Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

Ōtaki to north of Levin update

16 August 2024


NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi, Muaūpoko Tribal Authority, local hapū of Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga and council partner Horowhenua District Council are working together to create a positive legacy for the region while we build a new, safer, efficient, and more reliable State Highway 1 (SH1) from Ōtaki to north of Levin.

In this newsletter, we’ll provide updates on the safety improvement projects in the area, and invite you to the next project office open day.



Side barrier installed south of Ohau as part of the Ōtaki to Ohau safety improvement project.

SH1 Ōtaki to Ohau safety improvement project now complete

Work on the SH1 Ōtaki to Ohau safety improvement project is now complete. The safety improvement project, which started earlier last year, has seen more than 8km of road safety barriers installed. This includes stretches of nearly 4.5km of median barrier, and 3.9km of side barrier along the corridor.

The project also includes 3 turnaround facilities, painted wide centrelines, and improvements have been made to the SH1/ Waikawa Beach Road and Atkins Road intersections.

Ōtaki to Ohau safety improvement Project Manager Wayne Holcroft says that while work continues on the new highway, the safety improvements that have been implemented, make the existing highway safer now, for everyone who uses it.

“This is one of the most dangerous sections of highway in New Zealand. We have seen multiple hits to the new median barrier since it has been installed. Every time you see a barrier that’s been hit, it’s a reminder the barrier has done its job and potentially stopped a head on collision.”

Mr Holcroft acknowledges the community support during the design and construction of the project.

“Many of the residents and community have been involved in the project since the early design phase, I’d like to thank them for their support and patience while we have been working to make this section of State Highway 1 safer.”



Median barriers installed south of Foxton

SH1 Levin to Foxton safety improvements

SH1 between Foxton and Levin is on the way to becoming safer following the installation of the first stretches of flexible median barrier and the completion of two new turnaround facilities.

The first stretch of barrier runs from the southern entrance to Foxton to the existing barrier on the Manawatū River Bridge, with the second stretch running from the southern end of the bridge to the intersection of SH1 with Oturoa Road.

The median barriers, alongside the other planned improvements between Levin and Foxton, including a roundabout at the intersection of SH1 and Waitārere Beach Road, are needed to improve safety now and once the Ōtaki to north of Levin highway is complete.

The improvements will keep people safe when they transition between the new four-lane and the existing two-lane highway.

The two new turnaround facilities, one at the southern entrance to Foxton and the other at the intersection of SH1 and Oturoa Road, provide safe places for motorists to turnaround.

With this initial work complete, workers will soon start construction on the next stage of works. We will provide more information on this, including what traffic management will be in place, once details are confirmed.



Come along to out next Ō2NL project office open day to speak with the team about the projects happening in your area.

Project office open day- Thursday 22 August

Our next Ōtaki to north of Levin project office open day is next week, Thursday 22 August from 1pm – 5pm.

Please join us at 171 Oxford Street, Levin to speak with the team about the new highway and other projects happening in your area.  

If you’d like to talk with the team between events, you can email us at O2NL@nzta.govt.nz or phone 0508 625 4636.



More information


Visit our website www.nzta.govt.nz/o2nl to find out about the new highway and other projects happening in this corridor.

Our email newsletters will let you know when there is new information on our website.

Do you know people who want to know more? They can subscribe here.

For more information on the Ōtaki to north of Levin programme, contact us at O2NL@nzta.govt.nz or call 0508 625 4636.