Significant project milestone reached
In our recent update we shared that planning for the SH1 Belfast to Pegasus Motorway and Woodend Bypass (B2P) project is under way and we’ve been revisiting the original scheme design to make sure what was planned for over ten years ago is still what we need today.
A significant milestone for the project has been reached with Transport Minister Simeon Brown confirming in an announcement last week that the NZTA Board has approved funding for the design phase of the project. You can read the Minister’s press release here.
A Request for Tender has now gone to the market for design services, and we expect to award the tender in February 2025.
As we want to start construction as soon as possible, we’re splitting the project up and designing a less complicated portion of the project first. This means we can have this portion designed and consented in around 12 months with construction able to start shortly after.
Recognising the significant growth in the Pegasus, Ravenswood and Woodend communities since the original scheme design was developed, a motorway overpass with signalised on and off ramps will be included in the design where the Pegasus roundabout is now.
The signalised intersections provide safer crossing facilities for pedestrians and cyclists. There will also be a grade separated interchange (overpass) at the Williams Street intersection with SH1.
This is a significant milestone for the project and means the team can move forward with the design for the project.
As stated in the Government Policy Statement on land transport (GPS 2024), there is an expectation for us to consider tolling to support the construction and maintenance of all new roads, including this project.
We’ll share more details as we make progress.