Transport Rebuild East Coast

TREC Pānui 

Invitation for community drop-in sessions

14 March 2024


Kōrero mai - Let's talk

The Transport Rebuild East Coast (TREC) team is hosting community drop-in sessions from 18 March to 10 April across Hawke's Bay, Wairoa and Tairāwhiti.

We’d like to update you on our ongoing recovery work as well as critical resilience projects across the state highway network.

We’re also investigating several potential rebuild projects we’d like to gather your thoughts and feedback on. This includes projects at SH2/SH5 Eskdale, SH2 Devil’s Elbow and SH35 Mangahauini Gorge.

See the full schedule of drop-in session locations and times. We look forward to meeting you, showing our progress and answering your questions.

Can't make our sessions? You can also have your say through our online questionnaire from 5pm 18 March to 5pm on 16 April.

If you have any questions please contact the team -