No images? Click here 3 December 2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccines: Department of Health Disability Provider Alert (1 December 2021) and an upcoming webinar for providersThe Australian Government Department of Health (Department of Health) has issued a Disability Provider Alert with updated information for disability providers. The Department of Health is also hosting a webinar for providers on supporting people with intellectual disability. Key points
Department of Health provider alert (1 December 2021)The Department of Health has issued a COVID-19 vaccination – Disability Provider Alert 1 December 2021. The alert contains important information about the continued rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine, including:
We encourage you to read the Department of Health provider alert for full details. Webinar: COVID-19 Vaccination Consent, Hesitancy and RefusalThe Department of Health is hosting a webinar on Tuesday 7 December 2021 from 1.00pm to 2.00pm AEDT, for disability service providers on:
This session will be recorded and published, for those unable to join on the day. The expert panel includes:
How to join:
Promoting access to COVID-19 VaccinationsSupporting NDIS participants to access COVID-19 vaccinationsAll NDIS participants aged 12 years and over are now eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. The Acting Commissioner has published a statement about the right of people with disability to make their own decision about COVID-19 vaccination, and the role of NDIS providers and workers in supporting participants. This was sent to registered providers on 5 November 2021. Providers should take all steps to assist participants that they support to access the vaccination where they need assistance to do so. Further information is available on the Department of Health website, including Easy Read and Auslan resources. Our provider alert of 9 June 2021 contained resources to help you to support participants to understand the vaccination process and to provide informed consent. Our fact sheet, called ‘COVID-19 Vaccines: Informed consent, preparing for the vaccine, and restrictive practices’, aims to assist NDIS providers to better understand their obligations when supporting people with disability to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccination advice and information for disability workers All states and territories have issued public health orders or directions (with mandatory COVID-19 vaccination requirements for workers, including disability workers):
Providers are strongly encouraged to check the details of the public health orders in the states or territories in which they operate and any requirements for providers in respect of the vaccination status of disability workers. Our 22 November 2021 provider alert was sent to NDIS providers that are registered to deliver intensive support services to NDIS participants. It contained details about a request for information under the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 regarding the COVID-19 vaccination status of workers. It is a condition of registration that registered providers comply with such a notice under the NDIS Act and providers are strongly encouraged to take any necessary steps in preparation for complying with the notice. The Department of Health has dedicated information pages for disability service providers about COVID-19 vaccines.
The Department of Health will continue to update the information on these pages, so we strongly encourage you to visit these pages regularly. NDIS Commission COVID-19 vaccine information and resourcesThe COVID-19 vaccine information webpage on our website contains links to updates about COVID-19 vaccines and resources for NDIS providers. We also have a COVID-19 vaccine webpage containing information for people with disability. IMPORTANT CALL TO ACTION FOR ALL PROVIDERSAs vaccination rates increase across Australia and governments continue to make plans to ease community restrictions - it is vital that people with disability are supported, in whatever way they require, to access vaccinations. You have an important role to play! There are a number of actions you can take today:
Please refer to:
Further information is available on the Department of Health website, including Easy Read and Auslan resources. Vaccinations can be booked by visiting the Vaccine Clinic Finder or by contacting the National Coronavirus and COVID-19 Vaccination Helpline on 1800 020 080. The Disability Gateway is now also assisting people with disability that might need help to book a COVID-19 vaccine. General Enquiries1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) Our contact centre is open 9.00am to 5.00pm (9.00am to 4.30pm in the NT) Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays. To provide feedback, contact the NDIS Commission by emailing |