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Kia ora

After wide consultation in 2019 (concept/scope) and 2021 (preliminary design), then a range of site investigations following that, we’ve now started the detailed design for road/safety improvements along the corridor. It’s great to get to this point in the project.

We expect to complete the detailed design by the end of this year, with construction works starting in 2024 and expected to take about two years. Similar to the process of transferring ownership and responsibility for old State Highway 1 (SH1) from Mackays to Peka Peka over to Kāpiti Coast District Council, we anticipate handing over old SH1 from Peka Peka to Ōtaki once physical works are complete.

Engagement will now focus on sharing what the detailed design looks like with key stakeholders and the community once developed, then keeping you informed about:
• the tender for physical works
• what construction contractor is appointed
• the construction phase as it progresses
• when the state highway status of the road is revoked and the road is declared a local road.

It may seem like a long process, but each step takes time and we have to achieve what’s needed in each phase to get to the next one.

Take care and stay safe.

Ngā mihi,
Grace Huang,
Project Manager, Waka Kotahi



Progress update

Site investigations and detailed design
All our site investigations and testing are now complete, with findings from these being used to inform detailed design which has now commenced. We expect to be able to share designs with you later this year. 

Handover of assets
We’re in the process of:
• agreeing the current state of assets (pavements, signage, structures etc) on this section of old SH1 with Kāpiti Coast District Council
• deciding what actions are needed to ensure these assets are in a fit-for-purpose state for council to take on ownership and on-going maintenance of them once they’re handed over.

We’re currently reviewing and amending the state highway designation on old SH1 in preparation for handing the road over to council now the PP2Ō Expressway functions as a state highway in the area. 

Limited-access road access review
Limited-access roads are sections of the state highway, usually bordered by residential or commercial properties, that can only be accessed from authorised crossing places (such as driveways). This process reviews existing crossing places on the sections of limited-access road between Makahuri – formerly known as Marycrest – and Riverbank Road.

Speed limit reviews
Waka Kotahi undertook consultation on the interim national speed management plan in December 2022.  The Peka Peka to Ōtaki section of old SH1 is covered by that plan. More details can be found on our interim national speed management plan webpage.



Community board meeting

We're giving a presentation on the project at the next Ōtaki Community Board meeting on Tuesday 9 May, from 7-9pm, in the Ōtaki Memorial Hall beside the library on Main Street. 

Come along if you want to hear more!



Project timeline

• Detailed design phase ends late 2023.
• The invitation to tender for the works will be released once the detailed design is complete, with contractor selection taking place in early 2024.
• Physical works are likely to commence in 2024 and take about two years to complete (although this might change based on the construction contractor’s programme submitted at the time of tender i.e. what order areas will be worked on and when).
• Once the works are completed, the road will be handed over to Kāpiti Coast District Council who will take over ownership and responsibility for the road.



More information


For more information on the SH1 Peka Peka to Ōtaki revocation project, contact us at

Visit our website
