About us
The Indian Ocean Territories Regional Development Organisation (IOT RDO) is one of 52 organisations located across Australia that are part of the Regional Development Australia (RDA) network. The IOT RDO team is comprised of local leaders and passionate advocates working to facilitate sustainable development in the IOT, and to build strong and confident local economies on both Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands.
What we’ve been working on
- First meeting of the IOT RDO Committee for 2022-23
- Overseeing construction of the Christmas Island walking/cycle path and viewing platform
- Development of the IOT RDO 2030 Strategic Regional Plan
- Development of the IOT RDO Annual Business Plan 2022-23
- IOT Business Directory
IOT RDO Committee meeting 6 August 2022
The new IOT RDO Committee for 2022-23 held its first meeting on 6 August 2022 on Christmas Island. The Committee received a final status briefing on the implementation of the RDO’s Annual Business Plan 2021-22, which provided new members with an overview of our work over the past 12 months. Recent work includes ongoing advocacy for solutions for IOT freight issues; the development of the IOT Business Directory; the provision of online and in person grant writing workshops on Christmas Island and Cocos; and the implementation of Australian Government
funded projects to develop the IOT as a regional tourism destination, including the Indian Ocean Fest and the new walking/cycle path and viewing platform on Christmas Island.
The organisation is also currently undertaking the RDA Annual Governance Certification process, which will be presented at the upcoming IOT RDO Annual General Meeting.
The new Committee members were briefed in detail on the ongoing work of the RDO in advocating for improved freight services, and a considerable amount of time was dedicated to discussing air and sea freight and passenger services due to the importance of these issues. The Committee especially wants to thank and express their strong support for the initiative and hard work of community representatives on Cocos on the air freight petition
and the report on passenger services. Working towards solutions for these issues is high on the Committee’s agenda and is a core focus of the RDO’s Strategic Regional Plan and Annual Business Plan 2022-23.
The Committee discussed the Cocos runway upgrade project on Cocos, and we will be focussing on how to maximise benefits for the local community, including legacy infrastructure, local training, capacity building, and employment opportunities.
The Commmitte also had a tour of the freshly laid walking/cycle path that the IOT RDO engaged local company Acker to construct, and it was great to see the path being used by local families and visitors. We also viewed the foundations for the new viewing platform, which will look out over the Indian Ocean from Rocky
Point Road.