No images? Click here Kia ora koutou! Welcome to this edition of He Pānui - Te Māngai Pāho, keeping you up to date with the latest news in te reo Māori content and funding across Aotearoa! Mai i te KaihautūTēnā o tātou tini mate e rūpeke atu nei ki te pō. Ko te tao roa o aitua e kore e taea te karo, kia ahatia, kotahi anō te kōrero mō rātou te hunga kua kapia nei o rātou kanohi, moe mai rā e ngā mate, e moe te moenga roa. Kāti rā e te motu, ko rātou te hunga mate ki a rātou, ka whakahokia mai ki a tātou te hunga ora otirā ngā waihotanga o rātou, kei konei e pūtohe tonu kia whakatīnana ai ngā moemoeā ā te hunga kua riro, te hunga i para te huarahi mō tātou e whai ake nei, tēnā koutou, tēnā rā tātou. Last pānui we invited you to feedback on impacts of COVID-19 on you and your work. We did not get a lot of feedback and all of it was reasonably positive. However, we appreciate that this is an ever changing and quickly evolving situation and so we will continue to provide the opportunity for feedback with each pānui. But please don’t feel you need to wait until the pānui to provide us with an update. The sooner we hear, the sooner we can respond. Tukuna wawe mai o koutou ake whakaaro, āwangawanga rānei e hoa mā. Today was a busy day, and it has a busy week for that matter. First, Whakaata Māori, Te Māngai Pāho and Te Taura Whiri i Te Reo all had our time before the Māori Affairs Select Committee on Wednesday. This morning our Board had their first meeting for 2022 and this afternoon we had two funding rounds closing. Te Ao Pāpāhō ki Tua – Māori Media Sector Shift, was launched in October 2018. Since that date we have all been, to some extent, marking time. Our understanding is that the government is close to making a decision as to the future settings for the sector. We are keen, I imagine like all of you, to get the decision and re-chart our collective future direction. To re-look at our values and key focus areas to ensure they are still fit for purpose. And to work with you to develop strategies that not only align with the government's wishes, but also supports the aspirations of our content creators, artists and platforms. Ākuanei, ka hikina te kohu, ā, ka mōhio ai tātou kei whea a pae tawhiti. Ka mutu, mā tātou te ara ki reira e waihanga. Mauriora! Larry Parr, Kaihautū o Te Māngai Pāho Māori radio across the motuEOI for Radio Network Technology Solution - open now Te Māngai Pāho is seeking Expressions of Interest from interested parties for the provision of an innovative software solution that can integrate with existing Punga Net network hardware (i.e., switches, audio routers) and provide a common studio operating platform that supports sharing, collaboration, communication, and distribution of multimedia content across the iwi radio network of 21 Māori (Iwi) Radio Stations. The deadline for Expressions of interest has extended to 28 February. Hari Huritau! Tahu FM celebrated 31 years on air on 6 Hui-tanguru 2022. Hari Huritau! Radio Waatea will be celebrating 22 years on air this Rātapu, 20 Hui-tanguru. Current Funding RoundsEOI for Radio Network Technology Solution - Read the RFP for
more info. EOI for Māori Wardens Documentary - We invite proposals from content creators for the productions of content including a documentary to highlight and record the rich history and contribution of the Māori Wardens in Aotearoa. Read the RFP for more info. Premium Productions for International Audiences Fund (Te Puna Kairangi Premium Fund) - In collaboration with the New Zealand Film Commission and NZ On Air. Updated Premium Production Fund Guidelines, Terms of Trade and Submission checklists are available here. Tips when applying for fundingAs there have been a lot of funding rounds open recently, we wanted to remind you to take extra care when submitting your application forms, that you are applying for the correct funding round. If you accidentally submit your application under the wrong funding round, we are unable to move your funding application once the round has closed. Therefore, please check that you are completing the funding application for the round you intend to apply for. Annual Report 2020/2021This week our Annual Report for 2020/2021 was tabled at Parliament. We wish to thank everyone who assisted us with collecting data, images and information to contribute to this report. We also wish to thank Huia Publishers who designed and published this report. Cancelled or postponed eventsWith the move to Red in the COVID-19 Traffic light framework, several events have been cancelled or postponed. We've put together a list of just some of the affected events. If there are some we have missed, please let us know and we'll include it in the next pānui. Cancelled events:
Postponed events
Whakanuia Te KarereTe Māngai Pāho would like to acknowledge Te Karere for achieving an impressive milestone this week, 40 years on air! Starting as a one-minute bulletin on 21 February 1982, Te Karere was New Zealand's first Māori language TV programme and has been a pivotal moment for broadcasting te reo Māori to Aotearoa. It has reached beyond Māori audiences to foster a national understanding of the mana and relevance of te reo Māori, and continues to provide a Māori perspective on issues of national and international importance. Te Māngai Pāho would like to congratulate Te Karere and all the kaimahi who have dedicated time and effort to pave the way for our language being heard, and our people to share their stories. We are proud to fund important news shows such as Te Karere and look forward to their success in the next 40 years. To celebrate the anniversary, Te Karere will look at some of the programme's biggest moments over the years and interview founder Derek Fox to learn more about his fight to get Te Karere to air forty years ago. Māori musicMusic Funding Opportunities in RedAt a critically important time in Aotearoa health, Te Māngai Pāho remains committed to providing as many music funding opportunities as possible and giving reo Māori music artists ‘paid creation’ options during this time. To accompany this approach, we are introducing a ‘timely completion’ payment to current contract holders who complete their active contract milestones by April 30, 2022. The $500* payment is available to those whose primary outcome is to produce and promote a track recording or video and is available in retrospect, to January 1, 2022. The pre-Christmas lockdown prevented many from completing production which has significantly impacted the level of fresh reo Māori music that is now available to radio and media. By completing your contract now, not only can you claim final payments, you will be helping to get Māori music back on the airwaves and out to an eager audience. Eligible contract holders will be contacted within the week. *Before taxes eg. WHT, GST pūtea asked how they could help during RED, and everyone said they needed work. So they've come up with a couple of initiatives for musicians and content creators. We Got You Covered invites musicians to send a cover of a New Zealand song, with five chosen to go to an audience vote - the winner receives $1000, plus the opportunity to record their cover at an RNZ studio to be played on TAHI. The other finalists will receive $300. Read more and enter here. TAHI Shorts invites creatives to pitch an idea for short video content under the theme Red, Orange, Green. Ten ideas will be commissioned to be made for TAHI, paying the content makers $1000. Read more and enter here. Swizl Jager - Isle of View (feat. Rani Blake) 'Isle of View' by Swizl Jager is his debut release with local urban label ‘Move The Crowd Records (MTC)’. This marks a special moment for MTC releasing its first song in 100% Te Reo Maori. Isle of View was also funded in collaboration with Te Māngai Pāho. Swizl Jager is joined on this release by Rani Blake (of Maimoa Music), and legendary NZ producer SmokeyGotBeatz (SWIDT) is the man behind the beat. Swizl Jager says “this song is about being there for your friend when they get their heart broken by an unfaithful partner”. Funding opportunities + Important datesRadio Network Technology Solution - Read the RFP Māori Wardens Documentary - Read the RFP Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori - Read the RFP Project Spotlight: |