ABVP September 2020 Newsletter President's MessageJon Townsend, DVM, PhD, DABVP (Dairy Practice), President As the calendar moves into September, those of us in slightly more northern climes will begin to experience the first chilled air in the mornings after a long summer and beautiful cooler, sun-filled afternoons. I find myself sometimes just sitting and daydreaming as I watch my Jersey heifers grazing their pasture. Fall also means football season to me, and although it is different this year, there’s still enough to distract me. All this leads to my current struggle – writer’s block!I was struggling with what to share with you from my monthly space – turning ideas over and over in my brain with nothing really emerging. Then it hit me – what I needed was inspiration! This has led me to discuss the power of inspiration. I, like many of you, have been experiencing some mild professional dissatisfaction and stress in the last several months. This has been heightened by issues created by our current pandemic on how I connect with my clients and students. My current struggles have reinforced several important concepts in my brain. First, many of us will experience professional dissatisfaction and even depression brought on by the profession we love. It is important to understand if you are experiencing such feelings that you are not alone, and many of us have or are experiencing similar issues. There is no weakness in admitting that you are struggling, and you should always feel free to reach out to colleagues for help and support. We are, and must be, here for each other. My struggles have led me to consider the importance of inspiration. To reduce the effect that outside forces have on my daily life I find great power in focusing on what I can control and what brings me joy. For me, I have the luck to not only work with some great clients and animals that make me smile, but also the great fortune of helping to train the next generation of our profession. When I am down, nothing helps bring me back up better than to see reminders that I have somehow been able to inspire my students to be better than me and make our profession as good as it can be. Focus on the thank you notes and texts from clients and young folks that you have helped inspire to become colleagues or positive contributing members of society. I also would be remiss to not mention that remembering those that have helped inspire me is also effective at improving my frame of mind. Remember those teachers, coaches, family members, friends, and positive people that have helped inspire you over the years. Take the time to reach out and thank them personally. It will do a wonder for you as you remember what they did for you and I can assure you that it will do wonders for them as well. There’s a lot going on right now in many facets of our lives, both professionally and personally; don’t get lost in the negative. Focus on being the spark that inspires and makes a difference. Stay well, my friends. When I was asked to run for Feline Regent earlier this year, I honestly thought that taking on this position would be the biggest event in my life for the year. Little did I know that 2020 had bigger things in store for us: a global pandemic, social unrest, and a contentious election year. Even in the best of times it can be challenging to take care of our loved ones, coworkers and colleagues, clients and patients. These days it is even more difficult because we have had to make great changes in how we do this. And it turns out that I, like the feline species that I so respect and have chosen to specialize in, do not handle change or unfamiliar situations very well. I have a suspicion that I’m not the only one feeling this way. For me, dealing with the turmoil and changes of the past six months consisted of just doing what needed to be done to get through the day but never really processing or dealing with the issues underlying the turmoil. By August, that strategy left me emotionally empty and physically unwell. I had become very proficient at social distancing, mask-wearing, and washing my hands but forgotten that there is so much more to taking care of myself. Again, I have a feeling that I’m not the only veterinarian out there that has fallen into this trap. Luckily, I was able to take some time off to enjoy my family, see my doctors, and put myself back on a healthier track. Just in case it’s necessary, I would like to remind my fellow Diplomates to take care of yourselves; it’s really true that you can’t take care of your loved ones and patients if you’re not taking care of yourself. Yes, practice social distancing, wash your hands, wear your masks – but do not forget to make time to do the things that make you happy or speak to a therapist if you need to. Eat well and try to get some outdoor time, even if it’s just a walk at lunch time. Follow up on any chronic medical conditions and make your regular doctor’s appointments. Until then, let’s hope that by the time the 2021 Symposium rolls around we can meet face to face in a healthier and happier time! We Moved!Be sure to update your contact information for ABVP to ensure we receive your message! Email: info@abvp.com Phone: +1-800-697-3583 Mailing Address: ABVP P.O. Box 1868 Mt. Juliet, TN 37121 USA MOC Update...Repeated...AgainRenee