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New bin service starts next week - banner
Hi there,
Welcome to the August edition of the Waste eNews!

In this edition learn about our shire-wide soft plastic recycling program, party kits for hire in the shire, the Romsey resale shop and much more. 

We’ve launched a shire-wide soft plastic recycling program!

If your general waste bin (red or dark green lid) looks like the above, you may benefit from our exciting new soft plastic recycling service.


Residents and businesses who use Council’s kerbside collection service can now recycle their soft plastic by collecting it in the Council-supplied orange collection bag and, when full like a basketball, place it in their recycling bin (yellow lid).


All soft plastic items that carry the Australasian Recycling Label (ARL) – Return to Store symbol or REDcycle logo are accepted in this trial.


In a recent audit, we discovered that soft plastic takes up approximately 45 per cent of the general waste bin by volume. By collecting your soft plastic separately you'll not only be diverting waste from landfill, but you'll free up some space in your general waste bin. 

Find out more →
Party kit hire

Have an event coming up but not sure what to do about crockery and cutlery? 


Consider hiring a party kit from a neighbourhood house and reduce the amount of waste created by single-use items at parties.

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Plastic Free July

As Plastic Free July has come to an end, it’s important to think about how we can continue to reduce our plastic use in our daily lives. 


Every small step we take to avoid single-use plastic can make a big difference.

Choose to refuse →
Kyneton and Romsey resale shops

Residents now have another option for recycling their usable goods or picking up a bargain, following the opening of a new resale shop at the Romsey Resource Recovery Facility.


The new shop is the second in the shire following the recent upgrade and reopening of the resale shop at the Kyneton Resource Recovery Facility. Both projects were made possible thanks to just over $150,000 in grant funding from Sustainability Victoria’s Circular Economy Councils Fund.


Residents can donate their unwanted household furniture, tools, sporting gear, toys, books, useful building materials and more to be resold, diverting waste to landfill. Proceeds go towards the ongoing operations of the volunteer-led shops.

Find out more →
Resource recovery facilities

You’ve been busy recyclers!


Since last September our textile recovery chutes at resource recovery facilities have recovered over 35 tonnes of textiles. This is incredibly impressive as these materials could have ended up in landfill, but instead are being recycled, upcycled, repaired and reused by Upcycle4Better. 


We introduced a polystyrene collection in May 2023, and since then we’ve had approximately 700m3 dropped off for recycling. This means that over 700 cubic metres of polystyrene has been diverted from landfill saving residents and Council landfill disposal costs.

Recycle more →
Waste education videos

We’ve got something exciting coming...


Over the last year we’ve been working with a local production company, to develop a series of waste education videos. 


These videos highlight what can and can’t go in each of the kerbside bins and where our waste actually goes. 


We’ll be launching them soon so keep an eye on our social media for these fun educational videos.

Reusable nappy, sanitary and incontinence product rebate program – results

This year we ran the Reusable nappy, sanitary and incontinence product rebate program for the second year in a row (February-April). 


Residents were able to receive up to 50 per cent of their purchase back, providing them access to affordable reusable items, thereby reducing long-term waste disposal costs. 


Over 100 people applied for the rebate and the estimated reduction in general waste from nappies alone is estimated at 11 tonnes based on nappies saved per day at 248g each, resulting in an annual saving of $4,800.

Mixed media recycling

Our resource recovery facilities (RRFs) now accept mixed media for recycling. You can bring in small amounts of the following:

  • VHS tapes
  • Cassettes
  • DVDs/CDs
  • Records
  • Floppy discs

Any items in good condition should be offered to your local op shop or the resale shops at Kyneton and Romsey RRFs.

More recycling tips →