Education and Employers
Research Digest - January 2025
Full summaries of all publications contained in the Digest are available by clicking the link embedded titles. We are always looking to promote the work of others in related fields. To share your publications, conferences, events, or blog posts with our network please email: In case you haven’t seen it, our free, searchable online library of research from around the world is available here: Research Library
Future of Jobs Report 2025 World Economic
Forum The fifth edition of the Future of Jobs Report offers a comprehensive analysis of the interconnected trends shaping the global labour market. It captures the perspectives of over 1,000 employers – representing more than 14 million workers across 22 industry clusters and 55 economies – providing unparalleled insights into the emerging jobs landscape for the 2025-2030 period.
Student Voices: what are students saying about their experiences of T Levels? Edge Foundation This report delves into the T Levels, a new technical qualification introduced in 2020 as a vocational alternative to A Levels. The program aims to equip students aged 16 and above with specific occupational skills and work-based learning through classroom study and industry placements. Through 30 focus groups with 210 T Level students and 12 interviews with 24 college staff across 11 Further Education colleges, the report highlights the critical perspectives of students. It uncovers both the potential and challenges of T Levels, providing insights into how well the program meets student expectations, aligns
with career aspirations, and prepares them for future employment or further education.
Good Career Guidance Gatsby Charitable
Foundation This report presents the updated benchmark framework. It outlines what is staying the same and what updates have been made, referencing the evidence we used for each update, alongside examples of impressive practice we have seen in action.
Trends Shaping Education 2025 OECD This report explores a rich array of topics related to the key themes of global conflict and cooperation, work and progress, voices and storytelling, and bodies and minds. It builds on foresight exercises from previous editions while introducing a range of new futures thinking tools to inspire reflection and action.
An Ed-Tech tragedy? Technology, crisis and future of education February 4, 2025. 1 - 2 PM GMT Register
We believe no child should be constrained by stereotypes or the expectations of others. We know that if young people hear firsthand about the world of work, they work harder, get better grades and are more likely to break down barriers. They should have the chance to start as early as possible, and that is why we launched the national I am #InspiringTheFuture campaign.
Any views expressed in the publications featured in this newsletter are those of the authors and do not reflect the views of Education and Employers.