Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

SH1 Brynderwyn Hills recovery and enabling works

24 June 2024


We’re only a few days away from reopening the road. Our crews are busy completing the last few closure jobs, getting ready for traffic at 11.59pm, Wednesday 26 June.

When you drive through the reopened Brynderwyn Hills, you’ll see the newly created shoulder along approximately 2 km of road. Our crews will be working behind a barrier in places, completing the remaining jobs that don’t require a full closure. We’ve always planned to do work in the shoulder once the road reopened but have made the most of the additional closure time, reducing this from 8-12 months to an expected 4-6 months. 

In the photo below the section of road on the left is the newly created shoulder space. This extra space can be used for future maintenance or to temporarily shift a lane of traffic when we need to work on the downslopes (the side closer to the edge).



This past week in photos

In a previous newsletter we introduced you to the remote-control bulldozer. Here is an image taken last week while finishing work on the knoll in zone E. The bulldozer is operated from a safe distance via remote control and is secured to a winch. The winch automatically detects either up or down movement and adjusts its pull accordingly.



Asphalt was applied on the north side of the hill last week, where a severe underslip closed the passing lane last year.

In the second image below, crews have worked through the night and wet weather to get the road ready. 



The top image shows the slipform machine in action last week, creating concrete dish channels down the hill.

In the second image below a small yellow piece of equipment can be seen on the lefthand side of the photo. This piece of equipment is called a nuclear densometer. It lets crews measure the density of the asphalt to ensure it reaches the required level, while the asphalt is still warm enough to be rolled.



Thank you to the team!

The number of people involved in the Brynderwyn Hills recovery work has grown considerably over the project. Over 900 staff have been inducted onto the site. In addition to engineers, project managers, traffic controllers and health and safety personal, there are a number of other people and teams including Iwi partners, ecologists, communications, finance, geotechnical experts, designers, foremen and specialist operators. 

The project has taken enormous collaboration between a huge number of people. We acknowledge their dedication and hard work to get the job done. A project of this proportion is no small undertaking!

In the next newsletter we’ll celebrate the people we’ve done this work for, all road users. We’re so thankful for your support and patience while our teams have worked hard to get the road ready to be reopened.



Key information at a glance

SH1 Brynderwyn Hills closed until 11.59 pm Wednesday 26 June 2024

Three scenic detour routes available:

  • Cove Road route: Turn off at Kaiwaka, use Kaiwaka Mangawhai Road, Garbolino Road, Tara Road, Cove Road, Nova Scotia Drive and connect back to State Highway 1. (Restrictions are in place for trucks with trailers on Cove Road between Mangawhai Heads Road and McLean Road).
  • Paparoa Oakleigh Road route: Trucks and trucks with trailers up to 50 tonnes can use this route.
  • SH12/SH14 route: HPMV (high productivity motor vehicles) must use this route.

Local routes 

Whangarei District Council 0800 932 463

Kaipara District Council 0800 727 059

State Highway route 

NZTA 0800 444 449



More information


For more information on the SH1 Brynderwyn Hills project, contact us at northlandproject@nzta.govt.nz

Visit our website www.nzta.govt.nz/brynderwyn-hills