No images? Click here General Synod eNews No.23 Dear pastors, chairpersons and membersWe are now less than a week from the commencement of the in-person sessions of the 20th Convention of General Synod. Your parish delegate or alternate has been receiving resources and regular updates, but we ask for your involvement as well. Please prayEven though the business component of these in-person sessions of the 2021-2023 Convention will be conducted across only two days (Friday and Saturday), delegates will be discussing some significant issues. Among the proposals before Synod are some relating to the ordination of both women and men, LCA Constitution review and ecclesiastical discipline. LCANZ Bishop Paul Smith wrote to Synod delegates this week to thank them and encourage them in their service as they prepare for the convention. He said, ‘We trust in God’s gracious presence with us and we move forward together under God’s mercy towards us, for Christ’s sake ... Throughout our work in the Convention of General Synod, we ask the Holy Spirit to guide us, as the church has been doing since the day of Pentecost.' Please join with brothers and sisters across the LCANZ in praying for our delegates, church leaders, staff and volunteers as we gather at Convention. Updates during Synod Business sessions will be visible for visitors at the MCEC in a separate room to the delegate area but they will not be livestreamed. News stories from Synod will be posted to the General Synod website >News, on LCANZ Facebook and LCANZ Instagram. Sunday worship livestream The closing worship service will be livestreamed from the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC). It commences at 9.30am (AEDT) on Sunday 12 February. The link will be found on the General Synod website at Worship and Prayer. Synod offering The Synod offering will support the Finke River Mission songbook project (full details here). Your parish or congregation can donate to the Synod offering via the LLL (details below) or, if you prefer to put your offering on the plate during worship, you can send a cheque (payable to: LCA Synod) or cash with your delegate to Synod. LLL account details for your treasurer: Sincerely in Christ You are receiving this email because you are an LCA/NZ pastor, congregation chairperson or 2018 General Convention delegate, or you have signed up to receive LCA eNews. To subscribe to other eNews lists, click here. To unsubscribe from this list, click here.(This option is not available to pastors, congregation chairpersons and General Synod delegates). To change your email address, click here.
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