News on the King's coronation, our Whitby governor, upcoming awareness dates and more! No images? Click here Humber HappeningsHealth & wellbeing news from across Hull, East Yorkshire, & North YorkshireWednesday 10 May 2023Would you like to keep receiving these updates?We would love to keep sharing our updates with you by sending our bulletins via email. We promise you will only receive one email per month. If you would like to keep receiving this newsletter please subscribe here. WelcomeWelcome to our monthly Humber Happenings Newsletter! We enjoy letting you know about the latest news from our teams, as well as making you aware of some of the more important information and our upcoming campaigns and awareness dates. This month, we're celebrating excellence within the Trust as five of our Trust staff take part in the King's Coronation as part of the Hull NHS choir. We would like to congratulate all involved in the NHS Choir on this amazing achievement of being involved in King Charles III's coronation. The Coronation Choir shared the billing with British pop group Take That, international superstar Lionel Richie, global pop icon Katy Perry, and international opera star Andrea Bocelli, among others. You'll read about the opportunity to become a Patient Safety Partner. You can use your voice to constructively influence decisions that will drive the Trust’s ambition forward and be central to shaping our safety agenda. We hope you to enjoy our newsletter. If you have any comments, ideas for articles, or if you'd like to contribute to future editions, please email Thank you, The final 300-strong choir included members of Hull NHS Choir plus many others, such as London Cabbies, an all-deaf sign performance group and an LGBTQ+ choir. If you have personal experience of our services, or lived experience through a friend or relative, help us deliver excellent services across the region by becoming a Patient Safety Partner. Governor ProfileDoff Pollard: Public Constituency - Whitby Each month we will be sharing a profile of our one of our Governors. This month Public Governor, Doff Pollard details her wealth of experience and tells us why she wanted to volunteer to help service users. If you want to learn more about the Governors or are interested in applying for a vacancy if there are any available, please contact the Membership Office on 01482 389132. The NHS Rainbow Badge had its official launch in 2018 and since then over 150 Trusts across England have launched NHS Rainbow Badges. We want to find out what patients’ experiences with trust staff has been like in terms of LGBT+ inclusivity (e.g. has staff introduced their pronouns, has a patient’s gender/sexual orientation been asked for or assumed etc) The survey will help us determine if patients have encountered or witnessed any transphobic/homophobic/biphobic behaviour or language within the trust and what the reporting process has been like. We were delighted to welcome NHS Providers' Julian Hartley to Trust HQ April 21st to find out more about our services. The Intensive Support Pathway (ISP) is intended to provide high intensity and targeted support to young and vulnerable new mothers who require a higher level of intervention than the Healthy Child Programme Specialist level. Upcoming Awareness DatesInternational Nurses Day: 12 May 2023 Dementia Action Week: 15-21 May 2023 Mental Health Awareness Week: 15-21 May 2023 International Clinical Trials Day: 20 May 2023 Preceptorship Week: 20-26 May 2023 If you are interested in getting more involved in these awareness dates, please contact the communications team at You can also keep up to date with the latest Trust news on our website and our social media channels which can all be accessed here and below. |