Worship Service: August 28th, 2022
Scripture: Exodus 20:8-11, Isaiah 58:13-14
Rev. Kyle Roggenbuck
Outdoor Worship, weather permitting
Please bring your own chair.
The nursery will not be open. We will have Sunday School.
September Communion Date Change
Due to the holiday, communion will NOT be served on September 4th.
Communion will be celebrated on September 11th during our Come Together service.
Come Together Sunday - September 11th
Please join us on Sunday, September 11th, after the service for our church picnic!
We will have live music, a bounce house, egg toss, snow-cone machine, popcorn, and a cookout.
Please bring a dish to pass and an item for our bake sale, which will offset the cost of renting the bounce house.
Gift Cards Needed for Back Bay Mission
As St. Matthew's work trip to Biloxi draws near, we are collecting Walmart gift cards to donate to Back Bay Mission. These gift cards will be used to purchase food for the food pantry, supplies for the Micah Day Center, or to support other client needs. St. Matthew will also benefit when the gift cards are purchased through the RaiseRight (formerly ShopwithScrip) gift card program. Edie DeBoard will be taking gift card orders on the first Sunday of the month. Any amount will be greatly appreciated. Cards can be put in the offering plate on Sunday or dropped in the office mailbox.
Thank you,
Jeannine Adams (Mission Committee)
Pastoral Search Update
Our search has been progressing. We continue to evaluate our candidates with respect to the core competencies identified at the cottage meetings:
· Ability to personally connect with people of all ages.
· Engaging speaker who delivers motivating and relevant sermons.
· Inspiring leader who will partner with us to bring new ideas for internal growth and increased community presence.
Please continue to ask us questions, give us input, and keep us as well the pastors in your prayers.
St. Matthew Search Committee: Hi Baird, Karen Fenney, Janella Holshouser, Carol Honeywell, Roseanne King, John Kouns, Eric Lindberg, Dorothy Peterson, Emily Sancken, Bernie Tameling
No Women's Ministry Meeting in September
Due to busy back-to-school schedules and other conflicts, Women’s Group will not meet in September. Stay tuned for details regarding our October gathering.
crazies this Sunday
Crazies will meet from 4:30-6pm on August 28th in the upstairs youth room.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Meagan directly at: christian.ed@stmatthewucc.org
Click here to see the updated crazies page!
Prepare to be WOW'd!
We've heard that people aren't sure how they can sign up to be a part of the Sunday worship service.
We've created a Worship Opportunities Worksheet (WOW) that contains all the volunteer opportunities through the end of 2022. You can sign up to read announcements, scripture, be a greeter, an usher, or an acolyte. All you need to do is click here and add your name to the appropriate date and opportunity. It's that simple!
At the top of each column, you will see the name of a contact who can answer any questions about the specific opportunity. You can also contact the office. We'd love to have you be a part of an upcoming service!
Do You Sew?
Would you be willing to make some valances for our newly painted nursery? If so, please contact Kenna Anderson at Kenna1@comcast.net or 630.209.5710. Thank you!
Online Sunday Worship
The St. Matthew worship service will be streamed every Sunday at 9:30am. The service will be available on our website after the service.
Access the service through the St. Matthew YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/user/StMatthewUCC
**Once you are on YouTube, you have the option to turn on closed captioning and resize the font. Once the video is playing, click on the setting wheel in lower-right of your screen, choose Subtitles/CC, then choose English.**
You can also go to the St. Matthew homepage (stmatthewucc.org) to access the online service.
Online Giving
Go to our website for instructions on how to donate to St. Matthew. Thank you!