![]() News and Information from September 2022A Message from the Executive DirectorThe first quarter of our FY 2023 comes to a close today with a number of projects underway. SEMPO has partnered with KLG Engineering in the development of our Public Transit - Human Services Transportation Coordination Plan. In September, we met with the United Way Transportation Coalition in a meeting to explore the transit needs of our communities and strategies and methods to engage transit users, transit providers, and the general public. Our meeting was well attended with transit representatives and public service agency representatives present. This was the first meeting by the Coalition and fortuitous timing for our planning efforts. We plan to engage with the Coalition in their public outreach efforts to expand our reach of community members in need of transit services in the development of our plan. Our 2024 - 2027 Transportation Improvement Program is also seeing progress as we anticipate hosting Public Meetings in October to review the draft. During our Technical Planning Committee meeting in October we will be reviewing the comments which have been incorporated in the draft Electric Vehicles Readiness Plan for potential consideration of approval by the Board on October 19th. ![]() Jackson & Cape Awarded TAP Grant Funds ![]() Hundreds of thousands of dollars of federal Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) funds will be invested into the SEMPO planning area to enhance multimodal transportation infrastructure. Both Jackson and Cape Girardeau were successful in their TAP grant applications, a program administered by MoDOT. The City of Jackson put forward a project extending sidewalks on East Main Street from Bellevue Street to the Shawnee Boulevard roundabout (shown below). The project will connect existing sidewalk on East Main Street west of Bellevue Street and east of Shawnee Boulevard. Cape Girardeau was awarded Phase I and Phase II of the Cape Rock Drive sidewalk project. Phase I calls for the construction of sidewalk from Kingshighway (US 61) to Brookwood Drive, adjacent to the Dennis Scivally Park (shown above). Phase II will extend sidewalk on Cape Rock Drive from Brookwood Drive to existing sidewalks on Perryville Road. ![]() SEMPO To Receive Carbon Reduction Program Funding ![]() The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law established a Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) which provides funds for projects designed to reduce transportation emissions. Through a population driven formula funding disbursement, the SEMPO planning area will receive $174,582 in Fiscal Year 2022. The Carbon Reduction Program is a five year program delivering funds each fiscal year of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Funds received each fiscal year may be rolled over to future years increasing the amount of funds which may be used over the life of the five year program. The current guidance provides a detailed list of eligible projects and use of the funds. See page 13 (slide 15) of the below presentation slides to view guidance on eligible use of funds. We are still learning more about the program and SEMPO's role in project selection. We will be working in concert with MoDOT staff as we begin to develop SEMPO's approach and strategies for the program. Public Transit - Human Service Transportation Coordination Plan (PT-HSTCP) ![]() It's a long title, but an important planning initiative. Work has begun on our update to the Public Transit - Human Service Transportation Coordination Plan (PT-HSTCP). The purpose of this plan is to create a comprehensive strategy to assist transportation agencies, community leaders, social service agencies, and stakeholders involved in human service transportation in improving and enhancing transportation services to our region. To accomplish this, our efforts will focus on outreach efforts targeting participation by members of the public utilizing transportation services, seniors, individuals with disabilities, private and nonprofit transportation and human services providers. Transportation Improvement Program Update ![]() Metropolitan Planning Organizations are required to develop a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), which effectively serves as a list of upcoming transportation projects, covering a period of at least four years. The program includes all transportation projects that use Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) funds, along with other regionally significant projects. SEMPO is currently working with its planning partner, SEMO Regional Planning Commission (SEMO RPC), to update the MPO's TIP. This update includes revisions to the federal funding section to reflect the new Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) language, updates the MPO's performance targets, and also updates the list of projects. Public meetings and the public comment period for the TIP update will begin in October. SS4A Applications Under Review ![]() The Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant applications were due September 15 and are now under review. SEMPO submitted an application seeking the development of a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan for our planning area. The planning initiative would evaluate the safety of our Metropolitan Planning Area's (MPA's) transportation systems and infrastructure through design and data analysis. The plan focuses on four core tenets:
An application selection date has not been advertised by the USDOT at this time. I'll keep folks apprised as I learn more about the review timeline. Draft EV Readiness Plan ![]() We received good feedback on our latest draft of the EV Readiness Plan from our Technical Planning Committee (TPC) members. Our consulting team is working on incorporating some of the additional comments received into the draft plan for final consideration. The current draft is publicly available on SEMPO's website for anyone to review and issue comment. An updated draft will be provided to the TPC at their October 5th meeting for review and consideration for recommended approval to the Board at their October 19th meeting. Roadway Fatalities Update ![]() The Southeast District has experienced 102 fatalities on the roadways in 2022 as of September 25. This number is higher than the 91 fatalities which occurred in 2021 at this time. Statewide, we have experienced 738 fatalities, which is less than what we experienced in 2021 where 756 fatalities were recorded, yet higher than what was experienced in 2017 (663), 2018 (686), 2019 (634), 2020 (725) at this point in the year. Of these statewide fatalities, 60% of the occupants were not buckled. SEMPO Trivia ![]() The 1993 movie Benny & Joon, starring Johnny Depp and Mary Stuart Masterson, featured this hit song from The Proclaimers in which the chorus stated they would walk how many miles just to fall down at your door? a. 100 How streets, roads, and avenues are different Do you know all the various naming conventions for our roadways? It may seem random, and sometimes I am sure that it is, but there are some guidelines used when contemplating the roadway designation. Below is a brief 4- minute refresher on the topic. Transportation Quote “Superman don’t need no seat belt." - "Superman don’t need no airplane, either.” – Muhammad Ali and flight attendant ![]() |