Rucinsky, DVM, DABVP (Feline Practice), Maintenance of Certification Chair There is great news on many fronts for your maintenance of certification process. The new platform is up and running. It’s very different from what you may have been used to before, but I promise you’ll get used to it. It’s super easy! Most importantly, though, you will need to keep track of what you upload (just make a list somewhere), because once you send it up through the system, it won’t be visible to you that you’ve uploaded. There is an option before you submit to receive an email confirming your submission. However, it will not keep a running total for you. Also, please be sure to use the prescribed file naming system as noted on the platform front page. If you upload files that are not named correctly, they may become lost and will not be used. The vice chairs of each RVS will be monitoring your progress over your 10-year maintenance of certification period. Although we are able to look at individual submissions in real-time, it is not reasonable for the MOC committee to check after each time something is submitted. As above, please keep track of what you’ve submitted. When requests to review your personal file are sent, please allow several weeks for a response. Your RVS MOC teams are working hard developing the journal club, and are excited to add that in January 2021. WE ARE STILL IN NEED OF HELP FOR ECM! If you are an ECM Diplomate looking for a way to help your organization, we need an ECM MOC vice chair. Please let me know if you are interested and want more information. AND AND AND --- this position will satisfy your service points requirement! As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send me an email (a polite one with a greeting, etc) and I’ll do my best to help you through things. Exam UpdateMike Dutton, DVM, MS, DABVP (Avian Practice), DABVP (Canine and Feline Practice), DABVP (Exotic Companion Mammal Practice), DABVP (Reptile and Amphibian Practice), CVPP, Exam Chair Due to COVID related uncertainties about remote test centers and travel to the 2020 Symposium, ABVP has decided to do remote, webcam-based proctoring for the 2020 exam. Exam takers will be using Examity, a webcam-based person/AI proctoring service. Test centers are no longer an option. We cannot guarantee that they will be open at the time of the exam. To allow for lavatory breaks the usual 2-part exam (of 4 hours each) will be further separated in a total of 4 exams (each 2 hours apart). Each exam is separate and you will not be able to enter a previously completed exam. Exam Day Schedule: 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. local time.=> Exam Part A-1 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.=> Exam Part A-2 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.=> Exam Part B-1 4:00-- 6:00 p.m.=> Exam Part B-2 This link https://www.prolydian.com/remote_proctoring will outline the procedure. The hardware requirements are: · Before your exam, please confirm you meet Examity’s technical requirements · Browser: Please disable your pop-up blocker · Equipment: -Desktop or laptop computer (tablets and Chromebooks are not supported) -Built-in or external webcam -Built-in or external microphone -Built-in or external speakers · Internet: An upload and download speed of 2Mbps Timeline for Examination 2020 for ALL newly credentialed veterinarians. 1. For first time exam candidates, learn that you passed ABVP credentials by May 31. a. You will receive an ABVP email shortly afterwards directing you to sign up for your RVS Specialty exam. You have this year and the following 2 years to successfully pass the exam. You must sign up by September 1. 2. For candidates in their second or third year of examination, sign up for this year’s exam by September 1. 3. When you sign up and pay the fee to take the 2020 exam, your information will be passed to Prolydian for inclusion in Examity. 4. The 2020 exam will be conducted on Wednesday, October 14th, 2020. 5. Exam fee is $688. Timeline for Examination 2020 for ALL MOC Diplomates 1. If you have not already done so, please review the new MOC requirements that started this year. Passing the exam counts as 250 points of your 500-points total needed to maintain your certification (MOC). The MOC handbook is located at http://abvpprod.blob.core.windows.net/sitedocs/Maintenance%20of%20Certification%20(MOC)/01%20ABVP%20MOC%20Handbook%20(April%202020).pdf in your ABVP.com portal. a. Up to 2026, the mandatory continuing education requirements are prorated. Details are on page 8 of the MOC handbook. 2. ABVP Main Office sends a courtesy reminder to Diplomates in their 8th, 9th, and 10th year of certification about the need to MOC. It is your responsibility to submit your MOC materials in a timely fashion. a. If you wish to take the exam for MOC points, you must sign up for the exam by September 1. 3. When you sign up and pay the fee to take the 2020 exam, your information will be passed to Prolydian for inclusion in Examity. 4. The 2020 exam will be conducted on Wednesday, October 14th, 2020. 5. Exam fee is $688. Residency and Job PostingsDon’t forget ABVP has classified listings for open positions all over the USA! Event Calendar 2020-2021October 14, 2020
January 15, 2021
July 1, 2021
July 15, 2021
July 31, 2021
September 1