Kia ora
After wide consultation in 2019 (concept/scope) and 2021 (preliminary design), then a range of site investigations following that, we’ve now started the detailed design for road/safety improvements along the corridor. It’s great to get to this point in the project.
We expect to complete the detailed design by the end of this year, with construction works starting in 2024 and expected to take about two years. Similar to the process of transferring ownership and responsibility for old State Highway 1 (SH1) from Mackays to Peka Peka over to Kāpiti Coast District Council, we anticipate handing over old SH1 from Peka Peka to Ōtaki once physical works are complete.
Engagement will now focus on sharing what the detailed design looks like with key stakeholders and the community once developed, then keeping you informed about:
• the tender for physical works
• what construction contractor is appointed
• the construction phase as it progresses
• when the state highway status of the road is revoked and the road is declared a local road.
It may seem like a long process, but each step takes time and we have to achieve what’s needed in each phase to get to the next one.
Take care and stay safe.
Ngā mihi,
Grace Huang,
Project Manager, Waka Kotahi