Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

SH10 Kāeo Bridge upgrade

29 May 2023


Kia ora koutou,

It's beam a big week for the Kāeo Bridge with beams arriving and being placed.

The project is progressing well. We’re expecting to have the structure of the bridge finished by the end of the year while also getting the road and roundabout ready for opening in early 2024.



One of the Super Tee beams arriving on site

Tonnes of beams

The beams for the new bridge deck have started arriving on site and are being lifted onto the piers. The first five beams are now in place on the middle span and things are looking a little more ‘bridge like’.

Watch a video of one of the beams being delivered and then this video of the beams being lifted into place.

We’ve got more beams being delivered to the northern side of the bridge in June so there will continue to be some delays over the next couple of weeks as they cross the bridge.

The last nine beams for the Kāeo side will be delivered later in June. These won’t need to cross the bridge so there will be less wait time for motorists.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we carry out this work.




Tamariki from Kāeo School testing out their knowledge

Road Safety Awareness Week

During May, we took part in Road Safety Awareness activities at Kāeo School, talking to tamariki about what makes a road safety hero, what keeps us safe on the road and how to move safely through roadworks.

Everyone had such great ideas to contribute! The tamariki had lots of fun learning how to be a traffic controller and how to let their co-workers know when it was safe to let their line of “cars” go.



Beams being lifted into place

What's coming up May - July

As well as all the beam action, there is a bit of other stuff going on over the next couple of months.

The remaining preload material (the raised area) will be removed from the north side of the bridge, some of which will be used to build up the work area on the Kāeo side of the bridge. The fill will bring this area up to the height of the new road to meet the bridge.

The crane pad that surrounds the two piers on the north side of the bridge will be removed. This pad was constructed specifically to hold the cranes while they placed the beams on the piers and will be removed piece by piece as each beam is installed.



A render of the finished Kāeo bridge



More information


If you have any concerns or queries about construction works, please call Mel Norris from Fulton Hogan on 0800 577 623.

Road users can also contact Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency at any time on 0800 44 44 49.

For more information on the SH10 Kaeo Bridge upgrade project, contact us at northlandproject@nzta.govt.nz

Visit our website www.nzta.govt.nz/kaeo-bridge