![]() ![]() SEMPO UpdatesNews and Information from January 2021A Message from the Executive DirectorDid anything happen in the month of January that was newsworthy? I haven't seen much from the media outlets since the beginning of this new year. I can say in the transportation world there has been some occurrences worth noting. While we hang in the balance, the new administration's $2 trillion clean energy and infrastructure campaign proposal was an early sign of the desire to change the way the nation moves. The newly elected president pledged to create 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations nationwide, zero-emissions public transit for every city of more than 100,000 residents and the “second great railroad revolution.” It is also speculated that the Moving Forward Act, the $1.5 trillion infrastructure bill that passed the House in July but has not been heard in the Senate, may be the starting point for a new infrastructure bill. The new administration will also bring about a new Transportation Secretary. A Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation held a panel hearing where they advanced former South Bend, Indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg's nomination to the Senate floor by a vote of 21-3. The Senate is expected to vote on the nomination February 2nd. The Committee of lawmakers advancing Mr. Buttigieg's nomination cited the nominee’s fluency in national transportation affairs, as well as his insight into municipal concerns. “I look forward to seeing Pete Buttigieg confirmed by the full Senate and working with him in his new role as secretary of transportation,” outgoing committee Chairman Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) said. “Transportation issues historically have been addressed on a bipartisan basis, and I expect to continue that practice with Mr. Buttigieg.” I continue with great optimism as we look for new legislation to be formed in relation to transportation and I hope that bipartisanship in these efforts guides us to a better tomorrow. - Alex McElroy Metropolitan Transportation Plan Update ![]() Invitation to All! Please feel free to share! KLG Engineering and Lochmueller Group will be hosting a Virtual Open House Tuesday, February 9, 2021 with two opportunities to participate from 12:00 noon to 1:00 PM and 6:30-7:30 PM. Both presentations will be recorded and posted to SEMPO’s website at southeastmpo.org for those who are unable to attend live. What's in it for me? The Virtual Open House is a key component to making the MTP a success, and everyone is invited and encouraged to attend! The virtual meeting will provide information on the proposed plan and an opportunity to review recommendations, ask questions, and provide feedback. The Metropolitan Transportation
Plan includes: Please plan to attend if you are able to make one of the listed times and encourage others to do the same. This is an excellent opportunity to provide feedback and share what transportation initiatives are important to you! ADA Pedestrian Transportation System Condition Assessment The SEMPO Board accepted the ADA Pedestrian Transportation System Condition Assessment at their January 20th meeting. The assessments reviewed over 10,000 individual data points analyzing ADA compliance with sidewalks, curb ramps, blended transitions, grade breaks, detectable warning surfaces, openings, protruding objects, bus stops and stations, railroad crossings, handrails, refuge islands, crosswalks, and push buttons. The condition assessments offer prioritization recommendations, opinions of probable costs, as well as identifying potential funding sources. Click the buttons below to view the Community Assessment reports for Jackson and Cape Girardeau. ![]() Changes in Traffic Due to COVID-19 Statewide passenger traffic is down 17% since the public health emergency began (3/15/20 – 1/16/21). This is the same amount as was last reported in December. From January 1 to January 16 passenger traffic showed a decrease of 9% as compared to 2020 statewide. This is an improvement from December 2020 which experienced a 12% decline in passenger traffic compared to 2019. Commercial traffic statewide continues to perform better than passenger traffic statewide with an average decrease of 3% since March 15, 2020. This has remained steady since last reported. The month of December experienced an increase of 3% in commercial traffic as compared to 2019 and from January 1, 2021 through January 16 2021 there has neither been a net increase nor decline in commercial traffic as compared to January 2020. ![]() Traffic Fatalities Update Unfortunately, the Southeast District has already experienced three traffic fatalities during this new calendar year. In all three instances the individuals were unbuckled. In 2020, the Southeast District experienced 140 traffic fatalities, which was an 11% increase from 2019 and the highest recorded in over 5 years. When transportation officials say please be safe and encourage others to do the same I think about these numbers and the real impact to our community. So do me/we/all of us a favor, please be like this guy below and be hyper vigilant about roadway safety and the importance of buckling up! SEMPO Trivia Which transportation themed song was sung by the rock group 'U2' in 1987? If you know the answer and now have the song stuck in your head, you're welcome! a. Little Red Corvette Be the first one to respond to my email (amcelroy@cityofcape.org) with the correct answer, and the next time we host a meeting in-person I'll bring the drink of your choice. ![]() 10 Scariest Bridges You’ll Regret Walking On ...Nope. Transportation Quote "Transport a handful of earth everyday and you will make a mountain." ― Confucius |