As I write this, I am reflecting on all of the countless hours our crew has put into the Symposium in Chicago and my amazement of what it takes to bring something like this to the finish line. Dr. Nollner, Marisa and her team, the Regents and everyone else who was involved deserve a huge round of applause and a hearty thank you. We are a volunteer organization and the dedication of these people to our great specialty is truly remarkable. However, this is not limited to Symposium. MOC, Credentials and all of the other committees who do the heavy lifting of certifying new Diplomates, re-certifying old ones and keeping our organization moving forward make me proud to be part of such a group. I am reminded of the fact these people all have careers, families, lives away from ABVP and are subject to the same processes we work through to maintain our credentials, in addition to the extra work of making ABVP tick. Marisa and her crew go above and beyond for ABVP, all while providing similar support to other associations. ABVP’s size does not justify a full-time management staff, but it sure seems like we have it in Marisa and MJB Management. Do things always go perfectly? No. Is everyone working towards making ABVP better? Emphatically yes and there may be some bumps in the road as we are implementing new technology, MOC programs and Diplomate communication. So I have a small favor to ask of all you if you experience a hurdle, glitch, or problem. Please remember the person tasked with solving your problem often has all of the burdens of life that you have and is additionally volunteering their time to help you and ABVP. A little understanding and grace go a long way in making the process better for everyone involved. Be patient and eventually everyone will get where we need to be. Furthermore, if you think you have what it takes to be one of the superheroes behind the scenes-volunteer! Thank you to all of the people who make ABVP great and for striving to make us even better. Getting Started:
Does your certification expire in December 2022?
The Glue that Holds ABVP TogetherLast week in Chicago, the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 board members met in-person to pave ABVP's path forward. This was the first time the board had been together in-person since 2019 in Denver! It was a great opportunity to meet new faces, catch up with old ones, and come together for the betterment of ABVP. Invest in YOUR FoundationInvest in the growth of your specialty. Help the ABVP Foundation reach out to students and clinicians. We need your support. Residency and Job PostingsDon’t forget ABVP has classified listings for open positions all over the USA! Event Calendar 2022July 1, 2022
July 15, 2022
September 1, 2022
November 5, 2022
January 15, 2023