The latest news & perspectives.
Seventy attendees gather for Vacation Bible School workshop at the conference office.
Digital ministry resources.
Pastors Mark Howard & Kameron DeVasher share tips for studying & teaching this Sabbath's lesson.
Take a virtual stroll through Camp Au Sable in the winter.
Sarah Canada talks about the importance of making decisions for Jesus.
Weekly Scripture songs to accompany Beginner, Kindergarten & Primary memory verses.
Attend a gathering that will enhance your life & ministry.
Public Campus Ministries Retreat
Register now for PCM's winter retreat, Feb. 14-16, at Camp Au Sable.
Love Like Jesus: Young Adult Day
Feb. 22 at Livingston church; register now.
Gear up for public evangelism at this training designed to take your evangelism to the next level, March 2 at the conference office.
Join us March 8 at the Lansing church for a powerful rally to equip & inspire you to host Keys to Revelation meetings.
Soil Sister Women's Ministry Retreats
Women's Ministry retreats will be held April 11-13 & April 18-20. Registration opens Feb. 9.
Ignite your passion for evangelism at a transformative retreat, April 25-27 at Camp Au Sable.
Click the banner to see this month's book & food sales.
Your go-to place for resources and information.
Find an event near you in the local church setting.
Tim Parton, 3ABN pianist & vocalist, presents a free concert at the Battle Creek Tabernacle. Feb 15 at 7:30 p.m.
The latest news & perspectives.
Wisconsin Pathfinders Pilot New Chemistry Honor
Wisconsin Pathfinders make history with new Reactions & Solutions honor.
Resources for Members Seeking Immigration Support
A list of available resources for members seeking support.
Indiana Haitian Congregation Recognized
Philadelphie French-Haitian Church formally recognized by Indiana conference.
Lake Union Global Youth Day
Lake Union & Lake Region collaborate to organize Sleep Out 4 Youth.
Lending Library Established in Honor of Arne Nielson
Andrews U launches lending library in honor of former vice-president for education for the North American Division.
The latest news & perspectives.
New Voice of Prophecy Bible School Director
Ken Norton, former Montana conference President, named as new Voice of Prophecy Bible School Director.
Three Documentary Series Unveiled
Documentary series & additional media unveiled at GAiN Europe.
The latest news & perspectives from the General Conference.
President Ted Wilson Joins Celebration of Adventism
The President joins 100 yr celebration of Adventism in Brazil.
ADRA Marks Two Years of Aid in Turkey
ADRA marks two years of aid in Turkey after devastating earthquakes.