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9:30am Worship Service: February 11th, 2024

"Jesus Revealed: Through Glory and Ashes"

Scripture: Mark 9:2-9 

Rev. Erin Wyma

This Sunday is communion Sunday and begins Lent. If you have not been able to attend and would like Pastor Erin to bring communion and ashes, please contact the office.

Click here to sign up for Sunday service volunteer opportunities (reader, greeter, acolyte, or usher)


Friday, February 9th!

Snack and chat at 6:30pm.

Play begins at 7pm.

Bring a snack to share. Enter through the kitchen door.

Donation Drop-off

Betty will be at church collecting donations for People's Resource Center and Interfaith Food Pantry on Saturday, February 10th, from 11am-1pm. Most-needed items are listed in the left sidebar. Thank you for your generosity.

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is February 14th.

A service of reflection that includes the imposition of ashes will begin at 6:30pm.

Easter Flowers

The Worship Committee has ordered a variety of beautiful potted flowers to decorate the sanctuary on Easter. Orders are now being taken.

Flowers are $12 each.The deadline to order is Monday, March 18th.

Please place forms and payment in the offering plate or in the locked mailbox outside of the office. Checks should be made payable to St. Matthew UCC and indicate “Easter flowers” in the memo section. You may take your flower(s) home after the Easter service.

You can also order online through the website.

World Relief - Family ‘Welcome Kit’

I am sure it is no surprise to anyone that there has been a proliferation of refugees and immigrants arriving in the Chicago area. These families arrive with just the clothes on their backs and a handful of special possessions. The Mission Committee has engaged with World Relief to offer St. Matthew’s assistance in DuPage County.

How can you help? St. Matthew is providing a ‘welcome kit’ for a family which includes basic items needed to help furnish their household. You can sign up and donate items from the list found in the narthex. As we approach Valentine’s Day, we hope you find it in your heart to help our brothers and sisters in need with these basic items to start their new lives in DuPage County.

Lenten Adult Ed Series Begins February 26th

Mondays, February 26th—March 18th, 7pm, in the parlor.

Pastor Erin will lead discussions to unpack the topics of our Lenten sermon series, This is My Body.

Help Fill Easter Eggs

Preparation is underway for our annual Easter Egg Hunt!

Grab a bag of empty eggs from the narthex, and fill them with little treats. Return filled eggs by March 3rd. We appreciate your help!

Women's Fellowship: What to Know About Artificial Intelligence

Save the date for the Women's Fellowship March gathering! 

"Brave New World?: What to Know About Artificial Intelligence," presented by our own Lee Staton.

Thursday, March 7th, 7pm, in Dobstaff.

Easter Egg Hunt

Special Events Committee Volunteers

Thanks to Hope Erickson, who stepped up to coordinate our Special Events Committee. Now we need volunteers to be on the committee. Duties could include set-up, clean-up, food donations, serving at the event, or various other activities as needed. Thank you to those who have already contacted the office.

Contact the office if you would like to be a volunteer to help with events. 

Giving Envelopes

If you have requested giving envelopes for 2024, please pick up your box from the table in the narthex.

Nursery Helpers Needed

We need an adult volunteer in the nursery every week. Dates are available through March. 


Click here to volunteer

St. Matthew History Project

We are working on a written and visual history of the church up until our 65th anniversary, which will be in November of 2024.

If you are a longtime member and want to submit stories, documents, or pictures, please email them to the office or drop them by the office or send them via email to Pastor Erin at

If you are a newer member, what would interest you to know about the history of St. Matthew? Send any thoughts or questions directly to Pastor Erin at

St. Matthew T-shirts

We have a few extra St. Matthew t-shirts available for purchase, sizes M, L, and XL. They are $20 each. Contact the office if you would like one!

Our Church Directory is Online!

Download the Instant Church Directory app from the Apple® App store in iTunes®, Google Play™ store and the Amazon Fire App Store. Simply search for “Instant Church Directory” to get the download. 

You will need to use your email address as listed in our directory to create a log-in the first time you use the directory online and via the mobile app.

To view the directory online, go to and follow the prompts under “Sign In” to “Create a login now.” Please remember, you must confirm your email address before you can sign in.

Contact the office with questions.

Interested in Becoming a Member of St. Matthew?

Pastor Erin would like to engage with you in person about involvement in this beloved community. Reach out to Pastor Erin via email to setup a time to chat or contact the office. 

Sunday Coffee Hour

For coffee after church, please consider bringing a treat on the following weeks:

Last names A-C, 1st Sunday

Last names D-H, 2nd Sunday

Last names I-O, 3rd Sunday

Last names P-Z, 4th Sunday

Anyone, 5th Sunday

Please contact Wendy Fanning if you are able to set up or clean up coffee hour. Thanks for your help.

Online Sunday Worship

The St. Matthew worship service will be streamed every Sunday at 9:30am. The service will be available on our website after the service.


Access the service through the St. Matthew YouTube page:

**Once you are on YouTube, you have the option to turn on closed captioning and resize the font. Once the video is playing, click on the setting wheel in lower-right of your screen, choose Subtitles/CC, then choose English.**

You can also go to the St. Matthew homepage ( to access the online service. 

Online Giving

Go to our website for instructions on how to donate to St. Matthew. Thank you!