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SH73/Weedons Ross Road intersection after installation of the new signals.


We’ll be back in town for a few nights from Sunday

Kia ora

You might recall we mentioned we would be back to do a final scheduled coat of chip seal and line markings. We will be back on Sunday for a few nights to complete this work.

On Sunday 17 March, Tuesday 19 and Wednesday 20 March 2024 from 9pm to 6am each night, we’ll be working on SH73 on the approaches to the West Melton intersection.

Our work is weather dependent and may need to be rescheduled to the following night(s).

The work means traffic on the highway will be reduced to one lane. This will be controlled by temporary traffic lights and there will also be a 30kpm speed limit in place.

The work is being done at night when traffic volumes are lower to avoid congestion and disruption. It is also safer for our work crews and road users.

We’re sorry for any disruption and thank you for your patience.

This is the last of the scheduled work and completes the West Melton intersection improvements project.

Ngā mihi (Kind regards)

The project team



Night works and what to expect

The crew need lights to see what they are working on so you may notice extra light in the area.

There will be unavoidable noise from trucks, machinery and the crew. We know that night works are disruptive to residents. Our team will limit this disruption as much as possible.

The noisiest work - laying the chip seal - will take place on the first night. We’ll aim to carry out this work early in the shift. On the second and third nights, we’ll be sweeping and line marking which isn’t so noisy.

We’ll complete the work as quickly as we can.



Traffic and pedestrian impacts

The intersection will be controlled by temporary traffic lights during the work. Please look out for our staff and follow their instructions. Footpath access around our work site will be maintained.

Also, please look out for changes in traffic management, and follow signs on site.

While we do this work, a 30kpm speed limit will be in place both at night and during the day to protect the new seal.



Driveway access

Access to properties will remain but we may need to work in front of driveways from time to time.

If you need to get into or out of your property and we are in the way, please just talk to one of our friendly staff and we will make sure you can use your driveway.



Can we help?

Please contact Fulton Hogan on 0800 ROAD FH (0800 7623 34) Monday to Friday, 8am -
5pm, to discuss any specific access needs such as nurse/doctor visits or Meals on Wheels deliveries to your property.

Contact us at anytime if the matter is urgent.



More information


For more information about the West Melton intersection improvements project, visit our website:

or email us at
