29 other ways to nurture healthy young minds (From IVE Bridge), Wednesday 22 June, 4.30 - 6.30pmAn online workshop that explores the use of A-Z wellbeing cards as a practical tool to support children & young people's mental health Book
From Proms at St JudesProms at St Jude’s is almost here and everyone is welcome! This popular community music and literature festival, in and around Central Square in Hampstead Garden Suburb runs from 25 June to 3 July. Proms has delighted audiences for the past 30 years and this year’s programme is one of its best ever. Free lunchtime concerts are a major Proms highlight. Showcasing the best young, up and coming musicians, the free concerts run
from Monday 27 June through to Friday 1 July (except on Thursday), starting at 12 noon. Artists include Jonathan Ferrucci (piano), The Louise Balkwill Duo (singing from The Great American Songbook), Ariana Kashefi and Maksim Štšura (cello and piano) and Samuele Telari (accordion). The concerts are timed between noon – 1pm so that you can also enjoy one of our competitively priced guided Heritage Walks around the Suburb if you wanted to. Our walks start at 10 or 10.30am and at 2.00pm. Having fed the soul with lovely music, Proms at St Jude’s can be relied on to feed the body too! Weather permitting, there is nothing better than enjoying a pre or post
concert picnic on the lovely lawns of Central Square. Bring your own picnic or let us provide you with tasty, great value food and drink which is on sale in St Jude’s. We would be delighted to welcome you to Proms - we hope to see you there. More information is on our website: www.promsatstjudes.org.uk Follow us on Twitter: @promsatstjudes and Facebook: Proms at St Jude’s
Disability Rights UK campaigning conference: 28 JulyDisabled people are finding it tougher than ever to have our voices heard. Many of us feel ignored or left out of the conversation. But we know that through difficult times, Disabled people always show resilience and drive, to continue campaigning for equality and inclusion. To mark the tenth anniversary of Disability Rights UK and to celebrate the collective power of the disability movement, we are holding an
online campaigning conference on Thursday 28th of July 2022 offering a range of masterclasses and workshops to support our joint efforts to campaign for equality and inclusion. Masterclasses will include sessions on using the law, improving communication messaging and social media skills. Workshop topics will include social care charging, the cost of living crisis, employment and Disability Hate Crime. The conference is a chance to share our experiences, learn new skills, build on successful campaigning methods and develop campaign plans and networks. Look out for more information on the Conference and register for the Conference online.
Hidden Brain Podcast (From Hidden Brain Media)Hidden Brain explores the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior and questions that lie at the heart of our complex and changing world. Listen
The Anxiety Coaches Podcast (From the Anxiety Coaches)The Anxiety Coaches Podcast brings you a relaxing and inspiring show sharing lifestyle changes to calm your nervous system and help you heal Anxiety, Panic, Stress, and PTSD for life! Listen
Mental health and loneliness: the relationship across life stages (From Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport)This report presents the findings from a qualitative study exploring the experiences of loneliness among those who had experienced a mental health condition. Previous research has shown there is a link between experiences of loneliness and poor mental health. The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) commissioned this study to explore this issue across four key life stages as part of developing the evidence base for work on
tackling loneliness. Read
Meet award-winning London football club tackling mental health issues off the pitch (From the Mirror)Saving Souls recently won the London FA Grassroots Project of the Year despite starting just eight months ago and founder Kerry Phillips has explained why the award means so much to the club. Read
Managing money worries and your mental health (From Voice Online)Understanding how money and mental health impact each other and knowing when to seek help can help you gain back control, says Kaya Marchant Read
True or false? Can we improve mental health through diet and physical activity (From Open Access Government)Lifestyle factors, such as exercise and diet, have the potential to maintain or even improve mental health Read
How Do Mental Health Conditions Affect The LGBTQIA+ Community? (From University of Utah)The societal stigma surrounding mental health disorders and the prejudice against LGBTQIA+ individuals based on their identity are still pervasive problems, causing many individuals to not seek help or treatment. Read
How to create a mental health self-care box to stop you scrolling on your phone (From the Metro)A mental health or self-soothe care box is essentially a box of your favourite comfort items that you can use to keep off your phone. These items and activities can also help you to feel better and reduce stress, anxiety and low mood. Read
Building FriendshipBuilding Friendship is a free weekly drop in every Friday for those with mental health difficulties. Meet at East Barnet Baptist Church hall, EN4 8PS. Come along for a cup of coffee and a friendly chat between 10am and 12noon. For more information email: buildingfriendship@gmail.com. Or leave a message with your name and contact number on 020 8449 5320.
Mind and Mood Support GroupMind & Mood Support Group has returned to face to face meetings at 55 Christchurch Avenue, London N12 0DG. To enquire about becoming a new member, please contact either Peter or Sandra below. Peter Sartori e: petersartori@virginmedia.com
Sandra Turner e:santana.turner01@gmail.com Both Peter Sartori and Sandra Turner have extensive experience of the mental health system.
We are an independent support group, run by ex service users, for service users, their carers and supporters.
www.inclusionbarnet.org.uk We are a Peer-Led Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisation (DDPO). Nearly all of our directors and staff have lived experience of disability, including mental health issues and/or long-term health conditions. We believe that learning to use our lived experience for social change is a skill. We have become experts in harnessing the lived experience of our staff, members, volunteers and the people who use
our services to design and deliver higher quality, more person-centred services. Other services run by Inclusion Barnet that you might be interested in are: Benefits Advice Service (supporting disabled people in Barnet to access the benefits they are entitled to). Touchpoint (supports people experiencing any form of disability in Barnet to access the services and resources they need). Healthwatch Barnet (an independent, statutory organisation dedicated to improving health and social care services in Barnet). For more information about the wider range of other work we do please visit our website www.inclusionbarnet.org.uk
Useful links for mental health and wellbeing
Click on the title to go to the individual websites. LOCAL (*BEH-MHT = Barnet, Enfield Haringay - Mental Health Trust) LONDON & NATIONAL - The Help Hub - free online emotional support sessions
- Good Thinking - free online Mental Wellbeing for London
- Kooth - free, safe and anonymous online support for young people
- Qwell - free online safe and confidential space to share & support
Shout - free, 24/7 text messaging support - text SHOUT to 85258 - Samaritans - free phone & email support in a crisis
- Useful links from Sussex University - lots of useful links to MH resources
Independent Living Centre, c/o Barnet & Southgate College,
7 Bristol Avenue, Colindale, London NW9 4BR
Inclusion Barnet is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation.
Registered Charity Number: 1158632