NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi

SH1 Mangamuka Gorge slip repairs

Project Update

30 July 2024

Slip A1/A2 – SR-45 piling rig during night works.

Slips A1/A2 – SR-45 piling rig during night works.

SH1 Mangamuka Gorge slip repairs – July 2024 update

Kia ora koutou,

Despite recent storms, work at the gorge continues at pace. Many of the sites are in the final stages of repair.

Over the past month, our teams have been busy with key tasks including installing permanent piles, anchors and capping beams. Running three teams a day where possible means we’re making good progress and overcoming the unique challenges of each site.

We're continuing to closely monitor the more recent slip, now referred to as Slip A47. Since the heavy rain on June 19, there has been no significant movement, and our experts are finalising the repair plan. We expect to carry repairs out over the next couple of months.

This new slip will not impact us reopening by Christmas this year.


Mangamuka Gorge piles, anchors and slips progress - July 2024


Behind-the-scenes project videos

Check out the links below to see our July 2024 flyover and behind-the-scenes project progress video updates. These are the first of a series of videos which give you a sneak peek into different aspects of the project.

We look forward to sharing more with you in the coming months.

Mangamuka Gorge slip repairs flyover: July 2024

Mangamuka Gorge slip repairs: June 2024 update

Mangamuka Gorge nightworks



Slip A47

Our newest slip, A47, located at the northernmost part of our project, has undergone testing, revealing stable ground approximately 4.5 metres deep.

The wall design for this slip is in progress to be a UC-beam H-pile wall, similar to the walls at Slips A7 and A26, however it won’t be as long or as deep. The final dimensions are to be confirmed, however it is going to be roughly 30 metres long. 

CPT (Cone Penetration Test) tests carried out and the area barriered off.

Slip A47 – CPT (Cone Penetration Test) tests carried out and the area barriered off.


Slips A1 and A2

Rehabilitation works: 32/40 permanent piles complete.

Permanent piling works are underway.

  • Nightshift: Handles the drilling operations.
  • Dayshift: Prepares cages for inspections and places them into piles, installs the tremie pipe, and uses sucker trucks to remove bentonite during concrete pouring. Additionally, the team is coring the anchor slots in preparation for the capping beam installation.

Crane setting up the tremie extensions to assist with the concrete pour.

Slips A1 and A2 – Crane setting up the tremie extensions to assist with the concrete pour.


Slip A3

Rehabilitation works: complete!

The guardrails have been installed. Reinstatement of the road will complete all works on this slip.

Guardrails have been installed.

Slip A3 – Guardrails have been installed.


Slip A4

Rehabilitation works: 36/36 permanent piles complete.

Coring of anchors is nearly complete. The steel has arrived on site, and the team will begin installation shortly. The capping beam installation will follow.

Drilling the final pile and setting down the tremie rack after the concrete pour at the same time.

Slip A4 – Drilling the final pile and setting down the tremie rack after the concrete pour at the same time.


Slip A5


The guardrails have been installed. Reinstatement of the road will complete all works on this slip.



Slip A6

Rehabilitation works: permanent piling complete.

The last section of the capping beam has been completed. Formwork will be removed along with anchor pockets and the scaffold will be erected for the anchor installation.

The finished product - the capping beam has been poured and anchor installation is up next.

Slip A6 – The finished product - the capping beam has been poured and anchor installation is up next.


Slip A7

Rehabilitation works: 2/54 permanent piles complete.

The team is set up on site and have begun the H-beam pile installation.

The team are set-up and drilling the first H-beam pile.

Slip A7 – The team are set-up and drilling the first H-beam pile.


Slip A8

Rehabilitation works: 7/72 permanent piles complete.

The 7 piles that have been installed are 600mm in diameter piles and need a 450mm diameter steel cage within them. Located under the carriageway, these piles don't require a capping beam like the other walls.

Pouring one of the ‘test’ piles.

Slip A8 – Pouring one of the ‘test’ piles.


Slip A9

Rehabilitation works: 53/53 permanent piles complete.

The team has started installing the anchors and is making good progress.

The team are set-up and have begun drilling the anchors.

Slip A9 – The team are set-up and have begun drilling the anchors.


Slip A26

Rehabilitation works: permanent piles complete.

The piling crew has demobilised and moved north to Slip A8. A new crew at this site is making good progress on breaking the site concrete, prepping the area, and installing the concrete lagging panels.

The concrete panels have arrived and are being placed at the southern end of the slip

Slip A26 –The concrete panels have arrived and are being placed at the southern end of the slip


Slip A10

The road reinstatement for the slip is scheduled to start in August after the drainage and side drain upgrade is complete.



Slip A11

The initial stage of this repair is complete with close to 28,000m3 cut from the side of the maunga in just over a month.

The area has experienced expected movement during the winter months, and we continue to monitor it closely.

Currently, the rock spall wall construction has begun and the team is making good progress.

The final repairs will be completed after winter.

Rocks being delivered to begin the rock spall wall.

Slip A11 – Rocks being delivered to begin the rock spall wall.


Slip A12

Rehabilitation works: permanent piles and capping beam complete.

The team has made great progress and has moved south to neighbouring Slip A13 to begin anchor installations there.

Anchors being installed.

Slip A12 – Anchors being installed.


Slip A13

Rehabilitation works: permanent piles and capping beam complete.

Anchor installations have begun.

The scaffolding works platform installed ready for the anchor machinery to start installing anchors.

Slip A13 – The scaffolding works platform installed ready for the anchor machinery to start installing anchors.


Slip A27




Worker of the month

We are thrilled to announce Kullum McIntyre as our Worker of the Month.

Kullum began his career as a groundsman, where he quickly mastered all aspects of piling. His keen interest in operating machinery became evident as he progressed, particularly with drilling rigs.

Kullum was part of the team during the first road closure works in 2020 and his hard work and commitment have seen him advance to a supervisory role. He coordinates the logistics of site activities and keeps the teams well-informed about all movements and operations around the site. His leadership ensures smooth operations and high efficiency.

On top of his professional achievements, we are excited to see Kullum step into a new role as a father in the coming months.

Worker of the Month – Kullum McIntyre loading the LB24 drilling rig up to leave site.

Worker of the Month – Kullum McIntyre loading the LB24 drilling rig up to leave site.


Share your feedback

Our goal with the SH1 Mangamuka Gorge slip repairs project is to keep you, the community, informed and involved every step of the way.

We would like your feedback on how we are sharing this project with you and areas where you need more detail. Please take a moment to share your thoughts.

SH1 Mangamuka Gorge Slip Repairs: Communications Survey



Need more information for your local community group?

Our latest flyer ensures you and your community are kept up to date.

If you would like some printed copies to hand out to your whānau or community group, send us an email at with your name, mailing address and the number of copies you need. We’ll then pop them in the post directly to you.

Electronic version of the flyer

For more information about the project, visit the website:
SH1 Mangamuka Gorge slip repairs



More information


For more information on the SH1 Mangamuka Gorge slip repairs, contact us at

Visit our website