We have now considered all your feedback from engagement alongside our technical assessment of the road and are formally consulting on proposed new speed limits along this 84km route.
We want to know if there is anything else we should consider before we make a decision.
Full details of the proposed safer speeds, and information you should know, is available on our website here.
We are also asking for more feedback from the community about Takamatua Straight, to help us with our final decision. Our technical evidence could support both a 60km/h or an 80km/h speed limit safely. We’d appreciate more specific feedback from the community before making a decision. What is your experience of speed and safety through Takamatua and using the intersection with Takamatua Valley Road?
Alongside the proposed safer speeds, we are considering several locations where minor safety improvements (such as signs and line markings) will help people to feel safer.
In addition, we want to hear your thoughts about State Highway 74 at Norwich Quay/Gladstone Quay. This section of highway has been included in consultation to align with the safer speeds recently set for Lyttelton township by Christchurch City Council.
The Council is also proposing speed reductions on some local side roads adjoining the highway in townships including Motukarara through to Takamatua. The proposed speeds align with local road speed reductions introduced earlier this year on Banks Peninsula and with the proposed safer highway speeds.
Feedback on both highways and local roads can be made on our online map, here.