Vision StatementWorking together to create a thriving future for our island communities 愿景声明 - 携手合作为我们的岛屿社区创造繁荣的未来 Pernyataan visi - Bekerjasama untuk
membina masa depan yang berkembang untuk masyarakat pulu kita Pernyataan wawasa - Sama-sama berusaha mewujudkan masa depan yang berkembang maju untuk komuniti pulau kita
IOT RDO Community Newsletter –
September 2022
About usThe Indian Ocean Territories Regional Development Organisation (IOT RDO) is one of 52 organisations located across Australia that are part of the Regional Development Australia (RDA) network. The IOT RDO team is comprised of local leaders and passionate advocates working to facilitate sustainable development in the region, and to build strong and confident local economies on both Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands. You can watch a video about the RDA network below:
What we’ve been working on- Meetings in Canberra
- IOT RDO 2030 Strategic Regional Plan
- Annual Business Plan 2022-23
- Annual General Meeting
- Construction of the Christmas Island pathway and viewing platform
- Grant funding opportunities
- IOT Business Directory
Meetings in CanberraIn August 2022, a delegation from the IOT RDO, led by the Committee’s Chairperson, Mrs Natasha Griggs, Administrator of Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, travelled to Canberra to present the new IOT RDO 2030 Strategic Regional Plan, and to highlight the organisation’s short-term priorities for the region. The delegation was very fortunate to have the opportunity to discuss key issues affecting our IOT communities with the Hon Kristy McBain MP, Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Territories. Topics discussed included IOT freight
and flight service issues, environmental and sustainability initiatives, and the progression of digital and telecommunications connectivity in the region.
Delegation at Parliament House: Stephanie Lai, the Hon Kristy McBain MP, Farzian Zainal, Bianca McKinney.
The delegation also presented the IOT RDO 2030 Strategic Regional Plan to the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communication and the Arts (DITRDCA). The attendance of David Mackay, Acting Deputy Secretary, Regional Cities and Territories, was warmly welcomed, as was the presence of representatives from the Regional Intelligence and Local Government, and the Indian Ocean Territories areas of the Department. IOT RDO 2030 Strategic Regional PlanThe IOT RDO engaged Centred Solutions to develop its new, macro-level IOT RDO 2030 Strategic Regional Plan. The development of the plan is a requirement under the RDA Charter. The plan has been developed through research, community and stakeholder engagement, and economic analysis. The IOT RDO 2030 Strategic Regional Plan aims to leverage the region’s natural assets and community strengths to foster a more diverse economy and a stronger, more resilient and capable region. The plan will drive the work of the IOT RDO, and will also be available for use by the community, community
organisations, private enterprise and government. The IOT RDO 2030 Strategic Regional Plan has been accepted by RDA Program Management at DITRDCA, and will be available online later this month.
Annual Business Plan 2022-23The IOT RDO Committee has developed its Annual Business Plan 2022-23. The plan maps the organisation’s activities for the coming year, with each activity matched to the priorities and focus areas as outlined in the IOT RDO 2030 Strategic Regional Plan. The Committee will report on its progress with the implementation of the Annual Business Plan via its community newsletters. Annual General MeetingThe IOT RDO Committee held its annual general
meeting (AGM) on 9 September 2022. The Committee is pleased to announce its office holders for the next 12 months, being Farzian Zainal, Deputy Chairperson, Thomas Battcher, Secretary, and Stephanie Lai, Treasurer. As Deputy Chairperson, Farzian will fulfil the duties of Chairperson until such time as the Australian Government appoints a new Administrator for Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, who will assume the role of Chairperson as per the IOT RDO Constitution. This was the last meeting for the Committee’s Chairperson, Mrs Natasha Griggs. The incoming Deputy Chairperson, Farzian Zainal, thanked Natasha for her ongoing mentorship. Farzian also thanked Natasha on behalf of the Committee, and highlighted the numerous achievements of the IOT RDO which have been made possible under Natasha’s leadership.
The development of local and regional strategic plans, funding of community infrastructure projects, tourism initiatives including the development of a destination management and marketing plan for the region and the Indian Ocean Fest, development of the IOT Business Directory, and the construction of the pathway and viewing platform on Christmas Island, were all projects which were spearheaded by Natasha. The Committee expressed its heartfelt gratitude to Natasha for her contribution to both the IOT RDO and to our IOT communities. Construction of the
Christmas Island pathway and viewing platform
The two sections of the concrete pathway on Christmas Island, starting at Gaze Road and ending at Rocky Point Crescent, are nearing completion. Similar bollards to those used along William Keeling Crescent on West Island will soon be installed along the path to enhance safety and provide solar-powered illumination. Concrete was recently poured for the columns and precast slab of the new viewing platform adjoining the walking path. Once the concrete has been cured, the two ends of the path on either side of the viewing platform will be joined. Informative signage for the viewing platform overlooking the Christmas Island Marine Park is being designed in cooperation with Australian Marine Parks. The pathway and viewing platform are expected to be fully completed by November. Both local residents and visitors to the island will benefit
from this new community amenity. Grant funding opportunitiesA focus area for the IOT RDO is to support the development of local business capability and capacity, so that local businesses are able to realise their potential, and obtain maximum benefits from emerging opportunities. Part of the IOT RDO's work in this area is to identify and inform our local communities about grant funding opportunities. The latest opportunities, as at 9 September 2022, are available from the Grants section of the IOT RDO website. IOT Business DirectoryThe IOT RDO developed the IOT Business Directory to showcase the business community in our region, and to shine a light on the local resources and skills that are available. The IOT RDO advocates strongly for local training and employment opportunities for all projects in the IOT. If you would like to add or update your business details on the directory, please visit the website and complete the online form. Working together to create a thriving future for our island communitiesOur door is always open. Please reach out to Committee members or our Program Manager, Bianca McKinney, if you have issues that you would like to discuss or bring to the Committee’s attention.
RDO Annual Business Plan workshop: David Eizenberg (Office of the Administrator), Michael Kirkpatrick, John Clunies-Ross, Thomas Battcher, Natasha Griggs, Fionn Muster and Mark Coffey (Centred Solutions), Farzian Zainal, Stephanie Lai, Bianca McKinney, David McKinney.
Indian Ocean Territories Regional Development Committee