I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has taken the time to answer a couple of surveys that have hit your inbox recently. The first was a straw poll of Diplomates on the prospect of changing ABVP from a “Board” to a “College”. Two options were presented as either an up/down vote and two options for a name. In order to change the name of ABVP, a bylaws vote would have been required and in order to amend our bylaws, a two-thirds majority must be had in the affirmative. We received 448 responses to the survey with 55.8% ( 250 ) voting to keep the ABVP name. While not a formal bylaws vote, this straw poll fell well short of the threshold of passing. With this information in mind, the BOD and COR has decided to table any work on a name change for now. The second survey was an anonymous poll of the salaries of our Diplomates. This data will be compared to information collected four years ago as well as recent AVMA data on the other specialties. This will be presented at the upcoming Symposium in Chicago and shared with everyone after the meeting. We appreciate your time and honesty in answering. Looking forward to seeing everyone In Chicago and may the February weather bring you what you are hoping for. This is a busy year for filling many positions within the structure of ABVP. As Immediate Past-President and chair of the Nominating and Maintenance Committee I am called upon to announce the slate of candidates to our Diplomates by March 1st of this year with the election of those candidates occurring in April. I humbly present the following candidates. VICE PRESIDENT Dr. Jeff Husa – Swine Health Management and SHM Regent. Unopposed. SECRETARY/TREASURER Dr. Sara Doggett – Feline Practice. Running for her first term. Unopposed. REGENTS Avian Beef Food Animal Reptile & Amphibian COMMITTEE CHAIRS Exam Maintenance of Certification Dr. Sonnya Dennis – Canine and Feline Practice. Dr. Dennis is completing the term of the previous MOC Chair and is running for her first term. Unopposed. Outreach Dr. Sarah Eaton – Equine Practice. Dr. Eaton is running for her first term. Unopposed. Residency Dr. Billy Smith – Food Animal Practice. Current Chair completing his first term. Running for his second term. Dr. Lawrence Hill – Canine and Feline Practice. Running for his first term.
I wish to thank Dr. Datz, Dr. Coke, Dr. Fuselier, Dr. Kiffney, and Dr. Dutton for their incredible service to the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners for many years. Their volunteer service through the commitment of many hours of their personal time is what makes ABVP successful. Thank them if you have the chance. Tips
Are you due to MOC in 2022 or 2023? You need 4 things! See a quick excerpt from the MOC Handbook below. Quick Links
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MOC Chair: Sonnya Dennis, DVM, DABVP (Canine/Feline) mocchair@abvp.com All NEW Applicant Handbook Now Available The long-awaited ABVP Applicant Handbook, which lists all new guidelines, is now available. If you or someone you know is planning to apply for the January 15, 2023 deadline, please be sure to thoroughly review this or pass it along before next January. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to the Credentials Chair, Dr. Scott Leibsle, DABVP (Equine), at credentials@abvp.com. Invest in YOUR FoundationInvest in the growth of your specialty. Help the ABVP Foundation reach out to students and clinicians. We need your support. Residency and Job PostingsDon’t forget ABVP has classified listings for open positions all over the USA! Event Calendar 2022April 21-24, 2022
July 1, 2022
July 15, 2022
September 1, 2022
November 5, 2022