Eva Lawler Mark Monaghan ![]() Media Release Doing Right by the Economy, Environment and Future Generations24 February 2024 The Territory’s mining and resource industry is worth $6.2 billion, and is key to reaching the Territory Labor Government’s $40 billion economic target. Mineral exploration for the September quarter of 2023 resulted in a record expenditure of $74.4 million. To attract further investment in the sector, the Territory Labor Government is today releasing a fully updated guide to Critical Minerals in the Northern Territory, which outlines the Territory’s critical minerals that the world needs. As part of this update, the Territory’s critical minerals list has increased from 15 to 17, with gallium and graphite added to the list following recent discoveries of these minerals in the Territory. The mining and resources industry creates more direct and indirect jobs for Territorians than any other, currently directly employing over 5300 people and contributing close to a quarter of the Territory’s gross state product. To ensure the success of the Territory’s resources sector, both now and in the future, the Territory Labor Government is focused on building community trust through regulation, and providing information on the value of resources. A Territory-wide Social Licence campaign will now be implemented to reinforce the rigour of the Territory’s regulatory environment, as well as collaborating with Industry to promote efforts to achieve a sustainable future. The Mineral Development Taskforce reinforced the importance of Government working with Industry to build credibility, legitimacy and a level of acceptance in the Territory, as well as informing public commentary with correct facts. Starting this month, the Territory Government will roll out informative and factual content about industry regulation and the importance of the sector for Territorians. Led by the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade, it will be underpinned by a new website that provides additional information about the sector. https://northernterritoryresources.com.au/ To view the updated critical mineral document and the new informative content visit https://geoscience.nt.gov.au/gemis/ntgsjspui/bitstream/1/92851/2/Critical-Minerals-in-the-Northern-Territory-2024.pdf Quotes attributable Chief Minister Eva Lawler: “The resources sector is key to achieving our goal of a $40 billion economy by 2030. “Having a strong and diversified economy means that we will have the revenue to enable investment back into Territory priorities and essential services such as secure energy supply, health, education, housing, and infrastructure. “The Territory Government is sending a loud and clear message to investors that we are a world class destination for mining and we have the resources needed for low emission technologies. The new 2024 Critical minerals guide lists 17 critical minerals, with the addition of graphite and gallium, thanks in part to an investment by Transition Minerals down in the Barkly. This is Australia’s first gallium resource development.” Quotes attributable to Minister for Mining, Mark Monaghan: “The Territory’s mining and resources industry is the backbone of our economy, and creates more direct and indirect jobs than any other. “The NT Government has an important role to build trust in the regulator to meet our responsibilities to do right by Territorians. We must also continue to work with Industry to keep Territorians informed about the role mining and resources has in the Territory and in their lives. “The Territory Labor Government’s steadfast focus remains on building a $40 billion, and this newly implemented Social Licence will ensure Territorians are informed and involved throughout the entire journey.” Northern Territory Government |