No images? Click here Hello again, friends 👋It's February and we've stopped saying Happy New Year, but as this is our first newsletter for 2023 I will say welcome back. There's a cautious vibe out there in the market, and for good reason. To see a silver lining, in many ways nature is healing and it's not as bad for engineers as you think. has a good write up about the recent layoffs and how they've impacted engineers. The data is US centric and in our view, Australia is a little sheltered in comparison. To brighter news - we're excited about many of our favourite in-person events coming up, like RubyConf next week. Will we see you there? Finally, we sent out invitations to our 11th birthday party! It's happening Thursday 9th March. If you didn't receive an invite, reply and we'll fix that up. ✌️ Coming upROROSyd: Tuesday Feb 14 (Hybrid) SydJS: Wednesday Feb 15(?) Sydney CocoaHeads: Thursday Feb 16 AWS Summit Sydney: Tuesday Apr 04 FriendsLet us introduce you to Jo Montanari: ![]() Introduce yourself What do you do for work? Any podcast you are currently listening to, or a book you are reading? What do you do outside work? What is your favourite tool or resource, and why? Toughest work moment? Most rewarding work moment? Your one sentence work-related advice Your one-sentence hiring-related advice Feature JobFull-stack Ruby on Rails Developer For more opportunities head to our website or sign up for our job alerts. Reads & listensDebbie spent some time during the holiday break reading Barbara Kingsolver Demon Copperhead. Fiona was busy reading up on Viola Davis's memoir. JP recommends A Slight Change of Plans podcast. Steve's partner Jess subtly recommended Darria Long's TED talk about how to triage your busy life. Before we goWe've gone and done it. Actual ducks in a row. ![]() |