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9:30am Worship Service: December 31st

In lieu of traditional worship on this 5th Sunday, join us for "Cocoa, Cookies, and Coats" at DuPagePads Interim Housing Center at 9:30am on Sunday, December 31st. Meet at Pads.

1113 Butterfield Frontage Road, Downers Grove

More information below. 

Regular worship service will resume on Janaury 7th.

Rev. Erin Wyma

Click here to sign up for Sunday service volunteer opportunities (reader, greeter, acolyte, or usher)

5th Sunday - December 31st - Cookies and Coats

Jesus has left the building! December 31st is a 5th Sunday, and St. Matthew is celebrating the new year by reaching out to help those in need. A service of mission will replace our traditional worship service on the 31st. 

We will be hosting "Cocoa, Cookies, and Coats" to warm and brighten the holidays for our housing insecure community at DuPagePads Interim Housing Center at 9:30am. They are located at 1113 Butterfield Frontage Road, Downers Grove. We will meet at Pads, not the church. 

Upon arrival at DuPagePads, please go to Room 106.

Kids are welcome. Dress for the weather. There may be some aspects of the morning that are both inside and outside. No need to bring anything but yourselves. Feel free to dress festively, as some of what we will do including inviting residents to participate in the morning activities.

Regular worship service will resume on January 7th.

Office Closed December 26-January 1st

The office will be closed the week between Christmas and New Year's Day. It will reopen on January 2nd. Emails will be monitored. 

Upcoming Travel?

Our confirmands will be doing a service project for the PRC in the new year. We need to collect travel/mini-sized toiletries to put in care bags. If you are traveling (or have an excess supply at home already!) and have extra unused toiletries, pack them up and bring them to church this January! 

Women's Fellowship White Elephant Bingo

On Tuesday, January 9th, Women’s Fellowship is hosting a white elephant Bingo night in Dobstaff at 6:30pm. Ladies, please bring a white elephant gift (wrapped in a plain brown paper bag) for Bingo prizes and bring “white elephant” snacks (think leftover sweets or snacks from the Christmas season). For planning purposes, please sign up in the narthex. Contact Tracey Blake or Wendy Fanning with any questions.

Feed My Starving Children Trip

St. Matthew will once again be packing meals with Feed My Starving Children on Monday, January 15th, Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We will meet at FMSC Aurora (555 Exchange Ct.) at 4:15pm to pack food for starving children in countries all over the world. We will pack from 4:30pm to 6:15pm and then leave from there, after taking a brief group photo. (PLEASE NOTE THE TIME CHANGE! This is different from the times we have packed before!)

If you haven't packed before, it is a great experience and we always love to have new people join us. There are only 30 spots reserved. You can reserve a spot by emailing Alex Johnson. You can also sign up on the FMSC sign-up board which in the narthex. If you email or message Alex to reserve spots, please let him know the amount of people that are coming, and the first/last names of all volunteers. A general reminder that anyone going will need to wear closed-toe shoes. We hope to see you there!

Pickleball Outing - January 27th

Saturday, January 27th, 3:15-5:15pm

Adults are invited to come play pickleball at the Warrenville Park District. The cost for participants will be approximately $10/person. This event is limited to 30 participants and sign-up is required. Sign up in the narthex. Contact Linda Raymond with any questions or to reserve a spot.

Help Needed!

We need some additional help in the Control Booth for Sunday services. In particular, we need someone to manage the slide presentations. It would involve advancing the slides during the service. No prior experience is necessary. If you are interested in helping please contact Rick Jungk or stop by the Control Booth after service on Sunday.

If we can get a couple of volunteers, we can make a rotating schedule. Thank you.

Nursery Helpers Needed

We need an adult volunteer in the nursery every week. Dates are available through March. 


Click here to volunteer!

St. Matthew History Project

We are working on a written and visual history of the church up until our 65th anniversary, which will be in November of 2024.

If you are a longtime member and want to submit stories, documents, or pictures, please email them to the office or drop them by the office or send them via email to Pastor Erin at

If you are a newer member, what would interest you to know about the history of St. Matthew? Send any thoughts or questions directly to Pastor Erin at

St. Matthew T-shirts

We have a few extra St. Matthew t-shirts available for purchase, sizes M, L, and XL. They are $20 each. Contact the office if you would like one!

Our Church Directory is Online!

Download the Instant Church Directory app from the Apple® App store in iTunes®, Google Play™ store and the Amazon Fire App Store. Simply search for “Instant Church Directory” to get the download. 

You will need to use your email address as listed in our directory to create a log-in the first time you use the directory online and via the mobile app.

To view the directory online, go to and follow the prompts under “Sign In” to “Create a login now.” Please remember, you must confirm your email address before you can sign in.

Contact the office with questions.

Interested in Becoming a Member of St. Matthew?

Pastor Erin would like to engage with you in person about involvement in this beloved community. Reach out to Pastor Erin via email to setup a time to chat or contact the office. 

Sunday Coffee Hour

For coffee after church, please consider bringing a treat on the following weeks:

Last names A-C, 1st Sunday

Last names D-H, 2nd Sunday

Last names I-O, 3rd Sunday

Last names P-Z, 4th Sunday

Anyone, 5th Sunday

Please contact Wendy Fanning if you are able to set up or clean up coffee hour. Thanks for your help.

Online Sunday Worship

The St. Matthew worship service will be streamed every Sunday at 9:30am. The service will be available on our website after the service.


Access the service through the St. Matthew YouTube page:

**Once you are on YouTube, you have the option to turn on closed captioning and resize the font. Once the video is playing, click on the setting wheel in lower-right of your screen, choose Subtitles/CC, then choose English.**

You can also go to the St. Matthew homepage ( to access the online service. 

Online Giving

Go to our website for instructions on how to donate to St. Matthew. Thank you!