No images? Click here Our 2023/24 Budget is here!We're proud to present a Budget that puts community first, delivers key projects and paves the way to a more financially sustainable future without any impact on service delivery. Highlights include: 👉 Boosting community grants that provide housing and homelessness support Annual Grants are now openDo you need funding to bring your community project to life? Our 2024 Annual Grants Program is now open for applications! We’re investing $1.3 million in local community organisations and not-for-profits as well as individual artists across Yarra. This is part of our broader $2.67 million grants program. More open space on Kerr StreetWe've just unveiled an upgraded public space at the corner of Kerr and Brunswick Streets in Fitzroy – the first major initiative delivered as part of the Brunswick Street Streetscape Masterplan. The new seating space has been developed after extensive consultation with the community and provides more space to sit and relax, meet friends or enjoy a takeaway coffee. Council Meeting recapThanks to everyone who came along to this week's Council Meeting or tuned in online. In case you missed it, Council: 👉 Endorsed a public consultation process for proposed changes to the Council Order, specifically a night time cat curfew, suggestions on cat management and the broader Council Order; and endorsed other updates to the Council Order. 👉 Endorsed the 2023/24 Annual Plan. 👉 Welcomed the announcement of a $2 billion social housing fund by the Federal Government and endorsed the preparation of a report regarding issues and opportunities for new public housing in Yarra and initiating discussions with the Federal and Victorian governments. Our next Council Meeting will be on Tuesday 18 July from 6.30pm at Richmond Town Hall.
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