The latest news & perspectives from the Michigan Conference.
The Michigan House recently passed bill HB-4474. What are we to make of it? What does it say?
Digital ministry resources from the Michigan Conference.
Join Dr. Atkins in the Nature Center to learn about carnivorous plants!
Discover an activity or event that will enhance your life & ministry.
The training event takes place from September 10-16 at the Michigan Conference office.
This summer, VBS programs are taking place all across Michigan. Click the image to find a VBS near you!
Homegrown Family First Retreat
Save the date for the "Homegrown" Family First retreat on September 29-October 1. Registration opens August 7.
Northwoods Marriage Retreat
Save the date for the "Smitten Above the Mitten" Northwoods marriage retreat on October 27-29. Registration opens soon August 18.
Registration is open for Blind Bikers Camp, a Bible-centered week-long camp for the blind & physically challenged. Click the image for more information & registration.
Each month, 3 Angels Christian Bookstore has sales on specific books & natural food items. Check it out by clicking on the image.
The latest news & perspectives from the Lake Union.
Spanish Church Plants English Congregation
A new Chicago church was celebrated on July 15.
VBS Raises Funds for Mission Pilot
A faith-flight themed VBS in Berrien Springs inspired kids to focus on heavenly themes.
The latest news & perspectives from the North American Division.
Education Conference to Inspire Educators
Adventist educators have a lot to look forward to at the Something Better conference.
It Is Written Wins 11 Awards
Although the accolades are appreciated, It Is Written remains focused on sharing Jesus.
The latest news & perspectives from the General Conference.
Sharing the Everlasting Gospel with the World
Through one book, thousands have been saved, & those have gone on to share the gospel.
In the Central Philippines, an evangelistic series drew over 4000 attendees.