No images? Click here ![]() eNews special editionWelcome to this special edition of Life in Mind eNews focused on First Nations suicide prevention ahead of National NAIDOC Week celebrations being held 7-14 July to recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This edition highlights a range of suicide prevention initiatives and research from around Australia that support cultural connection, healing and social and emotional wellbeing. If you would like to share suicide prevention-related news, current initiatives or published research for future editions of Life in Mind eNews, please email Sector news The CBPATSISP leading Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suicide preventionThe Centre of Best Practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention (CBPATSISP) is involved in a range of Aboriginal-led research and prevention projects which aim to prevent suicide and strengthen social and emotional wellbeing. Learn about some of the current projects the Centre is leading on.
Lived and living experience guides prevention and healingAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Lived Experience Centre (ILEC) supports a strong national network of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples with lived experience of suicide who provide input into mental health and suicide prevention projects across Australia. Translated research studies A translation of suicide prevention research on the Life in Mind portal Suicide in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young peopleAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are disproportionately impacted by suicide. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people have almost eight times higher suicide rate than non-Indigenous young people. Researchers examined factors that may increase suicide rates. Community, cultural connectedness and suicide rates in First Nations young peopleResearchers examined associations between community-level cultural connection and suicide rates among young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. |