No images? Click here ![]() He Pānui Kia ora koutou! Welcome to this edition of He Pānui - Te Māngai Pāho, keeping you up to date with the latest news in te reo Māori content and funding across Aotearoa! Waiata Reo Māori Closing: 23 February 2024 Special Projects Closing: 15 March 2024 The content we are looking to fund will focus on Matariki 2024 and Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2024.
Mai i te KaihautūTēnā rā tātou, tēnā rā tātou i roto i ngā tini āhuatanga o te wā. Ngarue ana te whenua, ngaoko ana te moana i te hinganga o ngā tōtara o te wao, ā, mō wai ana tērā i te maunga o ngā kākā haetara. Ko tō tātou matua, Te Aorere (Awi) Riddell tērā. Nō reira, e te rangatira, moe mai, moe mai e au i te moe. Waiho rātou kia tiraha mai, ko tātou ki konei takatū ai ki ngā mahi. Me pēnei noa ake te kōrero, ko rātou ki a rātou ko tātou ki a tātou. Kāti rā, e te hunga pāpāho Māori, tēnā anō rā tātou. I meet Awi Ridell in 1965, my first year at Tipene. He was my first te reo Māori teacher and started me on this journey. Moe mai rā e te pāpā. As you will all be aware, we are currently navigating the waters of change. The Government is asking all government departments and agencies to make savings. You will also appreciate that at this stage the ‘fiscal sustainability’ conversations being held are Budget sensitive. However, what we can say at this time, is that we will engage openly with the sector as soon as we are in a position to do so and before any final decisions are made. We also undertake that it is our plan to avoid any major disruption to the current funding priorities in the next two years. That is, from the perspective of our funded entities it will largely be business as usual. Having said that, there will be a need for us all to carefully consider every dollar of expenditure. Previously, we indicated that we would be engaging with the sector to discuss some proposed adjustments to our funding programmes and in particular an enhanced approach to both the assessment and monitoring of funding initiatives. While the current Budget conversations have delayed that intention a little, we hope to soon be engaging with the sector to discuss how we propose improving the scrutiny of costs and the measuring of outcomes. Please watch for opportunities to contribute to those conversations. Finally, in our pre-Xmas pānui we talked about the review of our internal operations and the fact that we will be looking to fill gaps in our ranks early in the new year. Work is progressing well and in the next two or thee weeks we expect to make public the results of our organisational refresh. Karekare kau ana ngā tai kei mua i a tātou, tēnā me whakakotahi ai te hoe o te waka eke noa. ![]() Larry Parr Funding Calendar 2024/25We have been working on a new funding calendar and are happy to finally be sharing this with you. Of course, everything is subject to Budget 2024 and funding dates may still change but we hope this provides a degree of certainty that enables you to plan ahead. Once the Budget 2024 has been announced in May, we will be able to confirm both the final funding calendar and the funding available in each round. Focussed funding streams One of the big changes we have made is slightly changing the way we refer to the content we fund. We have categorised this into three streams of funding: Content, Platform and Industry. CONTENT Content refers to all creative content that we fund. This includes our General Audiences funding rounds, our Co-fund with NZ On Air and our Waiata Reo Māori and Waiata Tuarea funding rounds. We will also run two funding rounds for our targeted audiences. Targeted audiences refer to an audience that either the Crown has specified funding for, or Te Māngai Pāho has identified as a strategic priority in the revitalisation and normalisation of te reo Māori. This year we will run targeted audience rounds for Tamariki Rangatahi and News & Current Affairs. PLATFORM Platform refers to the 21 Iwi Radio stations which receive Te Māngai Pāho funding. This is a closed round and we will be in touch with each station directly regarding funding dates for 2024/25. INDUSTRY This is split into direct funding and contestable funding. Direct funding includes the archiving by Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision and other industry activities which are supported by direct Te Māngai Pāho funding. Two contestable funding rounds will be held to allow the industry to apply for industry-related awards, talent development and partnership programmes. Priorities will be notified by RFP which will be published on 1 July 2024. Ruamata It’s More Than Hockey is a remarkable story of pride, passion and determination. This feature-length documentary captures the journey of Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ruamata’s rise to the upper echelons of hockey in Aotearoa as they become the first Māori immersion school in a century to compete in the prestigious Rankin Cup. Watch now on RNZ ![]() SXSW Sydney - Session select & Festival submissions now open SXSW brings together creators from across the Pacific and celebrates what's next in Tech & Innovation, Gaming, Screen & Music, providing opportunities for creators to have a physical touchpoint for collaboration and creativity. This year, SXSW is hosting its second annual event in Sydney and session select and festival submissions are now open.Save the dates below and check out the website for more info and submission forms.