The latest news & perspectives from the Michigan Conference.
The most talented pastor, physician or educator unable to use Christ's method will find their ministry incomplete.
Andrews Alumni Homecoming WKND
Andrews University’s 2024 Alumni Homecoming Weekend will take place from Thursday, Sep. 26, to Sunday, Sep. 29.
Digital ministry resources from the Michigan Conference.
Pastors Mark Howard & Kameron DeVasher share study & teaching tips for this Sabbath's lesson.
Weekly Scripture songs to accompany Beginner, Kindergarten & Primary memory verses. Download sheet music here.
Come find precious treasure with MISDA Kids & enrich your child's Sabbath! New stories weekly.
Dr. Atkins explains the chemistry of fireworks.
Discover an activity or event that will enhance your life & ministry.
Family First will be held Sep. 27-29 at Camp Au Sable. Registration is now open.
Upper Peninsula Women's Retreat
Bloom! UP Women's Retreat will be held Sep. 27-29 at Camp Sagola. Registration is open.
Click the banner to see this month's book & food sales.
Your go-to place for resources and more.
The latest news & perspectives from the North American Division.
Proclaiming God's Love for 150 Years
Celebrating Pacific Press's legacy of faith, resilience, & mission.
News articles, links, & more focuses on Pentecost 2025 mission.
The latest news & perspectives from the General Conference.
Load the Ark Game Connects Faith Through Play
Game by Adventist developers hopes to reach a younger, screen-oriented generation.
Adventist Volunteers Help Indigenous Communities
Volunteers provide medical, dental, & psychological consultations to indigenous community.