Carers WA | March E-Bulletin No images? Click here Carers WA E-Bulletin | March 2022Carers WA COVID-19 UpdateCarers WA COVID-19 Update - 1st March 2022To ensure carers are prepared and supported throughout COVID-19, Carers WA have created a range of resources tailored to carers. 1. Preparing for COVID-19: 10 steps to ensure you and your family are as prepared as possible to reduce the impact of COVID-19. 2. COVID-19 checklist: Things to have ready and important contacts, should you or a loved one need to isolate. 3. COVID-19 tips: A fact sheet containing information and advice about managing health and wellbeing during the COVID-19 period, here in WA. As always, Carers WA encourages you to remain up-to-date and follow government directives. For more information about Carers WA COVID-19 guidelines and to download our COVID-19 resources, visit our website. For further assistance please contact: EventsBe a voice for carers!Use your experience as a carer to stand up for and represent the voice of carers in your community. Benefits of the program include the opportunity to meet and discuss issues with other carers, learn new skills, develop confidence, make a real difference to the way carers are treated in the health and mental health system - and so much more! Attend our upcoming Carer Representation Orientation, a half-day online information session which shows how your lived experience can influence change. Where: Online via Zoom (link to be sent out to confirmed attendees) When: Friday, 25th March 2022 Time: 10.00am - 12.30pm (please login by 9.50am) RSVP by: Friday, 18th March 2022. To find out more about the role, please visit our website. For more information and to RSVP, please contact the Carer Representation team on Carer Wellness - Stress and the Body WorkshopAn interactive workshop for carers exploring how stress, trauma and tension impacts the body. By educating the mind and working within the body, you can reengineer your response to stress. Where: Henderson Environmental Centre | End of Groat Street, North Beach. When: Tuesday, 15th March 2022 | 10.00am - 12.00pm. Click here to RSVP. Carer Gateway Webinar for carersThe webinars are designed to provide an introduction to Carer Gateway and how these services may be able to support you in your caring role. Where: Online - RSVP to receive an email with event details. When: Tuesday, 15th March 2022 | 2.00pm - 2.45pm. Carer Gateway Webinar for service providersThe webinars are designed to provide an introduction to Carer Gateway and how it may be relevant to the clients and families you are working with. Where: Online - RSVP to receive an email with event details. When: Tuesday, 15th March 2022 | 10.00am - 10.45am. Register your interest here. Carer Wellness Workshop Series - Confident PeopleAn online workshop series that extends over three weeks, placing you and your wellbeing at the forefront. Throughout these workshops you will understand how good mental health and positive psychology can improve outcomes. Topics will include:
Where: Via Zoom (link will be sent to participants once confirmed). When: Each Monday over three weeks, commencing Monday, 14th March - concluding Monday, 28th March. Time: 10.00am - 11.00am. For more information and to RSVP, click here. Carer Participation in Health ForumCarers WA are seeking service providers to join a networking forum to discuss the caring environment within WA. The purpose of this forum is to share information amongst members of the network in the interests of WA carers in the health system, provide relevant education opportunities to members of the group, and provide updates relating to any systemic advocacy issues undertaken by Carers WA. A special guest speaker will be invited to present on health topics of interest. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 12th April 2022. For more information or to sign up for updates, please contact the Carer Representation team on 1300 227 377 or Mental Health Carer Issue NetworkCarers WA are holding a network meeting for service providers who work with carers of people with mental health, alcohol or other drug issues. The purpose of the meeting is to share information amongst members of the network in the interests of WA carers in the mental health and alcohol or other drug system, provide relevant education opportunities. A special guest speaker will be invited to present on mental health topics of interest. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, 21st April 2022. For more information or to sign up for updates, please contact the Carer Representation team on 1300 227 377 or The Community Capacity Development team South West Road Trip.The Community Capacity Development (CCD) team are taking Priscilla, our community engagement van, on a road trip to the South West. This is a great opportunity to find out more about Carers WA services, our programs and how we can help you in your caring role. Collie Pop Up Information Session Donnybrook Pop Up Information Session If you're in the area, stop by and say hello. News & UpdatesPremiere of Filming our FutureCarers WA and Screenwest are excited to premiere Filming our Future. Filming our Future comprises of 15 short, disability led documentaries, highlighting how physical activity and inclusion have provided opportunities for forging friendships, improving health and learning new skills. It also shows how their dedication and commitment has allowed them to overcome barriers. To watch these amazing stories, please visit the Carers WA website here. Pen Pal ProgramCarers WA and Carers UK are looking for more people to join the exciting Pen Pal and Pen Partner programs that have been revived and re-designed to promote and encourage carer connections, peer support, friendships and literacy. The program covers ages 8 - 80 years +. If you would like to find out more information or to sign up for the program, please visit the Carers WA website. Supporting Young CarersThe Young Carer Team and program have continued to grow, increasing the supports provided to Young Carers aged 8-25 years. Supports include: peer support groups, events, career and education assistance and individual support around carers needs. Check out the Young Carers new animation to learn more about what they do and follow us on social media to keep up-to-date with events and opportunities. Carers Connect has been extended - Regional carers are encouraged to apply!Do you want support to start education or employment? Carers WA has been successful in securing a second round of funding for the Carers Connect to Education and Employment project, through Department of Social Services. This program will be delivered by Carers WA in partnership with the Australian Medical Association. Carers Connect provides an opportunity for carers to study and/or gain employment in the Care Industry (e.g Aged Care, Community Service, Disability, Health Care and Mental Health) or another industry with skill shortages. The Carers Connect Team will provide one-on-one coaching to help you to identify skills and overcome barriers, and financial assistance to enrol in training and support you to achieve your career goals. To be eligible for this program, carers must be:
To express your interest in this program or for more information, please phone 2022 Carers Wellbeing Survey is open!The 2022 Carer Wellbeing Survey is still open. We are asking carers across Australia to tell us about their wellbeing and quality of life, and how COVID-19 pandemic has affected them as a carer. By participating, you help make a difference to carers across Australia, as well as being eligible to enter a prize draw to win one of 13 prizes worth a total of $5,000. You can do a short or long version of the survey, depending on how much time you have available. The survey is voluntary, confidential and anonymous, and closes on 10th March 2022, at 11.59pm. Thank you for taking the time to participate and share your valuable insights. Students Graduate from Breaking Barriers InitiativeIn 2021 RTRFM and Carers WA launched the Breaking Sound Barriers initiative. This pilot radio and podcast training program was developed for people with disability with the aim of ensuring that they have the best opportunity to thrive and respond to emerging needs and challenges. Last week the very first participants graduated from the course. They were joined by Simon Millman MLA, to celebrate their incredible achievements. Thanks to the wonderful training program developed by Zoe Warwick at Concepts4change they have learnt to share their stories through a medium that hasn't always been accessible. Well done to all involved! EnCOMPASS - Multicultural Aged Care Connector ProgramThe EnCOMPASS - Multicultural Aged Care Connector Program supports older people of culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) backgrounds and their communities to access the aged care system. The objectives of the program are to:
For more information about joining this program, click here. ![]() Got a question?