No images? Click here Number: 02/2023. Date: 22/3/2023 Joint communication – Independent review of IOT air freight, shipping and passenger servicesWorking together to create a thriving future for our island communitiesThe Indian Ocean Territories Regional Development Organisation (IOT RDO) and the Christmas Island Business Association (CIBA) have joined in partnership to commission an independent review of air freight, shipping and passenger services for the Indian Ocean Territories (IOT). The recently published IOT RDO 2030 Strategic Regional Plan, developed through research, engagement, and economic analysis, aims to leverage the region’s natural assets and community strengths to foster a more diverse economy and a stronger, more resilient, and capable region. Achieving reliable, competitive and cost-effective supply chains for the region is a priority identified in the plan. Through the supply chain review, it is hoped that opportunities to sustainably improve the reliability and efficiency of the region’s supply chains can be identified, and recommendations developed, implemented, monitored and reviewed. Ideally, in the not-too-distant future the IOT will have freight and passenger services that better support the movement of people, goods and services into and across the region, resulting in business and development opportunities, and improvements in liveability for our communities. The IOT RDO and CIBA have formed a Joint Committee to provide project governance, and to take a central role in the review. Its membership includes representatives from the IOT RDO, CIBA, Shire of Christmas Island, Shire of Cocos (Keeling) Islands, and our local Member of Parliament Ms Marion Scyrmgour. The Joint Committee will participate in decision making, provide operational direction and stakeholder input, and monitor the project. The Joint Committee will provide regular updates to the community and key stakeholders. The Committee can be contacted at The IOT RDO and CIBA look forward to working collaboratively with regional stakeholders on this important initiative. Farzian Zainal Nicholas Gan |