NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi

Northwest Rapid Transit

5 July 2024


Ministerial announcement on Northwest Rapid Transit

Kia ora koutou, 

We are delighted to share a recent announcement from the Minister of Transport Simeon Brown confirming the Government’s commitment to Northwest Rapid Transit.

Your feedback has helped to guide and shape the project to date, and we are making good progress. We are investigating ways to provide a cost-effective transport solution that provides value for money and to build the project in stages to provide West Aucklanders with its benefits sooner.

We look forward to sharing more information with you in the next few months as the project develops and more information is available.



Preferred option – a busway

The emerging preferred option for this rapid transit corridor is a busway, similar to the Northern Busway, to provide fast, frequent and reliable transport choices. 

Alongside the busway, a park and ride facility and station are proposed at Brigham Creek, with stations at Westgate, Royal Road, Lincoln Road and Te Atatū. There will be further connections between Te Atatū and the city centre where people will be able to connect easily with the wider transport network. 

Community feedback has shown high support for a rapid transit solution with people asking us to deliver something quickly to address congestion and provide better travel options.

The Minister of Transport says “With more than 100,000 extra people expected to be living in the northwest of Auckland by 2051, we need to provide more reliable public transport choices that reduce travel times, congestion, and emissions in Auckland.

“The Government is committed to a rapid transit system that will support urban development, housing growth, and provide commuters with real choice in how they get around our biggest city,” Mr Brown says.



Why a busway?

A busway will provide a fast, frequent, and reliable transport choice for people in northwest Auckland.  The high-frequency service will mean passengers can turn up and go with buses every few minutes, like on the Northern Busway. 

A busway can be built and opened in stages to deliver benefits sooner. It’s flexible, buses can be increased or reduced as needed, it integrates with the wider rapid transit network, and builds on the existing WX1 service.



More work to be done

A lot of great work has been done and more is in progress to provide a cost effective, great value transport solution that meets community needs when it’s opened and into the future. 

We are working closely with Auckland Transport who are leading investigations into local roads and connections to improve access to the busway.



Next steps

During the next few months, we will be speaking with local boards, stakeholders and providing the community with updates on the investigations and information about the proposed station locations, opportunities to improve access to stations, the proposed order in which the busway is constructed and what you can expect to see next.

Keep an eye out for project updates and opportunities to meet the team at pop-up info sessions at local markets and malls.

The outcome of the investigations is expected to be confirmed early next year.



Westgate local bus station and WX1

Work is under way to deliver a new local bus station at Westgate by mid-2026. The station will support the current Western Express service (WX1) and is being designed to work with the future rapid transit busway. 

The Western Express (WX1) and several other improvements to bus routes was launched by AT in November 2023 as a new flagship bus route between Westgate, Lincoln Road, Te Atatū and the city centre. 

Since launching, the service has provided nearly 500,000 journeys with a lot of positive feedback. There are also some challenges to be addressed to help improve the reliability of the WX1 service, which Auckland Transport and NZTA continue to monitor and improve.

Visit the Auckland Transport website to learn more, including any upcoming improvements.

We look forward to providing you with regular updates and welcome any questions you may have. 

Ngā mihi,
Te Ara Hauāuru – Northwest Rapid Transit team



More information


For more information - See our project webpage here